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Everything posted by snafu

  1. For some time now, the whole process needs to be played out. What I find interesting is whether the House will limit Articles to just what the hearings have been about (Ukraine). Pelosi started her announcement today by quoting the Declaration of Independence from a Tyrant/King/Despot. I find this comparison extremely hard to agree with. If you consider it, Trump didn't withhold funding. If you think about it, Ukraine didn't make its "public announcement". If you think about it, the Whistleblower's complaint accomplished its intended purpose -- to alert the government and the public about allegedly objectionable conduct by the President. How does any of that make Trump a despot who refuses to conform to laws? What Article of Impeachment can the House pass that doesn't sound like "we wish he acted like us"? And to answer your question -- I think those Professors are partisans. They came in with an agenda. Being politically motivated doesn't make one insane, just biased.
  2. I feel the same way. Just keeping my head down.
  3. They must have stopped caring (and got a bad goalie performance in the first period -- that didn't help). I think NJ has pretty good talent on their forward lines. They shouldn't lose so bad if they cared and put effort forth.
  4. Probably the wrong night to bring this up but this is the first game that I’ve seen Bogosian play. He can’t move! I feel awful for him, but he shouldn’t be on the ice.
  5. Actually, about 60% of men in the U.S. are fathers. Just about in line with your disingenuous poll and your B.S. reading of the results. You obviously don't care about the results or how the demographics of this Board relate to the general populace. https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2019/demo/P70-162.pdf You can say whatever you want while backpedaling, but I stand by my assertion that you're being perfidious. You're not my white whale. Don't flatter yourself into thinking you're important.
  6. This is disingenuous B.S. See -- I'm right. This entire thread is just a vehicle for you to call people out based on your manufactured notions. Eff off.
  7. So you weren't "just curious" if that affects anyone's vote. It is a loaded question for you to rag on people with no children? I never answered your "poll" because I figured it was B.S. and frankly none of your business. I was taught not to ask someone whether he or she is married or has kids or what they do for a living before I got to speak with and get to know them without my preconceived notions getting in the way. It was good advice given to me -- you should try to take it.
  8. All I’m saying is that if she stops after she loses, then you’re right. Can’t really say that now.
  9. Gettin ahead of yourself a bit there. Lets beat Baltimore. I really don’t care much if the Bills are a 13-3 five seed or a 10-6 five seed as long as they’re playing good football when the playoffs start.
  10. I always wanted to call in to the Steve Somers radio show and joke to him I love his show — him, not so much.
  11. But Liz Warren IS doing it. I wouldn’t do it, but I think at a minimum it’s interesting that she’s doing it. I guess maybe she’s paying extra taxes and still donating to charitable causes? Or is the Massachusetts State Gov’t her charitable cause? That being said, she was a hypocrite and now she’s disingenuous? She can’t be actually walking the walk? Maybe if she doesn’t get the nomination or win the election and then she stops paying extra taxes she can be called out.
  12. There’s more than one way to get revenue. You’ve got your way. It isn’t my preferred way.
  13. I suppose I’m guessing that the spin will win. People don’t want to dig too deep and the easiest explanation is the most convenient thing to hang your opinion upon. Durham can always nail one or two people and call himself a success.
  14. I actually give a 40% chance of this being true. And a 75% chance of the report being so neutral that nothing comes of it. I’ll be happy to be wrong about this.
  15. For sure! CBS was showing teams’ seedlings, and when the went to the “still in it” screen I had a good laugh knowing that’s where our team usually is even when we think they’re doing well.
  16. Bloomberg isn’t going to last very long once other candidates start piling on him. He gets surly in a “how dare you question me” kind of way. That doesn’t sit well with voters.
  17. Dissolve the country and replace it with what? There will still be a large group of people who believe “billionaires shouldn’t exist”, and who believe “all taxation is theft” who will want to say how we’re governed. Should be more like keep the country and replace the mentality of each branch to over engineer how citizens should live. Just because someone gets to the Senate or the House or the Bench or the Executive doesn’t mean that they must insist on pushing for change. That’s been a long time problem with our country.
  18. Happy Thanksgiving, all! Great Bills win. The food all came out perfect. All in all a memorable good day. You gotta remember the good ones.
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