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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Are they cremating everyone no matter the cause of death? A quick search shows that about half of all deaths result in cremation in normal times. Another quick search shows that about 50,000 people die each year in NYC. That’s an average of 135/day. NY is a little more than half the size of Wuhan.
  2. I was going to try to get in a little early. There's a hand-rolled cigar place in 28th, I think. Maybe there first and then a snort at Tracks before I head in. I have one of my kids coming in from Massachusetts and we are meeting at the Garden. If she makes it in early, I will tell her to meet me there.
  3. Of course not. This was already a thread (Kemp). Your presentation is more polite, so thanks.
  4. Well, I'm going to the game tonight. I've got the tickets so I might as well use 'em. I'm really only half interested. I want to see Jack and Dahlin (I hope he's playing tonite) in person, and the Garden is a good place to see a hockey game.
  5. This might be a bit wordy, but it should get the job done: "the room where you will allow me to pee".
  6. Looks like her campaign is barely hanging on at this point.
  7. And our current Republican President was formerly a Democrat.
  8. Based upon this do you think the House should have issued the Articles of Impeachment in the first place? I don’t think this matter should have ever left the House and gotten to the Senate.
  9. I'm going to be on the streets of NYC tomorrow at around Noon. Gonna be a lot of scalp fragments and brain matter raining form the upper windows from peoples' exploding heads. I've got to remember to take an umbrella.
  10. We'd never know if Obama or any prior President did something like this. Nobody would have "whistleblown" on anyone other than Trump, because #orangemanbad/#resist.
  11. He did run twice before. I think he gave up after the first debate where he kicked the crap out of Obama, it was strange. Maybe tired is more like it. Or maybe he's happy being a contrarian in a safe Senate seat.
  12. I'm still surprised that Romney hasn't declared himself a third party candidate, or tried to primary Trump.
  13. I still think the final numbers come in right around 9:00 and at least one network breaks from Sate of the Union to cover it. Or butt sand.
  14. How is it possible that I hate Gronkowski more now that he's stopped playing for the *Pats? That guy is annoying as heck. Can he please retire from public life?
  15. Can anyone name ONE thing that this Candidate likes about our country? Can anyone name ONE thing that she doesn't want to change?
  16. It's odd. I watched most of the debates that occurred once a month starting last July. I don't remember a lot of economy talk at all. Every time a moderate candidate tried to tell the most progressive candidates that their plans will cripple our economy, they were shunned.
  17. The Democrats AND Sanders suck for: D's allowing him to run as a D in 2016; for D's *****-canning his candidacy in 2016; for D's allowing him to join the Dem "Leadership" in 2016 after Clinton Lost; him, for selling out and accepting the offer; him, for changing his party to "Democrat" just to be in the 2020 primaries; Dems for letting him into the 2020 race; him, for believing that they would be fair; them for not being fair. They really deserve each other. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/independent-bernie-sanders-democratic-leadership-231486
  18. Bob will want to know what happens if Biden goes to Court and Bolton wants to be heard. Kemp should be summoned to comment upon the Orrin Hatch Tweet.
  19. The real New Democrat Way is to just identify as the quarter and throw yourself on the floor. This kid screwed it up.
  20. Yet again, Dems lose or eff something up, and they immediately want to change the system.
  21. You're not used to this by now? It's been 3+ years (might be 4+ more, so you better brace yourself). No different for any other President -- whether one considers this acceptable or not.
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