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Everything posted by snafu

  1. The Iranians are looting what's left of Venezuela. And Venezuela seems to be helping them...expanding the role of a narco-terrorist to Oil Minister. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-oil-minister/venezuela-appoints-alleged-drug-trafficker-el-aissami-as-oil-minister-idUSKCN2292TR
  2. Again, no context to your statement. I'd prefer to wait for Judge Sullivan to make a ruling.
  3. You’re mistaken again. You fill this thread with “he pled guilty”. He didn’t lie to the FBI. That’s what his case is about. One single charge. One of my points is that you saying “he pled guilty” without context is dishonest in light of the fact that he didn’t lie to investigators. And we know that from the actual investigators. My other point is the fact that there is a pending motion for the judge to accept the withdrawal of the guilty plea that you cling to. Until that motion has been decided, you might want to quit your refrain. And even if Sullivan denies the motion, it doesn’t change the fact that Flynn didn’t lie to investigators. There’s nothing stupid about my statement.
  4. No to tartar. Malt vinegar, yes. For the tuna, I like to add black pepper, mayo, diced onion, a small amount of celery, and a hard boiled egg. Toasted wheat bread and a slice of American cheese and a thin slice of tomato. Or as a melt with cheddar and a couple slices of bacon. Have you ever tried mixing in apricot preserve in the wrap? It is really a nice touch!
  5. He pled guilty to lying. The only lie he told was the actual guilty plea. There was no other lie. His case isn’t over — you might want to wait until it ends.
  6. Oh, sorry, my punctuation was wrong. How's this: I didn't ask you, did I? As in, I asked an honest question in an honest way and didn't ask it to you.
  7. This is truly an honest question: why did you post this article? You posted the link and no context. I'm wondering why you posted this.
  8. Thats for you to believe, but all that other funk on your mask is treatable, as far as I know — especially if it is bacteria from your own breath. I’m no expert to call this whole thing b.s.
  9. You can re use them. Just rotate two or three. The virus doesn’t live forever if it gets on your mask.
  10. You know what’s interesting about that video is the fact that China basically admits that it didn’t inform anyone about the infectiousness of the disease until January. But any politician should have known in November and December. ? Edit: And the US and China signed their trade deal on January 15. Almost like China was waiting for that to be completed before letting anyone know about the severity of Covid. Where’s my tinfoil?
  11. I’d just like to point out that the topic of this thread is Covid-19. The past several pages of this thread have been off topic, and you appear to be the main driver of that diversion.
  12. They can’t keep schools closed next school year. Maybe have kids switch off with in-school and at home learning, but kids need the socialization, and (just as important) a giant number of parents can’t work when their kids are at home. Also, I’m betting that there are a lot of kids out there who aren’t getting a sufficient education electronically. With schools out, there’s really no way to even partially open the economy, and it is highly likely that kids’ development will be stunted without physically attending school.
  13. Do the ones who fear diversity have an invalid opinion? Isn’t diversity of opinion important, too — even if that opinion advocates less inclusion? **Before I get inaccurately labeled, pease note that I’m an advocate for diversity of culture and lifestyles, and I also accept people who don’t share my view. There are too many people who like to shame or diminish the opinion of the “more than a few” who may fear or repel diversity. To me, that’s wrongheaded.
  14. ^^^^^McCarron Park in Brooklyn. That park gets packed when the weather is nice.
  15. Okay, I’ll quit by bitchin. Mainly because you can speak for yourself about yourself ☹️. Keep posting more of these so you can give us your worldview.
  16. Here is where you are again wrong. Trump is President — not a cult leader. He ***** up, like any President. And no matter what mantra you want to chant, he IS your President, too. The only reason why he’s President is because Hillary Clinton lost. She had a golden ticket to the White House and instead of sewing up the win, she started measuring curtains. Why did she do that? Because she listened to her sycophant Democrats and the media, who told her what a shoo-in she was for years. And these “art works” you are posting. Is this what you do with your time during lockdown? Do you mimeograph them and hand these out at your hate-Trump cult meetings? Do you sell the original sketches? Have you tried submitting any to the New Yorker for their magazine cover art?
  17. But BillsStime has zero charisma. Relegated to permanent follower status.
  18. In my top five favorite movies. We’ve been doing a Covid game/movie night for the past month in my house. This was my film choice. It was completely panned by my family (but it grew on them after the fact). I ignored them completely and enjoyed the show.
  19. Good one. I was talking to a friend about a month ago. I told him that I think NYC was in it for a long time. He said he thing ks the opposite. Since NYC was in it earliest then they will be out first. He is probably right, but we’ve got a ver conservative Governor and mayor when it comes to re-opening.
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