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Everything posted by snafu

  1. I just checked the results and there still aren’t any?!?! Are they waiting until the State of the Union tonite to break into Trump’s speech and announce the results?
  2. I don’t need a hypothetical. I understand the actual events. Your use of hypotheticals is a waste of time. Maybe you should focus on learning the actual events and then you don’t need to waste your time with hypotheticals. And maybe get an open mind. You like to spout one sided talking points. That’s a waste of time, too.
  3. Either that, or a commie is winning.
  4. Nope, not beating this horse again with you. Find some other sucker. Your questions have already been answered by me and several others in this thread. Your hypothetical is nonsensical.
  5. Any other schemes, as you put it, should have been discovered in the House, so they could write articles of impeachment for those other schemes. That’s their job. That’s not the Senate’s job. The Senate’s job is to have a trial on the articles that the House passes, not to uncover more schemes.
  6. This is exactly why there should have been no Senate testimony.
  7. I think we are seeing the results of throwing Biden under the impeachment bus. Now they’re stuck with Bernie. Didn’t think that through, did they?
  8. Could you imagine the deep ***** we’d be in if Trump hadn’t started decoupling our economy from China in the last three years? Thank you, President Trump!!!!! Or they can harvest organs once they cure the patients. No more need to use dissidents.
  9. What do you mean? He’s got half the country believing him. All it takes is one juror.
  10. I agree that the people should be educated enough to know whether their local congressperson is an effective representative for them or not. In most cases people know their town and county officials better than they do their D.C. reps. That’s a shame. Most congresspeople are elected from areas smaller than a county. They get to D.C. and seem to forget that they are really local politicians. One better idea than term limits (because in most cases, people like their incumbent for whatever reason) is to stop Congress from giving power to the longest serving representatives. For example, there’s no reason why someone like Maxine Waters should chair a committee.
  11. Why don't you wait until Trump (a) loses, and (b) refuses to leave office. Of course nobody would support him refusing to leave, but for you to presume that he would do so is absolutely preposterous.
  12. I know what your first post was and that you didn't use the border wall as an example until later. The timing of your posts isn't relevant. The border wall example was your only example. Who believes that the President should "do anything he wants, despite the laws"? You haven't provided anything unique to this President that would support your assertion that THIS President is turning our country into a dictatorship. Don't use Ukraine -- he's about to be acquitted.
  13. Schiff's theory at this point: he knows he's not going to get the President removed, so he excoriates the Senate. Same for Val Demmings. At the outset, she was good, but as the proceedings went along and she knew that fate of the President wasn't going to be removed, her tone became more angry every time she got to the podium.
  14. This Philbin guy has been impressive throughout the entire proceeding.
  15. Cue Ethel Merman? This show is pretty much over... It's like going to see the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular in January 4th.
  16. Yep, people are happy not to have to see Brady for once, and there he is on a commercial.
  17. Maybe. That’s the argument made by Cipollone in his October 8 letter. We will never know until that’s brought to Court, which is exactly what the House Democrats refused to do.
  18. No. The remedy is only removal from office, but that shouldn’t prevent the Senate from allowing the President to have Counsel, or cross examine witnesses, etc. If there was a crime, then the removed President can be charged and tried later in a judicial proceeding. As for the political nature of it, that’s actually a check on the a House and Senate to keep within their lanes and not overreach. If they do, then the electorate can vote them out.
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