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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Whatever it is, he filled the room. This thread is 16 months and 332 pages. This is the first substantial crowd I’ve seen reported. Most times there’s a couple hundred, at best. And if they stuffed up to or more than capacity, doesn’t really take away from the fact.
  2. What a debacle that was. How long did they keep those poor people cooped up in that incubator? Aside from the fact that they probably got a ***** ton of unsuspecting souls infected, I wonder if they’ll ever be able to disinfect that ship.
  3. Theyre probably all at their Trump jobs ?. Jokes aside,, that’s a pretty impressive turnout, white, black, blue, pink, whatever.
  4. Please stop using this as an example of Trump/Russia collusion. Anyone in Russia in particular he was referring to? I mean after 3+ years nobody had made a connection between Trump and anyone in particular that he was asking to help him. Why doesn’t this rise to the level of impeachment? Also, it’s funny to me that nobody ever focuses on what Trump says immediately after that line you quote. He says something like (paraphrasing): “because you’ll be rewarded greatly by the press”. Is he the press? Does he control the press? Is the press running for office?
  5. What a nice, balanced take ????. You must be a right wing Trump nut licker!
  6. I have blind spots. I just don’t see them. I do believe that Trump gets things wrong and that he’s often his own worst enemy in very obvious ways. Nothing sets my hair on fire like I see with the TDS set. I do believe that at the point when Trump/Russia got started there was actually something to investigate. That investigation obviously (to me) quickly unraveled. That didn’t stop the investigators. I’m not willing to let people crap on the current administration without having them acknowledge how the prior administration and it’s leftover players bent and broke rules to effectuate an “insurance policy”. I’m not willing to let people give the prior administration’s bad actors a pass. I’m not willing to hear that one group of people shrug off bad acts by bad actors as “conspiracy”. I’m not willing to call for the President’s ouster at every hair trigger turn of events. It paralyzes the normal functioning of government. Unfortunately, there are too many people who want to see him gone so badly that they’ll lower any standard applicable to the acceptability of this particular President’s conduct. These people are willfully blind to the future and what lower standards will mean. Maybe they believe that things will go back to “normal” after this particular President is gone. They’re probably right that any future President won’t behave like the most powerful juvenile on the planet. What they might not see, however, is how focusing on bad behavior is not as important as making sure the President is acting within the confines of his power. Too many times these things get conflated. It doesn’t work now, and it won’t work in the future.
  7. Certainly NOT the road less traveled.
  8. Well then each of those brainwashed blind partisans should remember that impeachment is a political proceeding. Boy oh boy, I guess Congress missed a golden opportunity, didn’t they!
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/02/17/doj-alumni-staff-attorneys-resist/ Hey, thanks for sharing this. F u ( k. Them. That’s nothing. How many people have called for Trump to resign? Barr’s a piker compared to that.
  10. They may communicate about cases, or they may not. (A) that’s not improper. (B) the only thing we know about whether they communicate or not is Barr’s statement — which says they’re not. Do you have any indication that says they do? If they do communicate about cases, do you have any indication that Trump is abusing his authority? Seems a lot like you’re speculating — and repeating facts over and over, like you believe them. Isn’t that something you complained about other posters doing? You’re either a blind partisan who doesn’t want to see any other explanation that what you’ve concocted in your mind; or you’re a troll. Even easier — why didn’t Congress issue a third Article of Impeachment for collusion — and a fourth Article of Impeachment for obstruction of justice?
  11. Well all I can say is thank you to a guy like you who comes around to tell us blind idiots that all we’re doing is pulling an elephant’s pud. ?
  12. How many people are hoping Trump declares a quarantine, to combat an epidemic — so they can prove he’s a dictator.
  13. I don’t know exactly why, but it always cracks me up when Grassley gets pissed off.
  14. A good goaltender would help a great deal. You may be right, but I’d want a different GM to fill those holes. And get a goalie.
  15. This article basically says that the Dem convention could be a repeat of the Iowa Caucus.
  16. I know every case has a different fact pattern. That being said... Michael Cohen pled guilty to lying to Congress. For that, he got to re-testify to Congress. He got no extra jail time tacked onto his other 8 guilty pleas. Roger Stone is a colossal ass. He was tried and convicted. He doesn’t get more jail time for being a guilty colossal ass.
  17. Trump should freak everyone out and pardon him.
  18. Playoffs went out the window for all intensive purposes in November (9 points). They can still have the illusion of staying in the playoff race if they win out the rest of February and maybe jump 3 of the 5 teams that stand between them and 8th place. But it is an illusion.
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