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Everything posted by snafu

  1. If they want to be consistent, they should have the party around the same time they plan to take their honeymoon (if the reason for the delay is Covid-related in any way). I think they shouldn’t make other people travel if they’re not comfortable traveling. If this isn’t a factor, then your son and his bride need to make the decision on their own — it may affect family relations in the future.
  2. Was he removed right after the Flynn plea and replaced by Sullivan? Didn’t Sullivan almost immediately order the prosecution to turn over all exculpatory evidence just days later? Is it true that the evidence wasn’t actually turned over until after Barr had a Missouri prosecutor specifically look into the matter? Didn't the Missouri prosecutor only just release the exculpatory evidence to the defense a month ago? But, hey, he pled guilty — there’s no need for context. None whatsoever. Throw the book and slam the jail cell door. Duh, you idiot. You’re wasting everyone’s time.
  3. Not too rare. Sullivan was not the original judge for Flynn’s case, if I recall correctly.
  4. Well, thank you for answering. I’m still trying to get an answer from BillStime to my original two questions...
  5. Why are you answering for Warren Zevon? I can keep up, that why I’m asking you (*not* WZ ?).
  6. You don’t answer questions posed directly to you? That’s not a “rule” that’s common courtesy. Hey, wow, look who showed up. Deppity Fife!
  7. Odd, I’ve seen only one other poster take a screenshot of someone’s activity and use it to complain that they post too much, and it isn’t you. To me, (because I’ve only seen it once or twice before a while ago) is a very distinctive thing to do.
  8. What about the wrongly accused who’ve been convicted? You know, inmates freed after their verdicts are overturned. It happens frequently. Are those people only temporarily guilty?
  9. Understood about your second paragraph. My point was more of a question. Thanks for answering. I’ve always thought one of the best side benefits of the lockdown is to get to know as many unknowns as possible before reopening. Or at least identify what should be investigated. That’s the only way to be prepared for the inevitable increase in numbers, especially with the next flu season being folded into a new Covid spike. There’s a lot of minds focused on this virus. One or two days makes a big difference.
  10. I think I'm changing the topic a bit. It certainly isn't as fatal, but i am in wait and see mode on "dangerous" with regard to blood clotting, and permanent, or long lasting, or degenerative damage to younger population. This seems to do different things to people than the flu. There's still a lot we don't know about this virus and its effects. Also -- if you take into consideration that hospitals were actively turning people away during the COVID-19 height of the outbreak, can you safely use the hospitalization numbers that are being reported? Comparing them to flu numbers -- when hospitals have traditionally been able to handle all cases that come to their doors -- is maybe not the best comparison. Keep in mind that I don't know what comparison would be better...
  11. I’ve put it in my head that there’s never going to be an effective vaccine for this. We are gonna have to live with this virus floating around. I’ll be happy to be wrong, of course.
  12. You think this President is first to investigate a prior administration?
  13. Thats not a halo effect, that’s the less-used eclipse effect.
  14. She smiles when she talks to the cameras, even though she doesn’t want to smile while talking.
  15. Do you get one solarium and Snoopy gets the other one? ??
  16. No *****. Thats why they want your phone with you at all times. If I see someone wearing that, I’m sticking my chewed gum to it. Right where the nose is.
  17. “Driving to the Hamptons”! Gold, Jerry. You’re right. Jump the shark is good for some things, but driving to the Hamptons is perfect for this forum.
  18. Not until everyone’s done dancing on the grave. ?
  19. That’s another problem for the Democrats. It means that after 21+ candidates, they can’t find one. Bad message.
  20. The first two are tied together, because in November, nobody will care about how booming the economy was in February. Thr VP pick had better no be a loser from the primaries — someone that even the Democrats has already rejected. It would be so stupid if he picks Harris or Warren or Klobuchar. He promised a woman, but with the Reed accusations (whether they’re true or false), what woman is going to go against #meetoo? And if he goes with a male VP, then he’s running away from women, and his own pledge. Not a good spot to be in. Not only that, but because of the perception that he’s a dottering old fool, his VP choice is really important.
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