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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Ugh. Is reimagine a euphemism for f**k it up even more?
  2. Yep, this is correct. I remember this because when I heard Trump make the announcement on that Wednesday night I was in my car. I shot a quick text to my wife to change her plans and get a flight by Friday because Trump’s announcement was unclear (as usual). By the time I got home, she had changed her flight and it cost her an extra $850. Then I saw the DHS Secretary’s clarification and realized that her flight didn’t need to have been changed.
  3. Apologies, but I don’t understand your post. What is the “it” that you’re referring to, and the orders to implement “it”. I’m not trying to be obtuse.
  4. “Should have been quarantined” in what manner? Where and how?
  5. Don’t bother. Trump is an existential menace. He incomparable to anyone living or dead or to come in the future.
  6. Everyone returning were told to self-quarantine. My wife and her mom and one of my kids came back from Europe the Sunday after that order was issued. They complied completely. It sucked. Are you saying that people should have been held at quarantine sites? The only other ways do deal with this were (1) close the border completely or (2) rely on citizens to do the right thing.
  7. It depends. Did he say that after the bill was passed and after he signed it?
  8. I laughed when she held up the water containers an said “I have two big jugs”.
  9. We shall find out. I just want to clarify that I don’t advocate for an “all stops out” opening. I think it is too early for that. There’s a balance, for sure. It should be found quickly. There’s enough talk about planning. Eventually the do-ing needs to start. Sooner than later. And the people in Tompkins County can get the S. Korea track and trace — that’s a good example for that control to prevent overwhelming. This should have been started anywhere outside of the Northeast Corridor and other large city hotspots at least a month ago. But here we are.
  10. You’ve been a boon to this community, and I mean that. I’ve learned a helluva lot from you. I was being pretty lazy in my response to Doc Brown. To answer your question, I’ve seen recent reports from Cuomo that say that up to 21% of NYC residents showed antibodies, and over 13% statewide. That was at least a week ago. The numbers must be a bit higher now, and it is my opinion (based on reports) that there’s a significant multiplier (7x, 10x, 15x, 20x ??) higher than those results which will push the number closer to herd immunity than the estimates you are stating. Couple that with what Cuomo said today (yesterday) stating that up to 66% of hospitalized New Yorkers were infected at home, while not working, and I’ve got a problem believing that this policy should remain in place as is for much longer. The hardest hit part of the country so far (by far) has been NYC. Reports indicate that the hospitals are well below capacity. If other parts of the country are now “hot” then deal with them S. Korea style. Isn’t it much easier to do that in less densely populated areas? You can can go to any of my posts on this subject and see that I’ve advocated regional opening where possible, and more testing and tracing. I believe that as long as people are diligent and honest, they will be able to self monitor and report their illness to their health care professionals and family and friends more quickly than government-appointed tracers, and the contacts can be tested and monitored as needed. I believe that the development of quick and easy (saliva based) testing makes it much more possible to let people get back to work to a reasonable extent. I believe (without any overt proof) that researchers every day are gaining a better understanding of treatment protocols. I believe that PPE is being replenished so that the inevitable spike can be met with more preparedness than we had at the outset of this mess. Maybe I’m the eternal optimist. I also balance my optimism with knowledge that people are going to continue to get sick and die whether we open or remain shut in. I just believe that the shutdown of our society (not just the economy) is only prolonging our necessary march toward true herd immunity. I realize that my post may be thin on facts, charts, numbers and heavy on what I glean from news reports. It is how I see things. Thanks for asking, I mean that.
  11. Turn to opposing counsel and say: “I think they just finished reading your brief”.
  12. The bolded part stood out to me. I know this should be a quality of every VP candidate, but I don’t know if it is this first thing on the top of the list. With Biden, it has to be. If he chooses a VP running mate who isn’t ready to step in immediately, it will hurt his chances.
  13. Where’s @DC Tom to make me an automated response? ^^^^^^?^^^^^ This is fun!
  14. That’s been my view for awhile, but I was willing to wait until people got a better handle on exactly what the virus is and how it affects the body and how to effectively treat it without re-crashing healthcare systems. I think every day brings us a lot closer to knowing how to do that. And I think it is time to slow/medium roll the reopening.
  15. I understand your point. However, if I’m finally showing symptoms after carrying around the virus for a few days, then my family and coworkers should go get tested if I’ve had any relatively close contact with them — even if they’re asymptomatic. And vice versa. Even that limited approach has to be somewhat effective, no?
  16. Don’t forget that our CDC contacted their Chinese equivalent back on December 30th (?) and asked if they would let us go to Wuhan to coordinate with them. We were rebuffed. It would have been great to have gotten some virus samples to make tests way back then. You can’t make tests without samples of the virus. Edit: here is a NYT article on this from February 7: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/07/health/cdc-coronavirus-china.html FTA: For more than a month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts to China to observe its coronavirus outbreak and help if it can. Normally, teams from the agency’s Epidemic Intelligence Servicecan be in the air within 24 hours. But no invitation has come — and no one can publicly explain why. The World Health Organization, which made a similar offer about two weeks ago, appears to be facing the same cold shoulder, though a spokeswoman said it is just “sorting out arrangements.” ... Also, C.D.C. officials have said that they hope to learn more about the new coronavirus from their Chinese counterparts to improve the American response if the virus starts to spread widely here.
  17. Dont discount a person’s ability to communicate with the people they come in contact with regularly — as well as their healthcare provider. Your post reads like it is only government-appointed trackers who are involved in tracking. If I get symptoms, my family is going to know right away. I’m telling my coworkers, as well. That accounts for a lot, and it greatly reduces the “8 days late” aspect of what you’re saying. It it will be up to those people I inform to do the right thing and watch their symptoms and take better measures to limit contact with others. My doctor should put me in whatever database exists to see if a hotspot pattern is emerging. It will be up to me to isolate, etc. It seems that people (not you, but in a general sense) expect the government to be the only monitor of the public. They won’t be and they can’t be. Like usual, people help each other out and eventually, if necessary, they turn to public officials and programs to fill in the gaps. It shouldn’t be the other way around. We aren’t baby birds in a nest with our mouths open to the sky.
  18. They’re a 7-9 or 8-8 or at best a 9-7 team with that offense. Their defense, alone, may have won them three or four games last year and they may be still really good. I’d love to see us beat them three times this season.
  19. Or...could be: #maybethisguywasanassholeandtheytransferredhimforareason And: #noticehownobodysaidanythinginnovemberordecember?
  20. I forgot to attach the link. I edited my post. That’s the “for you” part. I do agree that there was a complete lapse of good sense with that performance in front of a bunch of kids. I’m trying to figure out if there was possibly any rational reason behind agreeing to that, but I’m coming up with nothing.
  21. Here, Gal. This is for you. http://en.people.cn/n3/2017/0926/c90000-9273956.html I heard an interview with this guy awhile back. I was saying wtf through the whole thing. He wants pole dancing to be an olympic sport and he wants to be the champ.
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