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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Again, I know I’m slippery-sloping, but consider that health insurance was governed by states until ACA came around and started us down the road toward a Federally administered program. Sounded innocent at the time, yeah? Now it’s almost a given that states are being taken out of the equation. Bernie’s Medicare for all is the next step in the progression. Wealth tax is the next step in the progression. Federally run free education (probably with Federally approved curricula) is the next step in the progression. You’re right, Bernie isn’t taking us to communism in 4 years. That’s not his goal or purpose. He wants our country to be communist some day — whether he’s on this Earth to witness it really doesn’t seem to matter to him.
  2. The Russian autocracy it the product of failed communism. Can you explain in what manner Trump is smashing up the republic? It’s hysterical statements and beliefs like this (ALWAYS coming from people like you who simply hate the person) that would lead you to try convincing yourself that electing Bernie Sanders is even remotely a good idea. Get a grip on your derangement for ten seconds and you’ll realize that. Just two days ago you were anti-Sanders, and you know why. He’s a class- pandering commie and bad for our country in insidious ways that you seem to want to ignore. If it isn’t Bernie who’s going to make us full-blown socialist/communists, then it will be whomever follows him — and you know that, too. Get over yourself and your hatred of Trump and go nominate a Democrat who’s ACTUALLY A DEMOCRAT. This goes for @transplantbillsfan, too. Young voters like Bernie because he’s authentic.. Big deal. Being an authentic communist isn’t any good reason to vote for him. Getting promised free things without being told that you’d still need to work is dishonest. Promising Medicare for all while dodging almost every single question as to how he’d pay for it is dishonest. Once Bernie has to explain these things, it won’t go well for his prospects of winning. Trump has a very good chance at losing this election, but I don’t think he’s going to lose to Bernie. You and your fellow Democrat (or anti-Trump) voters should really get your act together. And @Doc Brown — checks and balances aren’t the point here with Sanders. The point is that electing him results in the actual legitimization of the notion that whatever social safety programs we already have in place should be expanded. I know I’m going all slippery slope here, but look into the future. Look into what a wealth tax would encompass and how easily it could be expanded; and how easily it will divide people by class; and how easily it will be adopted at State tax levels. I don’t have the means to be worried about the wealth tax today, and I probably won’t ever need to. But the thresholds can always be adjusted in ways you and I wouldn’t expect to be acceptable today. Look at countries that had wealth taxes and abandoned them and why. Why should we even be talking about it when it’s been shown to be an unwieldy failure? It’s a power grab from individuals and State and local governments.
  3. Will they serve it at the drive-thru? That would work best for me.
  4. Bro, make a new thread. People will reply to it. This isn't a space for your political commercials.
  5. NKorea was Cuban Missile Crisis2. Not a world war, just human annihilation.
  6. Has anyone asked Bernie what he likes about the country? Has anyone asked Bernie (and Warren for that matter) how they plan on implementing and enforcing their wealth tax? I’m actually curious about the details of that. Because if you really look into how that would have to be set up, there’s a lot of regular people who will say “no thanks” even though they won’t have to pay (at the outset).
  7. I think the S. Koreans were seriously angry at Moon when he announced that he was going to keep his borders open to Chinese nationals. He said something like S. Korea has to suffer together with China ?. Awful pandering policy.
  8. He should stay away from the phrase “radical idea”.
  9. Where does Biden get these numbers from?
  10. We need more money so we can spend more money. How about spending less money, Liz.
  11. Sanders to Bloomberg: “you spent a bunch of fat cat $$ in campaign contributions to candidates”. Bloomberg: “mostly Democrats”. Sanders mutters: “I don’t give a crap about Democrats”. ...and Sanders took his fake democrat mask off and went full commie.
  12. What are these 20,000,000 people going to do, collective farming?
  13. There goes pennsylvania and west virginia
  14. Will ANY candidate talk about the economy?
  15. Both Pete and Mike get real prickly when they get jabbed and when they are questioned. Klobuchar puked on herself with the Mexico answer and Warren had to save her ass. Biden is a one hit wonder. Sanders will never ever answer how he plans to implement his healthcare plan.
  16. I think Bloomberg doesn’t really want to be there. Looks like he’s regretting all the money he spent.
  17. I’m calling this the cudgel debate. They Keep whacking each other over the head.
  18. Warren to Bloomberg: apology not accepted!
  19. That dude wants his kid back. Hes standing there thinking: not cool, just take the photo and give me back my kid, my wife is going to kill me if this picture gets out.
  20. I’ve got one! Trading Scandella for a low return and waiving Bogosian cleared out our “glut”. Now we get a much better return on the next defenseman we trade! Winning!
  21. I never tried comparing Bernie’s turnout to a Trump rally. I’m not sure why you’re bringing it up, after you pretty much pointed out that perhaps the Bernie numbers are inflated. Are you saying that Trump counts the number of people who show up at his events and Bernie bloats his numbers without counting?
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