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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Trump and the Executive Branch don't need to do anything to help Congressional Democrats "investigate" him. And silence isn't equal to admission of any wrongdoing. That being said, and in light of Schumer's reasons for asking, if Schumer doesn't get to hear from Mulvaney and Bolton how could he possibly vote to convict? According to Schumer, there's obviously not enough evidence to impeach or to convict.
  2. These sweaty Dems remind me of: Herb Tarlek is a hard worker, loyal husband, uhhh, all around fine person.
  3. I don’t think the inclusion was any more than Sullivan smacking down Powell for coming in late and trying to take over the spotlight. I’d guess that District Court judges get prickly over things like that. I doubt he’s going to refer her for disciplinary action.
  4. I think it goes back to when Sullivan took the plea from Flynn and pretty much tried to talk him out of it. And you’re right, it is curious that Sullivan seemed to let this play out when maybe he didn’t need to lead Flynn down that road. Now Sullivan seems to be saying : “sorry, you plead guilty”. Sullivan did go to lengths to explain the denial of (or justify not allowing) the document requests, which would probably have been handled a lot differently if Flynn hadn’t entered his plea a year ago with his (*^*&%^$^#lawyers standing at his elbows. I think he was just calling out Flynn’s lawyers for being lazy. They quoted language without attributing its source.
  5. Uh-huh... I just read this in the report: “Corney said his level of involvement in Crossfire Hurricane was similar to some cases and dissimilar to others. He said: I would put [cases in] three buckets. One, cases they'd never tell me about because of a judgment by the leadership chain that it wasn't for the Director to know. Cases that I would be told about, simply to be aware of. And then cases, the third category would be cases that I was told about and, in some detail, and kept informed of as the investigation went on. Crossfire Hurricane was in that third bucket.” That third bucket was was filled with slop.
  6. What would be better is when the music stops they all pick up the chairs and start mercilessly beating each other with them.
  7. Your kid isn’t named Collinsworth, I hope.
  8. Holy Moses, haven't we all gotten fed up with this team at one time or another? If you didn't get fed up with the QB decisions last year then you weren't paying attention. I don't care if he's Russ Salvatore or the person that cleans out the grease trap at the restaurant. The guy gets a pass.
  9. I thought the same regarding what I believed the injury to be. I somehow didn't see him walk into the tent, so until he came back onto the field I thought we were screwed. I was calculating what the loss of White was going to do the the rest of the game and the remainder of the season. Then it all went away!
  10. I don't think their run D is all that great. i agree, just pound away at them as much as possible. A lot of 2 tight end sets, and bring in Duke Williams, too.
  11. I love how the thread title says WGR -55. That seems about right. That schedule is awesome. Looks rough the way teams are today -- a lot of good, tough games.
  12. Horowitz FISA Book report: Crossfire Hurricane investigation was handed over to Mueller. At the time that the investigation was handed over, the FBI had nothing on anyone, in spite of (1) tracking Carte Page while having no predicate to do so, and (2) having interviewed Mifsud — and knowing he wasn’t a Russian asset, and (3) after interviewing Steele’s main source of info and finding out he fed b.s. to Steele. Mueller had to have known all of that yet he took two years to make his report. There was nothing to hand over. There was nothing to build on. It was all a sham. Where’s the report that justifies any of this?
  13. I say break the Patriots next week. Set a record for late QB hits. Run at Gilmore every play.
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