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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Unless you're in Spain, or France, or Japan.
  2. Well, hey. They have 9 points so far this month with 7 more to play. They had 9 points in all of November, 12 in December, and 10 points in all of January. If you want to talk about missed opportunities, you've got a lot more to sift through than Anaheim and Ottawa.
  3. Now Bogosian is gone, we need those practice pylons more than ever. I'm willing to back off the second dozen pucks.
  4. Life is about managing other people's expectations! I think we could get all the pucks if he's marketed right.
  5. If we edit this a slight bit, we can turn Rodriguez into trade bait. Maybe now we get two dozen pucks and some practice pylons.
  6. Thats fantastic. We should ship all our trash there!
  7. Huh, you don’t say. I suppose that’s how they got such a good photo. When do they get back?
  8. Wow, that’s the closest one they can find? Why bother?
  9. Every time one of these candidates gets their turn under the magnifying glass they get burnt up like ants in the sunshine. I’m not saying the ultimate nominee wont have a chance because of all the anti-Trump sentiment, but what a weak field overall. Tonite really shows it.
  10. Is it me, or do these numbers not look too good for Bernie? This is his backyard. This was the shoo-in primary for him. He couldn’t even get a third of the votes, and all I heard was that he had all the momentum going into the night. Big night for the phony “moderates”. Bad night for the ultra left.
  11. all these questions actually answer #3 on @KayAdams list. The only answer is: tear it all down and start over. All of it. That’s what Bernie and his bros don’t want to say out loud. And @KayAdams , I’m not ignoring you. It is just that I’m reading/replying on the subway and your post is pretty thick.
  12. If millennials and Gen-Z’s think that Socialism means they will not need to work hard for what they want, then it is the Socialists who aren’t doing the proper messaging. If it is the millennials and Gen-Z’s who think they’re the only ones that lived through a hard and deep recession, then they’ve got to look around to see that it’s happened before. The Depression affected an entire generation+ of people. Socialist “safety net” programs helped, but it shouldn’t go any further than that. For example, alleviating student debt isn’t exactly progressive, is it? What about people who didn’t go to college — do they just get a handout? Why choose student debt and no other debt? I believe that when Bernie has to explain how this all will work, he’s going to run into serious conceptual problems with voters.
  13. If he said it while Mayor, then he was technically a Republican. He’s switched back and forth. He seems to use party labels as a path of least resistance to what position he’s running for. This isn’t a bad idea until he realizes that neither party particularly likes him for doing that — and he isn’t popular enough with voters to overcome it. Whoever succeeds him would be more likely to be the next Stalin type. Bernie’s just there to plant the flag. He’s the true believer. There’s going to be one or two nutbags that completely bastardize what he stands for. Edit: I see you said this in the remainder of your post. Sorry, I stopped reading a bit too early.
  14. I’m more of a “leave the system alone” guy. But if change works without proving the doubters right, then I’m okay with that, too.
  15. The system forever has been that if someone doesn’t have the cash then they could post property as a bond. Also, judges have had wide discretion in releasing nonviolent offenders on their own recognisence. Honestly it’s too early to tell. Here’s a Buffalo News article reporting crime rates up. https://buffalonews.com/2020/02/08/sifting-through-the-bail-reform-controversy-in-new-york/ Here’s another one says too early to tell. https://www.cityandstateny.com/articles/policy/criminal-justice/what-know-about-states-new-bail-reform-law.html
  16. 8 years of Obama dragging the country left, left, left and doing his best — with the help of a willing press — to normalize it. Bernie was a fringe politician and not given a second thought in 2008.
  17. NYS just got rid of cash bail for many offenders. It is not going well. I don’t know the answer to this, and I’m not expecting you to know either, but I’ll ask it anyway: what does the Federal EPA do that a State Environmental Agency doesn’t do? Doesn’t every state have their own EPA?
  18. Agreed. I didn't wait and still got to ride in this particular case. And it was well worth it. I still remember that crazy backward ride pretty vividly 30 years later. Next time you rider a roller coaster, close your eyes. I did that on a coaster with my little guys a couple years ago at Hershey. It is a whole different type of scary.
  19. If I remember right, I had a book when the Golden Seals were still around. Long gone now.
  20. I loved going to Crystal Beach. I rode the Comet on Closing Day. Went to the park with two friends. The line to get on the Comet was at least a two hour wait. There was NO line/NO waiting to ride backwards -- so that's what we did, twice!! That backward ride on the Comet was the greatest. You couldn't tell when you were going to turn right or left, you couldn't tell when you were going up or down. It was like being rag-dolled for two minutes. The only thing holding you in was that little bar going across your lap. There were three of us so one trip I rode alone -- nobody to bounce off, so it was hold on for dear life. Many years later I learned the Comet was in Lake George. Rode it again -- facing forward. I was still an excellent ride. I'm always reminded of that old TV commercial with Mike Ramsay and Mike Foligno arguing about riding forward or backward.
  21. Maybe they thought it was a Jaguars season ticket sign-up.
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