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Everything posted by snafu

  1. There was a Gizmodo article with a theory that the overpriced items are more likely for money launderers. Either way, seems like some squirrely thing. Can they find out if anyone actually bought the stuff?
  2. You said something about wanting to see if Trump is as wealthy as he claims. I get that. You want to investigate a person to find a crime it seems. Bad road to travel. Bad precedent to set. You never said whether you’d actually look at the returns, or have looked at any candidates returns since the Ford era. I provided you to a link where Trump himself itemized and certified his worth. Did you look at that? I did. Did you find that he’s hiding anything?
  3. You didn’t vote for Obama?
  4. George H.W. Bush says “hi”. Not unprecedented. In fact, Trump let Stone’s trial go to a conclusion, so it isn’t even as corrupt. Obama says “hi” — he settled the IRS lawsuit before it went to trial. Nobody likes it when it happens, and everybody squawks about it, but it happens in every administration.
  5. Hey, look for the silver lining. Maybe it will mutate so much that humans will eventually only become carriers and the only species that dies from it are mosquitos. Then no more Covid and no more malaria. Win win!
  6. Say it like you mean it, Claire. She should be so intemperate when she’s on NBC. They’d get better ratings.
  7. He’s NOT s Trump dude. @plenzmd1 has been very clear about that.
  8. Tax returns show income, not wealth. Presidential candidates must file financial disclosures in order to run. Here’s some assistance it was super easy to find, and you can go back to the 2016 year to make comparisons: https://www.opensecrets.org/2020-presidential-race/financial-disclosures-and-net-worth Do you think nobody’s combed through these disclosures, which would tell you much more about a candidate than tax returns? Go at it. Let me know what you find.
  9. So you would personally look at his returns to find this?
  10. Have you ever looked at any Presidential Candidate’s tax returns? What, exactly, are you looking to find? What Trump should have said from the get-go is eff off about seeing the returns, period.
  11. Trump commutes Roger Stone’s sentence. Heads will explode. https://www.npr.org/2020/07/10/887721441/trump-commutes-sentence-of-longtime-friend-and-adviser-roger-stone
  12. I thought the “inject” statement was stupid but I didn’t treat it like you do. You have hate in your heart. You can’t be objective when it comes to Trump. You made it your choice. Then you choose to denigrate people who don’t hate along with you. It makes your credibility drop through the floor.
  13. I said his communication skills are lacking. Is that breaking news? I wasn’t trying to explain him, defend him, or make him “seem less stupid”, I was telling you how I read that quote. Voting in person is a right. Voting by absentee ballot is not a right. You have to apply to your local Board of Elections to vote by absentee ballot. These are basic facts. I think it is funny how people who have hatred in their heart for Trump feel a need to interpret his statements to make him seem more stupid. His inability to clearly communicate works both ways. See how that works?
  14. Trump’s communication skills are certainly lacking. The way I read that quote is the privilege of voting in absentia. Not the privilege to vote.
  15. This math doesn’t add up. 13-4=9 9/2=4.5 4.5-2=2.5
  16. I'm trying to understand why you're bringing gerrymandering into an Electoral College discussion. As far as I know, the "winning" Political Party of each State gets to choose Electors. So if the popular vote for President in a State went to a Democrat, then that State's Democratic Party chooses the Electors and the Electors vote along Party lines. This is true even if there were a Republican Governor and Republican State Legislative majority and that State voted for a Democrat for President - -the Party of the winning candidate would choose the Electors. The choice of electors is actually based upon a STATEWIDE popular vote. This doesn't really have anything to do with Congressional or Statewide voting districts, or how they are mapped out. Not at all.
  17. No. I'm pointing out the fact that both candidates have similar warts. Trump -- SAT; Biden -- plagiarism. You seem to treat Biden's warts like dandruff on your shoulder (if you acknowledge them at all). You treat Trump's warts like birdshit in your hair. You'll probably label me as a Trump supporter, but actually, I'm not. I just find it odd and curious that you use these words in your OP of your thread to describe Trump supporters: "nut jobs", "idiots", "evil", "stupid", "scum". Yet, when you're pointed to similar cheating incidents in each candidates' past, you treat Biden's like it doesn't exist. Are Biden supporters "nut jobs", "idiots", "evil", "stupid", "scum"? Biden arrived in Washington in 1973, and he hasn't left. This country is completely divided, and lifetime politicians like Biden are more the problem than you like to let on. I'm just trying to tell you to be quite a bit more objective.
  18. Good one! But be careful, you don’t want Biden to plagiarize all your best material.
  19. Washington Suckazz I’m working on a logo.
  20. It’ll be cold. With mail in ballots, the results won’t be announced until some time in December. Between Election Day and the results is going to be insane.
  21. Actually, in Washington’s case, the three Electors voted for Colin Powell instead of Clinton in the hope that other electors would do something similar and throw the Electoral count out of whack. Then, they hoped, Congress was going to have to settle the election. Nobody else did that. Their plan wasn’t very well thought out I suppose. So it is similar to your thought, but in a weird way of going about it. Some day, we are going to get enough States to approve the “Popular Vote Compact” and then a new challenge will go before the Court to see if that can actually be a substitute to amending the Constitution. If I read Justice Thomas’s concurring opinion right, it looks like that’s where the future argument might have legs in support of the “Compact”. I don’t know if that’s what he intended, but he basically said States can do what they want.
  22. Are we expanding the definition of outer crust to include the entire pie? Outer crust with toppings on it like sauce and caramelized cheese is like any other part of the crust, outer, inner, any of it. If you need the dough to be topped with sauce and cheese then you're not referring to the outer crust -- and you're not tasting the unadulterated crust to make any quality judgment about the most important component of a pizza.
  23. This seems off. Just about everyone has contracted an illness from a coronavirus in their past. If I get tested and am negative for antibodies, what does that mean? Does that mean I’ve never had a stomach bug or a common cold?
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