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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Because he’s done it every day and he needs to look like he’s leading the response. The same can be said for Cuomo, etc etc. None of them need to belly up to the microphone in reality, but people will wonder why they’re not.
  2. I get what you’re saying, and it is clear that nobody should do daily press conferences if they never want to trip up their words. Especially someone who is a bad communicator to begin with. He sounded stupid. But it isn’t easy to bang out a perfect press conference every day. He’s not young, he’s probably working around the clock and he’s got half the county hanging on every trip up so they can smash him over the head with it.
  3. These people are stupid. Injecting it won’t get it into the lungs. I huff Lysol. That’s the trick!
  4. I'm not sure I agree with the bolded part. In fact, if I'm the only one in my family going out and about, and I get exposed and test positive for antibodies, then I can pretty safely assume that the other people in my house have likely been exposed, too. All we've been told is that this virus is super contagious. If anything, I think the number should likely be higher -- like maybe somewhere between 1x and 2.6x higher (because average house size is 2.6 people I suppose)..
  5. That cuts both ways, you know... I'm not going to speculate on who (between Trump and the press corps) started the disrespect spiral -- that's a fruitless endeavor. I do certainly acknowledge that there's lack of respect in both directions. If you acknowledge that too, are you also saying that the press doesn't have to show respect to Trump because he fails to show respect to them? Taking it a small step further, are you saying that the public at large should refrain from showing respect to Trump because he doesn't reciprocate?
  6. No. There is no evidence that Russia IS helping Trump. Where do you get that information? The Senate report only addressed the 2016 election. And the Senate report, now that I think about it, doesn’t say anything about Trump colluding with Russia. Hmmmm, maybe you’re NOT so right about the things you allege?
  7. This is a problem! Is nobody calling out the Russians and Trump about this?!?! Thanks for letting us know. I hope you continue to spread the word, friend.
  8. Trump is like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s housekeeper. Butt ugly, but he can “do things”.
  9. Yes, I just reported seeing these guys at Gristedes. Look at that cloud of covid they’re kicking up!
  10. https://nypost.com/2020/04/21/de-blasios-social-distancing-tip-line-flooded-with-obscenities/
  11. I’ve said a few times that I’m not going to criticize decisions... This guy makes it difficult.
  12. What’s happening worldwide has nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with STOPPING capitalism from continuing. It is an intentional recession.
  13. No, people in those countries who don’t have a defense budget but like the US to protect them are happy where they live — and like to throw shade on capitalism and the freedoms that the US permits it’s citizens to enjoy. When people in the US hear opinions like yours coming from people living in those countries, we mostly chalk it up to bitterness and lack of information. Perhaps you should go to one of those countries. You sound bitter and underinformed.
  14. Yes, I buy that, absolutely. There should be some oversight of what a Governor can get away with during a State of Emergency. People can protest overtly, or the politician can pay the price on Election Day. Either way, citizens must be able to express their voice, and so I won’t be criticizing them. And with that being said, I’m typing this from my dining room table instead of from my office. I see that there are places that need to go through this pain right now. The mayor of the city in which I work is talking about remaining shut down into July. I’ve got a rainy day fund, but I may be down to cat food tins by the time this is over, and I won’t be getting those rainy day funds back. People without those funds can’t go into July without starving. I wont blast anyone on either side of this (Governors or protestors).
  15. I agree with much of what you’ve been posting on this topic. I will say, about this quoted part, I can only go by what’s going on around me locally (nobody is protesting because we’re in the thick of it). I’m not into watching the news and so I’m not getting a complete picture of the protests. I believe that protestors in parts of the country where the population density isn’t so severe have a good argument to make. And I believe that this shutdown is warranted — to an extent for a period of time. I can believe these two things simultaneously, yes? Being on this board at times, I’m wondering if I’m an anomaly.
  16. Interesting. Are you for Montana’s wristband idea? Are you for tracking people who may have covid-19 and are you for tracing their contacts to force them to isolate themselves?
  17. This isn’t true. And it probably doesn’t matter much if we start a phased reopening now vs. starting a phased reopening a month from now. What does, track, trace, and ISOLATE mean? If someone who was in contact with a positive case is supposed to isolate, then we are moving those cases out along the timeline until everyone who got isolated gets infected, and either dies or recovers. Eventually, we need to get to herd immunity. Opening up the economy slowly is the only way to do that. The shutdown has bought time to build up PPE and ventilator inventory. It bought time to do as much research as possible to come up with promising treatments. It brought us a couple months closer to a vaccine. The deaths averted in this past month may be prevented by the time a second spike hits later this year. It seems like you’re saying that the uninflected can be kept uninfected forever — they can’t. But those people infected after the shutdown is lifted can be provided care in a health system that isn’t in a full blown panic and with treatment that might work. I’m also going on record to say that track, trace and isolate might work everywhere but NYC. If that’s the plan for NYC, then we might as well keep it closed.
  18. Target and Walmart are open, but I haven’t been in them to see to what extent they are. I’ve been to Home Depot, I even bought seeds a couple weeks ago. It is open, but they’re limiting access to 100 shoppers at a time and they’re only open until 6PM. I’ve seen huge lines outside Home Depot. I’m not standing in line for the stupid stuff I need. I can putz around my house just fine without trips to the big box store. I’ve moved everything in my garage at least three times now. Raked out the same bed at least 4 times. If I really need more tomato plants, I can use the seeds from the tomatoes in my fridge — the key it to roll the seeds between your thumb and finger to get the coating off. Then plant ‘em.
  19. Wow, that’s really pretty loose compared to Brooklyn and Long Island. Ghost towns. Barely anything is open, including a good portion of restaurants that shut down.
  20. Thats my take. I was trying to do the numbers yesterday (I’m no statistician) but in NYS they trported about 7,500 cases day over day. Extrapolated out to May 15 is when I was figuring they figured herd — considering a 10x rate of error. Like you say, if 25x, then they obvioulsly get there a lot quicker. NYC getting hit hard and coming out quickest is actually better for the rest of the country, in my view.
  21. TDS-16 infected half the country in one evening! So, Covid-19 would be less infectious than that.
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