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Everything posted by snafu

  1. If she’s anything like my wife, she’s gonna buy you a flashlight, claim she mis-read the text, and when you explain it to her, she will suggest that you stick her gift up your ass if you want to get your jollies with it.
  2. I heard a commentator on NPR yesterday try to rebrand it the “steady state”.
  3. Sheldon Silver is still not incarcerated. He hasn’t spent any time in jail. How screwed up is that. And you you forgot Dean Skelos who IS in jail (for getting his son a no-show job).
  4. Maybe Boomberg can get his jet to fly him out to Morehouse College. There's a room primed and ready for his official announcement.
  5. You want MORE Congressional involvement? Maybe there's noting new to uncover with her testimony. Why press on. She's not doing much of anything other than testifying to policy matters.
  6. (1) I disagree. (2) Can you legitimately point me to a fair and open minded political discussion forum where people are polite to opposing points of view? I'd check it out.
  7. You two are brain damaged by Trump. Take a break, holy crap.
  8. I like Key-evv much better than Keeev. When did that change? It has been bothering me since this ***** started.
  9. No. You don’t get it. It is okay to find out who pushed the false narrative, how did they push it, and why. So it never happens again. That’s not a conspiracy or a false narrative, that’s an investigation.
  10. Every one of them also said that the current administration’s aid is more robust than the prior administration. You know, the prior President who said to the President of Russia that he would have much more leeway with Russian objections to US missile defense after Obama’s re-election. Big difference, yeah? I think the only difference was Obama’s “the 80s called” quip in his debate with Romney. Boy it was a funny line at the time!
  11. Rhino, duh !! Who cares who gave him that idea? If the server isn’t there then it is a very short investigation, right?
  12. Didn't Trump ask to get the DNC server (Crowdstrike) that he believes is in Ukraine? I don’t think he was looking for evidence of Ukrainian interference. Just where the server is and how it might have gotten there. How is that morphing into Ukraine election meddling?
  13. Agreed. I’m focusing on food and Buffalo Bills football this Thanksgiving. GO BILLS!!!
  14. The only things you’re right about are that this is a completely partisan show and the facts don’t change. The partisan nature of the show is important in the interpretation of how important the facts are. The alleged “crime” of a campaign finance law violation was committed by the Obama campaign as well as the Clinton campaign. Nobody sniffed too hard at those. Only partisans care when it is convenient or expedient for them to care. No other crimes are alleged. Your mention of Cohen and Manafort is odd. THIS impeachment inquiry is about Ukraine.
  15. This may be true, and even if it is (if I remember right) the whistleblower complaint had to do with withholding $$ from Ukraine. Isn’t that the abuse of power that was alleged? Sondland was pretty clear that any alleged agreement was not connected to the aid, unless I missed something yesterday — which I may have sine I was working and only heard his opening statement. Other than “do me a favor”, has as anyone connected the flow of money to the investigations? Because “do me a favor” isn’t really cutting it for me.
  16. Gabbard and Buttigieg in a slap fight.
  17. Maybe I’m getting this wrong. Are you saying that (1) nobody heard Trump directly say that there was no quid pro quo, AND (2) nobody heard Trump say there wasn’t a quid pro quo? And “(2)” is more relevant than “(1)”? Also, you say Sondland testifies that the quo was a BIDEN investigation, but didn’t Sondland say a BURISMA investigation? And finally, you’ve said a couple times that what happened amounted to extortion, but you’re talking about a meeting in the White House. Serious question: Am I getting these things right?
  18. This album is a good example of the fact that what was overplayed on the radio in the mid-80's was the least offensive option. There had to be some coordination regarding what songs were released and pushed out for air time. The question is WHY people ate up the crap. Look at the top 100 songs from 1984.
  19. Reminder: One does not need to be a Member of Congress to be Speaker of the House.
  20. Actually, as I was following through the thread, you called out for anyone to answer your question. But, really it wasn't a question. You stated a conclusion of what you believe with hypothetical facts supporting your conclusion, and then you asked for anyone to agree with your conclusion.
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