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Everything posted by snafu

  1. They're free to try to stop me.
  2. Therein lies the heart of why this impeachment is utter B.S. No matter what any President might do in the future, he or she can’t run for re-election on their record. All foreign policy decisions can be called out as having been made for personal political gain.
  3. It was obvious that whenever they lined up that Linebacker at Fullback they were in "smash it down your throat" mode. Then they sprinkled in a couple well timed play action passes. If I recall, the Bills on offense actually used play action pretty effectively on that last drive to get into scoring position. I hate watching them run the ball directly into the line on first down drive after drive, but it does set things up for misdirection late in the game.
  4. I’m not complaining about the fact that you posted a tweet. It looks like there’s a lot of good info there. I just want to say that I can’t stand the fact that this guy has to break up what would probably be a good blog post into a series of tweets. I get it that twitter is formatted that way on purpose, and that’s the reason for its success. But it doesn’t work for long form thoughts. Not at all. There ought to be a better way.
  5. Someone should put a giant metal elbow brace on and smash Brady in the head after a play ends.
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