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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Maybe if people dress up in Antifa garb the cops will let them protest anywhere they want.
  2. This is actually a very fascinating and important aspect to what’s going on in the past two months and what’s to come.
  3. We’re talking about BillStime here, right?
  4. You said this about someone else? Thats funny.
  5. Hold on a minute here. Originally, earlier today, you said that the President ignored his intelligence agencies in November and December. You posted six stories that all relate to one ABC News report. I guess you are trying to buttress your claim. Did you read the stories or just the headlines? These articles don’t say that the President was aware of any report in November or December. They say January 3rd. They say that the November and December report (the existence of which was actually denied by the agency that was claimed to have made it) was apparently given to the Pentagon because of the possible threat to military personnel in Asia. Do you know whether the Pentagon ignored the report? Has anyone claimed that the intelligence report included a threat to American Citizens on US soil? Do you want to keep rummaging around the internet and actually find some proof of what you assert, or is this all of it?
  6. Here are three posts from the first pages of this thread (late January). Notice the third post — this seems like the first time (January 26) that China said asymptomaic humans could transmit the virus to other humans. Why some people come here to post that ANY politician ignored evidence that simply didn’t exist in November and December is beyond me. There’s not much to do if you don’t know that you need to do anything.
  7. ... What did Trump’s intelligence tell him? What did he ignore?
  8. I’m not holding my breath for an effective treatment or a vaccine, to tell the truth. People have tried finding cures for cold and flu viruses for decades. Why think that anyone is going to do anything better than “get some rest and treat the symptoms” is a mystery to me.
  9. I do agree with this approach, especially because it is consistent with the entire reason for shutting down in the first place. At the same time I think if you’re only focusing on people this far downstream, then this is going to remain a continuing problem. Keep in mind, I’m seeing this from a problem zone. Upstate and non-urban areas is completely different to me. I think at some point there’s no good answer and NYC is just going to have to open up and let things play out. I just don’t trust the mayor to ever do that (and I understand that point of view, too).
  10. I’m just going to drink more alcohol to keep my blood thin ?.
  11. Thank you. I don’t know whether this is true, but with so much focus on downstate NY, I would think that these measures are actually low hurdles at this point. Either that, or NYC is never going to get to phase 1 because tracking will be impossible. It seems as though I’m never getting back to work.
  12. I agree that tracking hospitalizations is important, but once you see those go up, isn’t it too late? Once people are hospitalized, they’ve likely spread their illness to at least one person.
  13. Am I reading NY correct? Shouldn’t NY be going to Phase 1 today? Do you have a NYC chart? If the state is going to open regionally, it would be good to see what the City looks like. I’m getting a sense that NYS and NYC are going to be extra cautious even though there are guidelines. People aren’t going to do too well being told to wait when guidelines are being ignored to the “safe” side.
  14. Well there you go. The party is looking to replace Biden. Jeffries is the first voice of what will shape up to be a drumbeat. I wonder why they chose him to break the ice, so to speak.
  15. What? I’m sure you realize that more than one news story can exist at the same time.
  16. Okay, to carry on, I responded to you in an appropriate way. There was no need for me to message you other than by the way I posted. I’m not making an argument that needs to be supported by logic, I’m giving you my reason why I consider this a very brief and limited discourse between you and me. Whether I post it here or by a private message to you is irrelevant to me. No logical extrapolation needs to be done. You are my audience and I’m not concerned at all whether anyone else reads this post which is directed at you. So in addition to consistently misusing the word hoax, in this context you also misuse the word logic. I’m through with this. You can can carry on now. Enjoy your day.
  17. I’m pretty sure that after storm Sandy FEMA gave out money to homeowners with the caveat that they can rebuild on the same footprint, but must elevate their house. Also (if I’m not mistaken), they told homeowners that they’re not ever getting any flood money from the government if they don’t carry their own flood insurance to cover some of the losses.
  18. You’re really not able to tell me what my intention is when I’m communicating with you by replying to your posts. You’re projecting. That’s a bad look. I don’t care to use a private message with you. I also don’t care who else reads this. I’m not speaking to an audience, I’m responding to you. If I meant to direct my comments (meant for you) to the entire board, I would have used words like: “hey everyone”, or I would have commented about you to some other person. And again, I’m not trying to deceive you, so this isn’t a hoax. You keep using that word; I think it does not mean what you think that it means.
  19. That’s a mischaracterization. If Sullivan doesn’t reverse the guilty plea then maybe Trump steps in, but a lot of water needs to pass over the dam before Trump does anything. None of these relevations is to soften the blow. It is to explain why anyone would make the decision to reverse the plea and reopen the case so a defense can be mounted, or to pardon Flynn.
  20. I met him once and had a short chat. He was nice, low key. Until I brought up the unmasking related to Flynn. Then Nunes’ eyes got some fire. He was pissed. He even expanded his comments to leakers related to releasing the contents of the Australia and Mexico phone calls that were early in Trump’s term. I’m speculating, but I think he believes that if he can keep a lid on it, he’s got no respect for people who can’t.
  21. I agrees about CBS’s potential handling of Herridge, but so far she’s not apparently limited. The reason why I like her off Fox is that anyone reporting actual facts on Fox (even without spin) is considered to be in the pocket of the administration, and dismissed out of hand as a result. Can’t say that about CBS.
  22. I think this Wittes guy isn’t painting a full picture. Isn’t he leaving out the parts where the actual FBI agents who did the interview of Flynn said that he didn’t lie to them? Isn’t he leaving out the part whereby his former counsel likely had a serious conflict of interest with a Turkish co-defendant and bungled their handling of Flynn as a result? I don’t believe these are “standard practices”, and if they are then these practices should be changed. If I recall right Flynn did lie to Pence, and that may be a fireable offense in my book. But there are major parts of Flynn’s prosecution and defense that are curious to say the least. I wonder if Wittes will say that McCabe’s firing without a pension is “enough”?
  23. She’s great. To me, she’s one of the few that always comes across as an old school, just the facts, reporter. I’m glad she’s off Fox.
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