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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Do they really need to give a nickname to a third string QB whose playing his fourth game?
  2. Dunleavy certainly doesn’t paint the word picture — and RJ’s simulcast of a TV broadcast isn’t so great, either. Pegula would go a long way to winning my heart if he hired a radio-only announcer. One who knows how to do the job.
  3. Right, and only AFTER defying a Court order does refusal to cooperate become obstruction. That Pelosi one would be funnier if she were riding on a stair lift and holding a glass of water with her teeth in it.
  4. Those Russians are really effin good at election steering (except in the 2018 midterm, cough cough).
  5. Wait... Clinton actually committed a crime. Trump didn’t. These thing are not the same. People are are calling you out because you’re not being accurate in what you assert. It doesn’t have to do with being sycophantic to any person, but making sure that there is truth in what people think. Love Trump or hate him, doesn’t have anything to do with it.
  6. https://time.com/person-of-the-year-2019-greta-thunberg/ I really try hard to stay out of this thread. Is this the appropriate place to post the TIME 2019 Person of the Year? It's that angry girl that people use as a climate change warrior puppet. I feel bad for her.
  7. “Bunk”, or “salacious and unverified”? When did Comey say that tho Trump? Didnt he say that after meeting with a bunch of high-level Obama holdovers? Why didn’t anyone in Comey’s FBI say it to the FISA Court when they renewed the application — or earlier to void the warrant? Comey played Hoover on Trump. Conspiracy to remove him? Perhaps yes perhaps no. Slimy move with knowledge of a lot of high ranking government officials — absolutely. You appear to be severely downplaying the abuse of power that was used against American citizens (named Trump and not named Trump).
  8. Wow. That’s a lot of time and a lot of money. Especially with the way the Yankees have been using starters.
  9. I hope they just ask him all 36 questions right in order. Have him answer each one of them.
  10. You think it would go well for Bloomberg if he's the fifth place candidate who comes out of the convention after spending millions and millions to "buy" superdelegate support? I don't.
  11. (1) what never got explained was whether Mueller was going to be fired and replaced. That may be obstruction. (2) probably more important, Mueller said directly and repeatedly that he was provided with all materials he requested from the Trump White House. How does that possibly square with obstruction? (3) Mueller found that there was no collusion. It is tough to understand how someone who didn't actually obstruct an investigation that turned up NO wrongdoing could be found to obstruct anything. (4) Mueller wasn't fired. I'd lay off the Mueller/Obstruction angle if I were you.
  12. Fair enough. Though even if Trump's charge is "worse" than Clinton's, I'm not sure either rises to the level of impeachable (though Clinton perjured himself -- which is fairly simple to grasp, and wrong to do). And neither should support a conviction for removal (in my opinion). We certainly agree that the Dem handling of this matter is bad. I'd say very bad.
  13. Yup -- could happen. I should put a wacky theory in the "Not Crazy/Crazy" thread. Something like the day after the new Kentucky Governor gets sworn in, a big scandal against Mitch McConnell hits and he's removed form office and replaced by a Democrat (because D Gov). I know that wouldn't make his replacement the Speaker, but something like that would be a strange coincidence. But I don't wear tinfoil -- this is just speculation. It would be truly odd if there was violence in support of the President that the President/Federal Government has to suppress. There's a strong likelihood of political violence some day. This could be it. It might be the 2020 election results. Who knows. Personally, I don't think it will happen until after the economy turns to ***** again. People with jobs and food don't usually fight strictly for partisan reasons. Yeah, Schiff said something like: if we don't do this now then we're telling the American people that we are allowing the President to cheat on the elections AGAIN. What a shameless jerk. No collusion per Mueller. No collusion per Crossfire Hurricane investigation.
  14. That was the first thing I thought of when I heard the news this morning. How awful is it that Congress can issue an Article for obstructing their investigation when they don't even follow their own rules.
  15. Honestly, I think they're thinking that (1) they may lose some House seats but not the majority; and (2) they may pick up some Senate seats because they can play on the fact that Trump won't get convicted, and (3) some strange thing happens and the Senate convicts. And I don't think Pelosi is fully on board, but she's being pushed.
  16. It was a bad idea then. It is a bad idea now. I don't think comparing whether the charges are frivolous or not is relevant. I will say that this "Obstruction of Congress" article is absolutely stupid. Schiff said what Trump is doing (regarding obstruction) in "unprecedented" but I recall a prior administration ignoring and blowing off Congressional subpoenas.. I also think that if the Democrats in Congress say that this is an "investigation" up until now, then they can't complain that the person they're investigating didn't HELP them. How stupid is that?? One of the "legal experts" said in his testimony last week that it isn't "obstruction" of anything until a Court requires Trump to produce evidence and witnesses. They were talking about why there are only two Articles. The reason is that Pelosi couldn't get support for more charges from her Democrat Members in districts that are on shaky ground for re-election. And don't you think that they would have tried emoluments, or Trump Foundation, or Russian hoax, or ANYTHING a lot earlier if they had anything to stick on him? As it is, these two Articles are weak. No reason to put more weak charges on top.
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