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Everything posted by snafu

  1. We watched this last night at the end of a good, long Father's Day.
  2. Are the non-talking ones less expensive? Sounds like a win-win.
  3. So Biden has Covid-19, I knew it! Prayers for his speedy recovery.
  4. How long until Snopes says this is only partly true, so therefore it is false?
  5. A crap ton more than one store burned down. And if you think only billion dollar stores were victimized, you’re badly mistaken. Check out the Bronx. Even more stores boarded up their windows and doors in response. These stores employ our working class. A lot of these stores may never re-open. Not good for our working class. Who are “you people”? This is so wrong.
  6. We are not canceling ribeye steak. Chevy Camaro
  7. They're called wafers, but everyone knows that they are only trying to hide the fact that they are crackers. Banish them now! Bleach
  8. Received an email this morning that all Chase Bank Branches will close at 1:00 tomorrow in celebration of Juneteenth. Thanks for the advance notice, Chase!
  9. To me, one has historically been “less not not an ally”, if that grammar makes sense. The other is an adversary.
  10. Civic orthodox purity testing. Everyone not woke enough is either a heathen or a heretic. Companies that don’t show a woke face are scared to be boycotted or firebombed. Nobody is free until everyone is free — except nobody knows when that will be or what it would look like.
  11. I don’t celebrate when anyone loses a job. That being said, Botterill sucked. The team is in shambles.
  12. China continues its Eff Uuu world tour. They keep nibbling at their neighbors and setting themselves up in other parts (SW Africa, Red Sea, Caribbean, South Pacific). I give it three years before everyone else in the world wakes up and things get real ugly.
  13. Next statement will be written in crayon and just say “nothing to see here, go on with what you were doing”.
  14. Yes, add that to my apparently long and growing list of -ists.
  15. While your vision sounds almost adequate, at best, I’d prefer it if my taxes were reduced. I’ve been defunded enough already.
  16. Oh, so the money will pay for firearms for everyone?
  17. The links you provided didn’t respond to the assertion you made. The one about November, 2019 intelligence that Trump ignored.
  18. I asked you for proof. That’s all I did. My first post to you was a pretty polite question about proof of your claim that Trump ignored November intelligence. Still nothing from you. If facts DO matter to me, then maybe that makes me an honest person. That has nothing to do with supporting Trump. In fact, you said it yourself — facts don’t matter to a Trump supporter. You live in a binary world. Makes sense that you can’t fit facts into your narrative. Sad for you to be so angry.
  19. You remind us who the president is with every post you make. As for my post, I never said anyone hopes for death. Everyone knows vulnerable people who shouldn’t get ill because they’re at an elevated risk. Those at-risk people should take extra precaution, like don’t go out during the George Floyd, anti-Trump protests. Go call those people names, not me. ...and again with your claim about November. Again it is twisted so Trump can be blamed. Nice job, you can’t help yourself. My post made the point that Trump is his own worst enemy and there’s no reason why anyone should lie about facts if they oppose him. You got all knotted up and lost your temper over that. Nice job. Why should anyone take you seriously if you post untrue things and then lose your temper when someone calls you out?
  20. For anyone wondering why the media keeps flogging a nearly dead horse, here is an example of why continuing the Covid hype is occurring. It is so that people can manufacture outrage over a Trump rally and claim how reckless he is. Just like BillStime trying to use a six year old video of Obama paired with fragments of facts to lay Covid blame entirely at Trump’s feet. Theres enough Trump material to crack him over the head with, but it isn’t enough. People like to hope for more infections and mis-shape the recent past just because they hate the guy in office.
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