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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Well, if it was zero yesterday, that’s great news. It will also help us see what the results of this past week of protests containing thousands upon thousands of non-social-distancing and unmasked people will be. There’s a loud debate over the effectiveness of social distancing measures. The City is a good experiment.
  2. Bro, I’m speaking for the dogs. The dooooogggggssss.
  3. I’ll PM you my account info. More of a dog person, I am. Can’t have that $$ going to cats. I should form “adopt a gen X” company.
  4. I didn’t say “all”. Thank you for your restraint. Now die, boomer!
  5. Not exactly. A lot of you left your spawn behind. ☹️
  6. Got to start someplace. It's easier to watch the holes than to watch the entire border. Here is LEGAL immigration statistics for the past 6 years, by country into the US. There's no appreciable difference in the numbers from 2013 - 2018. https://www.dhs.gov/immigration-statistics/yearbook/2015/table3 https://www.dhs.gov/immigration-statistics/yearbook/2018/table3# These are the ILLEGAL immigration population statistics 1990-2017 https://www.statista.com/statistics/646261/unauthorized-immigrant-population-in-the-us/ So can you please explain to me why it is bad that this Administration wants to curb ILLEGAL immigration while still allowing LEGAL immigration? Why? What reason do you have for disagreeing with this policy? You know, the US population growth is too slow. Our country needs to boost the birth rate ASAP. Either that, or else allow people from other countries to make up the difference. Either way is fine with me, but if our country is going to allow immigration to take up the slack, then we should ALLOW them to enter LEGALLY. The policy should be to gradually increase the number of applications and open up easier paths to actual legitimate citizenship. Let them make a family, get jobs, pay taxes, live like regular citizens without having to hide from census takers, etc.
  7. I think a good portion has to do with the Payroll Protection $$ coming through and employers offering jobs back to their staff. I think Congress is mumbling about keeping the unemployment $600 kicker in place beyond July. If they let that expire, then people intentionally sitting on the sidelines will come flooding back to work. Then if they announce schools will be in-person come September, all stops are out (except for a big re-spike in Covid, which I don’t think will happen).
  8. Seems like that cheesed off China a bit, but he should be pushing for removal of China from the UN Security Council. He should also call then Hong Kong Citizens at every turn, and he should offer to replicate Hong Kong’s exchange in the U.K. if that’s possible. The U.K. has to take the lead on this because they were a party to the 2 party agreement. Max pressure or Taiwan is next.
  9. Don't give AOC that much credit. Crowley literally didn't attend the primaries. She didn't win nearly as much as he completely screwed up. Also, don't give yourself credit. You aren't at all removed from being just another guy on a message board.
  10. Okay, you got me. I will engage on this specific instance... I'm sorry that Trump grabbed your pu$$y again, Warren. I'll clutch my pearls for you. Make you feel better now?
  11. So, you've clarified that the thread title is more accurate than your later post. It is about this particular President. Not surprising. Why didn't you just ask "do you like this President, yes or no". I don't care to engage on this specific instance. The only reason I posted was to clear up for myself what I suspected about your thread and your poll.
  12. Your thread title doesn't match this post. The thread title says "the", this post says "a". Which is it? I've got a question for you: do you think no President has ever set up a photo op?
  13. I think the Court of Appeals will reject mandamus. I still believe that Sullivan could and should do this on his own without Amici.
  14. I saw a night time shuttle launch in Orlando once when I was on vacation — clear as a bell. I didn’t know it was going off so it was freaky to see. It took a couple minutes for me to tell that this fireball was going UP, not down. It was cool to see.
  15. I had my kid give me a cut back in early April. She did well and it looks normal. My “lay-off” beard stays until NYC hits phase 2 or I trip over it going down stairs, whichever comes first. Unfortunately, it won’t matter. The GOP abandoned the City years ago. We are a one party state at the state level now.
  16. I think this is the fast track and I think they’re doing it now during blue state lockdown while people are watching news.
  17. Lots of spoilers in here, I wish I hadn’t opened this thread!
  18. Well, for integration they will sit black, white, black, white.... Obviously.
  19. I saw a werewolf drinking a piña colada at Trader Vic'sAnd his hair was perfect
  20. This has happened a lot with Democrats in the past year. Initially, they’re foisted up on the pedestal, then they get examined and ultimately rejected.
  21. Swalwell’s user photo is of him kissing a baby (actually it looks more like he’s sucking the kid’s eyeball out). I’m going take this person seriously? Edit, yes, I do realize what my avatar is... I retract.
  22. I call him unfrozen caveman Governor.
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