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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Not in that movie. Cleese is replaceable. Otto with muppets is better.
  2. I’ll read the article after I post this, but that was my snarky argument about a year ago — probably in some pot legalization thread. Declare that we lost the “war on drugs”, then reallocate all those resources to making an import chain to gov’t run distribution centers. Hell, do it Chinese style and buy the land in the producing countries to cut out the cartels. Then tax the frick out of the stuff and prosecute anyone who tries to sell it cheap on the inevitable black-market. Call the program Godfather 4.
  3. She’s no dummy. Windy days make for bigger fires.
  4. This, to me, is probably is probably the biggest reason why nobody is looking to China as a replacement reserve any time soon, no matter how powerful they become economically.
  5. Forrest Gump. Keep Lt. Dan. Rain Man. Keep Tom Cruise. Jaws. Keep the shark. Alien. Keep Sigourny Weaver. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Keep Nurse Ratchett.
  6. Well I consider decent d-men to be fairly valuable in a trade. So even though they have a glut and obvious holes to fill, at least they’d be starting trade talks from a higher position than if they had a random wing to trade. As for Bogo, he’s got to be a “healthy” scratch every night from here on out. I think they they can hold on to the 8th 9th 10th spot through my 2/7 game (and Skinner should be back by then). They’ve played very streaky all season so far. My hope isn’t totally gone. But I repeat that I’m done with the whole bottom feeder fan mentality (wanting prospects to get ice time, hoping to see the other team’s first string goalie, checking out draft day kids, looking at minor league games to see what the future might hold, seeing what we do on the trade deadline). This year, when I’m out I’m out until October 2020.
  7. ^^^^^ There’s no frikkin way that I’m going to start looking up prospects and hoping to slot into a draft position and worrying about lottery odds. No way. Not this season. I’m done with that. I’ve got tickets to the Rangers game on Feb 7th. I’m checked in until then. After that game I’ll re-evaluate.
  8. Youll only show them if you walk the talkin’ proud walk. Otherwise you’re just pretending. Oh yeah, that will help, too.
  9. I haven’t done ANY research on what you’re discussing. I have a question (and I’m not even sure it is relevant): what did black people in community groups say at the time the statues were erected — as opposed to today?
  10. Is that you in the background handling the lollipop?
  11. If I’m a salmon, this is when I make my move!
  12. No. They can not coexist. This is the reason why one is better than the other.
  13. Thank goodness Europe has open borders. The Germans who like Macron can just go live in France. ...or this is Macron's big chance to invade Germany.
  14. The only answer seems to be yes. We've seen, so far, that "impeachment world" is not like any other world. It is a politically-motivated world where the usual rules don't apply at all. It took me awhile to realize this after banging my head against the wall and wondering why the House didn't offer any sort of balance in their inquiry. The answer always was there: they can do what they want, but if they overplay their hand, they will suffer at the hands of voters. So sit back and watch the show. If you don't like the way people handle themselves, then you can vote.
  15. https://entertainment.theonion.com/burned-lower-half-of-morts-face-revealed-in-bazooka-joe-1819570334
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