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Everything posted by snafu

  1. You say that like there’s some “Tyreek Hill tree” and we just ignore it.
  2. What about when the 49s kicked the crap out of the Chargers? That game was awful.
  3. Good stop by Tennessee. they can go burn a lot of clock and take the lead back.
  4. Why don’t you guys debating whether the Bills should have drafted Mahomes dig up a thread from the archives and revive it. Theres a game going on today.
  5. These next two drives are make or break for Tennessee. Can’t give up points before the half.
  6. Wow, Tennessee, grind one out and then allow a lightning drive. That defeats the purpose of using the clock.
  7. Next to Kromer’s house. Rivers’ kids can use all the beach chairs.
  8. I couldn’t imagine how amped up I’d be right now if the Bills were about to kickoff in a half hour. Couldn’t sit still two weeks ago. Right now, though, I’m feeling pretty ho-hum about the games. This is usually my favorite football Sunday of the year. Today I’m just hoping for some good football.
  9. Politico article on Buttigieg. The author points out the criticism that some have directed toward Buttigieg, and then gets around to defending him. https://apple.news/ASRkIvjzuT2G9XuBycWa7qQ From the article: The Buttigieg backlash, by my lights, flows from origins that are less ideological than psychological. I noticed it some time ago with some—certainly not all—younger journalistic colleagues in particular. He torques them in ways that seem personal. They are well-acquainted with the Buttigieg type. They find his patter and polish annoying. They regard his career to date—Harvard, Oxford, McKinsey, the mayoralty—as a facile exercise in box-checking: A Portrait of the bull#### Artist as a Young Man. Above all, they wonder why the artifice and calculation that seems obvious to them is them is somehow lost on others. These Buttigieg skeptics in my experience typically overlook another possibility: His admirers aren’t oblivious to fact that he’s partly B.S.-ing. It just doesn’t much bother them. I’ll go a step further: Viewed in the right light, his teacher’s-pet glibness and implacable careerism are desirable traits. The essence of modern American politics in recent years is contempt. The decades-long erosion of respect for nearly all institutions—the federal government, business, academia, the media—was what tilled the soil for Donald Trump’s election. His insults of adversaries, his gleeful shattering of familiar norms and precedents, are the living expression of the contempt Trump backers feel toward an established order they believe is not remotely on the level. The opposite of contempt is a deferential faith that, on balance, the established order is on the level. Its most prestigious prizes are worth the effort, worth the ass-kissing along the way. B.S. ultimately is a form of respect. The fact that Buttigieg has spent a lifetime standing on his toes to pluck these apples—president of the Institute of Politics at Harvard, a Rhodes Scholarship, and now a shot at becoming the youngest person ever to reach the White House—is the living expression of that faith.
  10. Play calling is irrelevant to the discussion, though it is important to use the players correctly. This is really only about the roster. Less talented, role-playing “leaders” on a team aren’t a bad thing. They’re better to have around than less talented “followers” (or worse).
  11. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say they’re not. Im presuming that they’re leaders if their talent level is lower than most replacements. Otherwise they have zero value, yet have been retained on this team. I agree that each guy could be upgraded, talent-wise. It will be a lot easier to upgrade them once the young players become young veterans and can take over whatever leadership roles that Smith and DiMarco bring. It’s a process.
  12. Conversely, there are teams with talent that could probably use process (only) guys. Cleveland and Dallas are two examples I can think of. If you’re a young kid or a fresh FA, are you going to listen more to the guy wearing khakis and a polo shirt, or more to the guys who are practicing alongside you and traveling with you to road games, etc.? These process guys don’t need to be playmakers. There’s enough room on the roster for both. Eventually, if you have playmakers at every position, you’ve got to leave many of them on the sideline. I agree that it would be better to have process guys who have more talent, but that’s a luxury. You’d have to pay them more money and then be left with less to spend on more talented playmakers.
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