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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Some people hate Trump as a person so much that they can’t get past his demeanor and bumbling idiotic words.
  2. Looks don’t matter much if you realize that nobody in any way should be in front of a microphone or camera as much as they think they should. Eventually, the shallowness will be exposed.
  3. Which politician or expert was the voice we should have listened to at the beginning of this crisis? None of them had done a good job as late as mid-March. Some recovered their footing better than others. By your statement, we really can’t say anything good about anyone with decision making authority without being “stupid” or “evil”.
  4. I’m only replying to you — and this will be the last time I do on this subject. Who are these others? What am I saying to deceive them? Again you misuse the word hoax.
  5. You’re incorrect and too late. Your so-called “merits based responses” are really just your explanation for why you put people on your made up lists. The lists are just your way of categorizing others. It is absolutely a form of name-calling. By your words, you display signs of defeat (whatever that means). And you misuse the word hoax. I’m not trying to deceive you.
  6. Ironic. You label people with your lists. It is a form of name-calling and personal disparagement. True news, bro. You know who else liked to use lists?
  7. Real estate here in NYC and Long Island has frozen. Nothing is moving one way or the other. I'm curious to see what happens in two months (July/August). There's always going to be investors coming in to make low offers -- but nobody wants to sell at this point because it remains to be seen how quickly the economy ramps back up. If sellers think that this intentional shutdown of the economy is a blip, then they will hold steady with prices. I think most of all it will it really depend upon whether the employment numbers improve dramatically and quickly. I think the extra $600/week kicker ends in July -- if that gets extended, then the whole economy will remain badly distorted. Employees sitting on the sidelines until the free money stops flowing will be looking for their jobs back and it remains to be seen if employers will be there to accommodate. Time will tell, but you won't have to wait long to find out.
  8. Oh this is sad. I like some snooty beers (not too hoppy and no fruits), but I won't turn down a Coors Banquet or a PBR on a hot day, etc, etc. My "pay extra" are cigars. And some nice bacon from the butcher.
  9. "Trump is not a saint" is old news. "Trump is not a saint" is news that's been repeated often. The breaking news is that Biden isn't a saint. This is news that isn't repeated often. That's why people are talking about Biden and not Trump thiStime. Pretty simple to understand.
  10. You keep bringing this up in a stunning example of whataboutery. You should make a thread out of it... In any event, this is from your article. This is the purpose of the request...seems like a hope and a prayer. The courts exist for this purpose. If there's no realistic purpose in requesting someone's DNA then the request ought to be challenged. You want to spin it into "protecting" the President, that's your interpretation. I disagree with your view. Carroll is seeking a DNA sample from Trump to see whether it matches unidentified male genetic material in skin cells on a dress that Carroll says she wore during the alleged rape, hasn't laundered and has never donned again, except for a photo shoot last year.
  11. The same "I'm running for President so you can't investigate me" tactic Biden used during the Ukraine saga.
  12. This is why China will put up with the refugee crisis (if at all). Plus they don’t want SKorea and the “west” on their doorstep. They’d consider NKorea a buffer. There’s no effin way China doesn’t move south if they get the chance.
  13. I completely disagree. But I like your optimism. ?
  14. 25 year old can of Spider Man pasta ?. https://io9.gizmodo.com/please-do-not-eat-the-25-year-old-can-of-expired-spider-1842926406
  15. No, but would you consider the Poconos too far to drive (an hour and a half)? Get a haircut, have some lunch, do a bit of shopping and drive back to Queens. How about a train ride to Atlantic City, or driving to the shore for a weekend? Does Long Island and Westchester get put into “NYC” status? I understand and the different treatment idea. I think regions should be defined a bit larger than “NYC”. Same goes for Boston, Chicago, DC, etc.
  16. Are you arguing that there should never have been a shutdown? Or the shutdown should end immediately? Or both? I’d say that shutting things down was important because nobody really knew anything about how bad this thing is. Actually, nobody knows much even now. On the other hand, to to think that someone is going to come up with a foolproof treatment or a vaccine for a virus is foolish. Waiting for that to go back to “normal” isn’t going to work at all. The numbers and and data are important — but they can be used like you’re using them to say that this isn’t a big deal. They can also be used like others are using them to say that the shutdown should continue if you want to see the numbers of sick and dying hold steady and decline gradually. People are going to get sick and they are going to die, no matter if there’s a shutdown or not. Herd immunity is extremely important and it is the opinion of most that gradually getting to that point is best so that the healthcare system isn’t crippled. Ailments that AREN’T covid-19 haven’t disappeared off the map and hospitals need to be able to treat everyone who needs them — not be focused entirely on covid-19 patients. There’s no cure for a virus, but there are steps which mitigate the spread and aid the system. And I don’t think Sweden is a good comparison to the Northeast Corridor and other big urban areas in the US. And so if you compare Sweden only to places like western NY and the Midwest, then we with the shutdown are actually faring much better than Sweden (I could be wrong about that, I’m not much into the numbers). Living in NYS, it is clear that a regional approach to opening thing up is probably best, but I honestly don’t know how that would work. The economy is too interconnected and people from restricted areas will travel to other places for toilet paper and haircuts, etc.
  17. She looks more like a “dunk your lower half in a vat of acid” type.
  18. Dude, just don’t read that first Paragraph. ”Problem” solved.
  19. To that bolded part, I disagree a bit. i think it is the media’s job to report on what the president says, not “hold him accountable”. Maybe leave that to op ed pieces. For too long (pre Trump) ostensible news reports contain opinions masked as facts. The voting public is who is who should hold politicians accountable, no?
  20. Here is what I think is more like the truth ^^^^^. I will definitely agree that Trump is probably the worst communicator I’ve ever seen in a President. He makes his own troubles. It is his biggest flaw and the biggest issue that holds him back from easy re-election. Did they say not to huff it? Thats important to me.
  21. Cuomo has said some stupid things, too. They all do. Including Fauci and Birx and Pelosi and Newsom, the Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania Governors. One difference between them and Trump is that nobody reports on any other part of the press conference when Trump says something especially stupid and likely inconsequential. There are probably other headlines from that press conference. Are they being reported?
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