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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Well, unless I'm missing something in my 30 second google search, it looks like the "sedition" part of the 1918 Sedition Act was repealed. I can't find any other current statute that defines Sedition. That old definition certainly didn't have an element of force to it. Maybe (partly for the reason I lay out below) that's why it was repealed. And I lean the other way in my reading of the Seditious Conspiracy section. You're right that a conspiracy can exist without force, but it reads as though the plot that the co-conspirators are hatching is to overthrow by force. We can't just agree that the President has to go, and then come up with a benign plan. A vast portion of the country would literally be guilty of Sedition today. Again, I think that force needs to be an element because without it, the administration can move right on to a civil conflict predicated on people talking about how bad they want the President to go, and even #resisting. You can make a case for Antifa, perhaps, but I don't think you can for the likes of Page and Strzok.
  2. Sort of. It seems as though "force" is an element. I looked at that yesterday when this conversation got started. Strictly speaking, not really: US Code Section 2384 is Seditious Conspiracy If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. I think you're thinking of Kukla Franz and Ollie.
  3. Meh, it was a procedure vote. These guys should shut it at this time. This wasn't a vote to open an inquiry, that option doesn't exist. The inquiry is happening. This wasn't a vote to issue articles of impeachment. They should save these statement for later. It also doesn't look so great that Congress, the two major political parties, and the country are so divided down strict party lines and today's proceedings just highlighted that. And calling it "bipartisan" when TWO Democrats opposed is nonsense.
  4. Typical Congressional *****-show. --The Majority drafts the rules and doesn't permit any amendment or change to their draft which has been proposed by the Minority. --Deliberations begin and the Majority speaks almost exclusively in conclusory terms about anything but procedure, but rather the guilt of the subject of the impeachment. --The Minority gets up and complains about the proposed rules in almost every instance. The Majority says "why are you complaining about procedure"? Huh, WTF? Nobody in the Minority said (that I heard) that since impeachment is so important party divisions should go out the window when setting the rules. Every Congressmember is equal in this proceeding and each should have the right to all the evidence and should be able to make whatever inquiries they need to make an informed decision. This is true at the Committee Stage and later, I would suppose, when the entire body deliberates later on. The rules don't seem to favor a level field for all investigators in the process. Nobody in the Minority (that I heard) asked why -- after a month of hearings -- is the Majority now setting rules for the inquiry? Nobody asked whether the prior activities of the Intelligence Committee are invalidated, or argued that they should be invalidated. Essentially, the inquiry should start now, since it is only now that rules have been put into place, no matter how objectionable these rules might be to the Minority. On with the show, I suppose.
  5. So you only drink on days that end in "ee"?
  6. You shop around for the cheapest nuts you can find, huh?
  7. For this reason I’d go with every day that starts with a “T”: Tuesday, Thursday, Today, Tomorrow.
  8. Have a great birthday, and many more! ????????
  9. GoT is dead to me until and unless the next book comes out. That last season was so *****, HBO can't redeem themselves.
  10. Two tough games coming up after a few days off. I've got nothing to base this on but I don't have a good feeling about Friday in Washington (like the flat feeling an NFL team has coming off their bye). I bet they're better on Saturday. I can't really complain about the season to date. Points in 11 of 13 games in a compressed October is fantastic.
  11. EU extends deadline for three months, Brits will have general election on December 12 Wait...what day is that election being held? 12/12
  12. The Resolution was always to set out the procedure. It was made to respond to Republicans' objections to the way Schiff is handling the matter. But this part is interesting. I wonder if Collins Nunes will ask Schiff and his staff members to be witnesses to their own investigation: "(3) To allow for full evaluation of minority witness requests, the ranking minority member may submit to the chair, in writing, any requests for witness testimony relevant to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution within 72 hours after notice is given for the first hearing designated pursuant to paragraph (1). Any such request shall be accompanied by a detailed written justification of the relevance of the testimony of each requested witness to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution."
  13. Olofsson's got a good, hard shot, but he keeps missing the net badly, so the puck ends up winding down the boards and out of the offensive zone. His shot is useless if it isn't on net. And I agree that he should be kept up on that first line (or another replacement besides Skinner made) because the second line is doing pretty well.
  14. Both goals against were flukey. Hutton made a number of big stops that kept it tied. Arizona played a tight style last night and the Sabres couldn't sustain much pressure for long stretches -- except that second period stretch when it seemed like the puck was in Arizona's end for 5 minutes (and they didn't capitalize). Sabres give good effort, AND at times it is as though they're playing faster than their talent allows. So there's a lot of times when passes bounce off sticks or pucks aren't kept in at the blueline, etc. The good news is that the talent is close to catching up to the speed that they're playing at, and the pace isn't so fast that they're taking bad penalties.
  15. That’s not a great location if you’re driving or taking a bus or the subway.
  16. Haha, if his shirt were orange, that would be perfect.
  17. OMG Chubb got the ball hacked out on his second fumble.
  18. Oh definitely, thanks. I was reading it as “low moron” but it didn’t flow. Game’s about to start. Enjoy!
  19. Has anyone invented the universal robot kill switch yet? Soon enough the robots are going to be universal human kill switches. I gotta get my kid and her nerd engineer friends on this.
  20. I drove up from Long Island over Columbus Day weekend to see my mom and family. On my way out I hit up Charlie’s for a beef on weck and picked up 30 wings from duffs and ate them with my kids when I got back downstate. That was a long, good smelling drive. I put the wings all the way back in the car where I couldn’t get to them. Was battling nyc traffic a couple days ago and was in the phone with my wife, telling her that I can’t take living on the island and working in the city anymore after 26 years. I’d move back up to WNY in a heartbeat.
  21. What the Dems in the House are doing has nothing to do with checks and balances. It might if they made their inquiry an “open” event. They’re not open. The Legislature checking the Executive branch means not rubber stamping his legislative proposals, but modifying them after deliberation and proposing legislation which is a compromise. That’s the check that should have taken place. Congress complains that their power has waned, but they’ve abdicated a lot of it. They have an impeachment right, but that’s not really what is going on here. Schiff wants his inquiry to be to be like a grand jury proceeding. Who are the impartial jurors? They should be ALL of the representatives. Right now he’s acting more like a detective. Maybe that’s what he and Pelosi have in mind at this stage, but they’re too slick to communicate that properly. It leaves the rest of the country speculating about what’s going on and their motives. It leaves the media free to report selective leaks. It doesn’t allow anyone to come in and say “yeah, but here’s the reason why this is not an impeachable offense”. They’re doing it on purpose. I asked you yesterday: why the secrecy? Who are they trying to convince with these hearings? If Trump is so guilty then why not just vote now and impeach him — they have a majority. It is manipulation dressed up as checks and balances. This is a bizarro world civics lesson.
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