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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Didn’t see these before I posted.
  2. Good one. I was thinking the Washington Snyders.
  3. I agree that a crust must be well done. Most pizzas that get delivered to my house could use a few more minutes in the oven. The only thing well done in that photo, however, was blackened oil or burnt cheese. Not crust.
  4. I lived in Fresh Meadows for a few years. I know where that house is. That place is the exception, not the rule, for sure. In any event, that place looks like it is better off being razed. The lot doesn’t look big enough to do much with.
  5. Me too. Looks like burnt oil from a deep dish pan, which can be tasty, but that’s not actually pizza crust. And if burnt oil is the best part of a Harvest Pizza slice, then the remainder must be pretty sub-par.
  6. Russia isn’t the only foreign government that wants to manipulate our election results. And others aren’t necessarily Trump supporter (China, Iran). What of those countries? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/oct/30/us-elections-2020-hacking-misinformation-russia-china-iran https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2018/10/02/is-china-interfering-in-american-politics/
  7. Well she made it this far without needing the protection of government (protection from herself or others). It isn’t like people didn’t know where she was or couldn’t find her if they tried. If the rules allow letting her be free on bail, then that’s the way it goes.
  8. Of course I know what my opinions are. I’ll let you know if it happens. My opinion today is that mail in ballots will make the 2000 election fiasco feel like a refreshing nap in a hammock, and it takes partisans on both sides to make that happen.
  9. Thank you. I presume this is a tweet of his? Either way, as I said people who have hate in their hearts for Trump call him a liar. It is a main reason for the hate. Then they pick and choose what they consider to be a truth and what they consider to be a lie. Which is this? Because your “if” is presented more like a “when”. It sounds dishonest and people dont seem to want to play that game. If it happens, you will get your answers.
  10. Wait, I get a “go look it up” and Jim gets an actual quote? Did Trump NOT say elections are or were rigged against him? I’m not the one claiming that Trump says some election is or was rigged against him (you still haven’t said if it was 2016 or 2020). You really should provide some example of what you’re saying.
  11. Are they replacing him with this? They can keep the name.
  12. Which election? Honestly, I don’t hang on much of what Trump says. And people who hate him like to call him a liar — until he’s not a liar. I’d ask you to link what he said about an election being rigged against him, but I would also need you to tell me if he’s lying this time or telling the truth.
  13. Your hyperbole and name-calling aside, there is a high probability that we will not have election results on Election Night 2020. You will make it into a “Trump and everyone who are stupid and evil” issue, but it won’t have anything to do with Trump. Example: Pennsylvania went to mail balloting in their primaries a month ago and there are still no results. I’m not sure NY has released official results yet, either. These are primary elections. Good luck in the general election in a Presidential and full Congressional year. See you in January. And there are likely to be several court challenges from many candidates. And that’s got nothing to do with the President. He could easily make things worse, but the problem won’t be his making. In a normal year, if results are in on Election night, I don’t see Trump or his supporters causing trouble. As of today, this is a fiction of your mind. Where has Trump even hinted at something like this?
  14. Note: I’m not for blowing up or tearing down anything. That said, the Taliban didn’t have too many qualms about blowing up Buddhist statues that were old. I don’t think they cared how old the statues were. Misguided iconoclasts don’t care. That’s where some people in this country are today. Ask ISIS about the antiquities they destroyed. I don’t think the age of the monument is a determining factor at all.
  15. No, it is what 5 Hour Energy drink used to be called before the boycotts started. They wanted to stay ahead of things to keep their doors open.
  16. The call out thread wasn’t about you.
  17. non-sequitur posts that mention Howie Hawkins.
  18. I can’t tell if this is sarcastic or not. I hope so.
  19. Yeah, sorry — it is even more simple than I stated already. I forgot that she dropped out in December — two months before the Iowa caucus. She never made it to the first contest. Pretty simple, nobody donated to her campaign and she couldn’t get votes. And as for a more nuanced description of the disaster that was her campaign, here’s a postmortem. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/29/us/politics/kamala-harris-2020.html Pretty simple. It was a disaster.
  20. I think it would be a mistake to choose a running mate that couldn’t pull 10% of her own party’s votes in the primaries, and who’s campaign flamed out in a sort of ugly fashion. And from a State that Biden’s got locked up.
  21. I find it odd that people who think Barr is fixing the Flynn case actually want Sullivan to have a hearing where the DOJ lays out every dirty deed done to Flynn. That’s what the hearing would be about. Do people who think the Russia investigation was pure as newfallen snow want to see how the sausage was made? Based on the limited facts that have come out, people should want to tiptoe away from any hearing explaining why Barr did what he did.
  22. 1) pretty much all of it 2) pretty much all of it 3) I’m sure Trump’s associates appreciate all the help they got while sitting in jail 4) collusion isn’t a crime. Conspiracy to do what?
  23. Like I’m a representative of my household but I have no voting rights and I pay for things. I’m the Elenor Holmes Norton of my house! ☹️
  24. I know the goal. Either status quo, or partially unfair to MD and VA. Statehood with two senators is unfair to the entire country.
  25. Really, the DC license plate says it all. They should have some representation. Maybe one Congressperson. For the Senate, they could be allowed to vote in elections for one Maryland Senator and one Virginia Senator. After all, the city comes from Maryland and Virginia land. I think it would be absolutely ridiculous for DC to get 2 Senators. I can’t see any more fair way than my idea.
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