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Everything posted by snafu

  1. That would be more like "relativistacally ignorant. And stupid".
  2. I'm thinking of making some stromboli and a pot of Chili. Drinking either Brooklyn Lager or Coors Banquet while I'm eating and a Nice Scotch while I'm not eating.
  3. I just saw the movie. I stayed out of this thread until I saw it. I felt obliged to go see this film and had low expectations for it. I came out with more questions than answers, but I’m not interested enough in any of the new characters to seek answers to my questions. That being said, I wouldn’t avoid seeing this movie again. I just wouldn’t pay to see it.
  4. Okay, based on this I can say to (or irrationally convince) myself that this first Krueger year is like McDermott’s first season where he pretty much said that there would be pain in the short term. Then we “backed into” the playoffs. I’m going with that for the time being to fit into my plan of holding on until early February. ? No results or hope after that Rangers game, I’m out thru October.
  5. My Fair Lady. Keep Audrey Hepburn -- dub in Miss Piggy's voice.
  6. Not a lot of options from Scranton. Basically stuck on 80 and then the N.J. Pike to either of the tunnels or the GWB, depending on traffic at the time. This magic train doesn’t want to go through Staten Island because then its got the Gowanus and the BQE to deal with — unless it heads up through the battery tunnel. The magic train would be much better off staying on 17 for awhile because then its got many more options to shoot south. And it would avoid PA entirely.
  7. You need a film like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (keep Tina Turner).
  8. They’ll be wishing for a winning season soon enough. It will be fun to watch.
  9. I hate the Seahawks. Would have liked to see NO get the #2 seed, but I like to see Seattle lose.
  10. What, actually, does Pete Carroll do? He doesn’t call plays. He doesn’t do anything during time outs.
  11. Well if you look at it different, the Cowboys and the Steelers are each 8-7 if we didn’t play them and beat them. And they’d both be in the playoffs if we didn’t play them and beat them. So we beat three teams with winning records and kept two of them out. And we beat each of them on the road. GO BILLS!!!!
  12. Agreed, but those people aren’t controlling the Iranian airfields and armed forces at the moment, and probably aren’t going to be converted into vest wearing zealots if we retaliate to the current regime’s provocations.
  13. Can’t watch that enough. Did he get permanently concussed when his head slammed into the concrete wall?
  14. I liked his show when he was on WFAN. It was very entertaining. He knew how to do a good interview. He knew that powerful people lined up to kiss his ass and get airtime, and he didn’t kiss their asses back. Seemed like an honest guy — if he liked you, you knew it; and if he didn’t like you, you knew it. He had good taste in music. His regulars were great additions to the show, and tried their best to give him crap when he was being a pompous douche. He was a bridge between old time radio jockies and newer replicants of his style. I didn’t listen to him when he came back on WABC. I’d moved on with my normal listening habits by then. For anyone who’s posted that they didn’t like him, it’s a matter of taste. No reason to get your panties in a bunch. RIP, I-man.
  15. Meh. The regime might teeter and fall, but I’d wager that whoever replaces the Mullahs isn’t going to be U.S. lovers by any means.
  16. We’re like the Sid’s Room of TBD: https://images.app.goo.gl/Vco9WPKoLRYvthxA9
  17. Thats the kind of news that would make us keep forces in Afghanistan — or at least smack Iran on the way out.
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