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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Honestly, when is the last time Biden has left his house? Doesnt he have an office to go to — at least to change the background? It’s like he shut himself into his own doomsday bunker.
  2. It is a different legal question, but makes the entire case open until it is resolved. Pretty simple. You're really a lawyer? The lawyers I know act in a professional manner towards others -- even on a Political message board within a football forum. You can't help replying with condescension, even while spouting incorrect legal opinions for cases which you admit you know nothing of. Nobody is asking for your "expertise", but you try to dole it out to people whom you consider to be inferior to you. I understand that all kinds of people are lawyers, but you're representative of the most sanctimonious of them.
  3. For the red word, above -- it is "pled". I usually don't go grammar nazi, but geez. For the bolded parts -- you're incorrect. For the bolded and underlined part -- why do you spout off if you're not familiar with basic facts of the case?
  4. Every time a new, better, best candidate has come forward for the Democrats, they’ve been put under the magnifying glass like an ant in the sunshine. It has been remarkable. They went through 20+ hopefuls, and every one has burned up in the spotlight. They’ve got nobody and the clock keeps ticking. Sucks for them.
  5. They really should switch to a Broadway focus. More drama and gravitas. Better singers and dancers.
  6. In May, 2016 Hillary was wrapping up her delegates. People were saying the same thing about her. Lots can happen in 6 months. No, I’m not willing to bet you ?.
  7. When the prosecution dropped the case, my first reaction was that I would have liked Sullivan to had the chance to rule on the Defense’s motion to dismiss, to take away any stink of influence. I believe there’s a good chance that Sullivan would have permitted Flynn to withdraw the plea. In any event, the Order Sullivan issued says (paraphrased, but you get the point): (A) the court anticipates that amici will seek to file briefs. It does NOT say that Sullivan is looking to appoint anyone in particular. (B) the judge has discretion to determine who, when and in what manner to permit someone to intervene as an amicus. So just asking to participate isn’t a given. (C) there are certain restrictions: (1) allowable when a party isn’t properly represented. So is Sullivan saying he’s going to consider an amicus to step into the shoes of a prosecutor? That seems like a massive expansion. (2) when an amicus has an interest in some other case which would be affected by this case. Nothing pops to mind. (3) when the amicus has unique information or perspective that can help the court beyond what the attorneys can provide. This is a simple criminal matter at heart with run of the mill criminal procedure issues. Sullivan can probably figure all this out for himself. His entire order is about people seeking leave of court to file amicus briefs. If Sullivan wanted an individual to investigate the reason for the DOJ’s actions (which is what you speculate), then this Order doesn’t get the job done. In fact, I’m not sure there’s ANY recourse to the Judge except his own ability to inquire about the motives of the prosecution. To me, Sullivan is punting on second down. He’s got a lot of criminal court experience from the bench. He can do his job without help (whatever he decides, I don’t really care). His order is B.S.
  8. I’m just reading Sullivan’s order. Seems to me like the function is not what you describe it to be.
  9. That’s not the job of an amicus. Their function isn’t an exploration nor is it an investigation. Sullivan set out the job requirements here, and even a wide reading doesn’t include what you’re describing — if this retired Judge is the one Sullivan appointed.
  10. Laurence Tribe? you mean the guy who’s been wrong about everything for nearly four years? Why do they keep trotting out that “expert”? If you want to see what will actually happen, look in the opposite direction that Laurence Tribe points you. And can anyone explain why an ACTUAL judge, Sullivan, needs a FORMER, now-pretend judge to decide his cases for him? What a pu$$y.
  11. The bold text is an excellent question. Leadership is about managing people’s expectations and making rational, non-arbitrary decisions. Normal citizens without agendas understand this.
  12. Yes, the goals haven’t been clearly articulated by the politicians. And when they have, the finish line keeps getting pushed back. The reasoning has been provided by science experts. Most of the politicians haven’t spent a day in the private sector. I get the fact that they have hard decisions to make, I just hope they’re balancing everything correctly. It doesn’t appear so, at least not to me. Most of the science experts can’t see outside their empirical bubble. And even though the’ve been given the reins to make governing decisions, they weren’t elected by anyone. I’m hoping that there’s not too much weight on their advice. At at the end of the day, these are humans making hard decisions. It would be nice if they could articulate their reasonable end game. And it would be even nicer if politics could be removed from the equation. But that second one is a pipe dream.
  13. In what way does a comment like this drive the topic of the conversation? You responded to a well thought post with gibberish — perhaps to make a juvenile point? This is how you get your jollies? Sad.
  14. I understand that. NYC construction is frozen in place. I don’t know about Wisconsin. My point is that there are a lot of people who will want to invite their employees and customers back, and there will be a lot of people who take them up on that invitation. There will also be a lot of people who will probably keep their businesses closed for awhile longer, as well as employees and customers who take a more cautious approach. All we ever get are anecdotal reports of protesters and shamers. To me, 10,000, even 100,000 protesters don’t represent everyone. Just like the many people who chose to stay home, and the people who sniff disapprovingly at the protesters.
  15. Back onto the topic of reopening... Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down the Governor’s stay-at-Home orders (except school closure) effective immediately. https://apple.news/AitUR0WW4S_SMnJjLG7LaUQ That’s gonna be interesting to see how many people decide to stay at home and how many people go for full contact. As well as the many variations in between.
  16. Yep. I really liked their blue tops, yellow pants. This change is bad.
  17. Blue Jays seem like bullies all the time. Dont get me going on crows, I love them. If I were to choose what animal to be in a future life it is a tough call between bear or crow. Maybe that’s a good subject for a different thread. And I whistle at mockingbirds, too!
  18. I actually like the few mockingbirds around my block. They’re not a constant presence, but when one shows up, it is a treat. It’s the blue jays that annoy me.
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