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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Buy an egg timer and give it to her. She's got to bring it with her every time she comes in. If she doesn't have it, she can't come in. Tie a bow around it and make sure she knows that this is "her" egg timer, and when the sand hits the bottom, she's got to move along. Honestly, no matter how you treat her, it will probably come back and bite you in the ass -- she's going to go around town gabbing about how you've mistreated her. If your reputation can take the hit that she will surely try to give it, then get it over with. Walk her butt right out the door with the close talking routine. There's no languishing in a doorway.
  2. Yep, this. O'Brien gave us a gift. If we went on to win, he'd have to be fired. They were on the Bills' 32 yard line. A 50 yard kick isn't a gimme, but he didn't trust his kicker to tack on 3 points? We'd have needed a touchdown instead of a field goal with little time and no timeouts. . Or, if he really wanted to ice the game, he'd have used a running back to pick up that yard. Either way, I'm so glad O'Brien isn't my team's coach.
  3. HaHa, Giants fans thought he was a lock to go coach their team. Even after Dallas got McCarthy yesterday, everyone here was saying, oh, he would have been a good second choice behind Rhule.
  4. Are you serious? The ball was obviously there and gone in that photo. Look at the slo-mo video on the prior page in this thread.
  5. Shouldn't his big body have been able to prevent that defender from pulling at his arm? I like Duke Williams, but the OP makes him out to be the next superstar. He isn't.
  6. What you’re saying is that this was effectively a two nation agreement — though I find it hard to believe that we were going to sanction the EU, Russia, China and the U.K. and Germany if they traded with Iran in compliance with the agreement. Only one country didn’t last this long in the agreement. I don’t know if the agreement put any restriction on Iran’s ability to increase its regional havoc in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen and I’m glad we nailed them with sanctions. It was claimed that they were in compliance with the enrichment restrictions — but there was no way to really know. The agreement was a total can-kick, and I think Obama even admitted that. It was a ***** agreement, it’s easy to see. All that said, however, by the letter of it we pulled out for no reason other than we considered it a bad deal.
  7. Trump did what Trump does with all agreements he inherited: tore it up so he could re-negotiate it. He’s specifically stated that he would talk to Iran about forming a new deal — one that he thinks isn’t so one sided against our interests. He did it with ACA, he did it with NAFTA, he imposed tariffs on China so he could get them to the table and re-set trade with them. He bullied NATO countries into committing the money they actually pledged to contribute. The point isn’t that he gets better results (that’s arguable on a case by case basis). The point is that’s his obvious m.o. Also, don’t forget that this isn’t just a bilateral agreement. Several European countries and Russia and China signed it. Where have they been since Trump took our country out? Why would it be okay for Iran to start up unlimited enrichment in violation of their agreement with the other signatory countries?
  8. Yep. Awful. I'm sure my email is going straight to the "deleted" box. I don't know how many teams simulcast, but I've got the luxury of living in a place where the local team (Rangers) does a separate TV and Radio broadcast. It is a please to hear a proper radio guy do the game. Actually, the Islanders do it, too but it is hard to find the Islanders on the radio.
  9. Obama made Bernie. He was a far left kook until Obama came along. She's finally come out and said what I've been predicting for a long time. Obama started this by moving the "left" pole further and further out. He emboldened the far far left to think that they're mainstream and he emboldened the far left to label centrists in his own party as "out of touch". Anyone to the right of center is a Nazi. Anyone to the right of that needs reprogramming in a government center, like American Uighurs. This is NEW news? Haven't Iranians been shouting this for 40 years?
  10. I've officially entered "old crank" territory. This is a long-running peeve of mine. Your post motivated me to send an email to the Sabres to let them know that simulcasting the TV broadcast on the radio is unacceptable.
  11. Agreed, and that looks like Knox missed his guy. He's the only blocker that looked back like "oh geez". That's also the play where I keep repeating that Allen got hot helmet-to-helmet, but now as I see it, there's really no referee who could have seen that hit clean enough to throw a flag. That really looked like a nasty hit from the other angle.
  12. I never knew that there were extra substitute referees on the sidelines at games. I never knew that one random substitute referee could run onto the field and change a call in the middle of a game. I doubt we will ever see that happen again. It annoyed me on Saturday. It annoys me today. The Bills lost for far more reasons than that, but I mean, that's ridiculous. ALSO: My kid yelled "come on!" yesterday when he was watching the Eagles/Seahawks game. After hearing JJ Watt say that about 10,000 times on Saturday, I told my kid that he's got to find something else to say when watching a game.
  13. That could have been a fumble. The running back had it and it was knocked out by the linebacker.
  14. This is true. He really gifted us the opportunity to tie the game. What a dope that guy is. I understand that. I just thought he landed the second time short of the first down. Not the first knee touch. Granted, I was pretty delirious at that point.
  15. I totally agree with the bolder part, but since the Bills didn’t put the game away, it was tied and in overtime, and that’s when close or bad calls have an incredible impact on the game. You started by saying that you thought the refs did a good job “letting them play”. The Ford call is a great example of the exact opposite.
  16. I try not to complain about officiating because calls go both ways (like Beasley’s first down on the drive to tie the game). In this game, though, there were several head scratchers. The play before Ford’s penalty, Allen ran out of bounds and got hit helmet to helmet (can’t find it on a replay). His chinstrap was up by the bridge of his nose. Ford’s blindside block penalty was a terrible call. And to top it off, the Houston 3rd and 18 where the play clock ran out. Why in this day and age does the referee not have a buzzer or some other signal in his headset for the play clock? Every high school gym uses a buzzer when time runs out. The NFL can’t do that?
  17. Came right after the play where Josh got smacked helmet-to-helmet.
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