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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Fireworks explosion, huh?
  2. Hang out on your porch wearing this...
  3. ^^^^^^^ two in 29. 51 for Carter Page. No, no. Not a witch hunt.
  4. They aren’t nearly the best we can come up with. Most rational, qualified people would not dare run for President (probably Governor, too — and Supreme Court). Especially in the age of social media. We’re left with the demented to choose from. The D and R primary losers from 20 years ago are better than what gets put up these days.
  5. You got something against Lee Strasberg?
  6. You mistake me for someone on a bandwagon. I’ve already clearly stated my opinion about the subject matter of your thread and Trump’s tweet about postponing the election. Go back and find ithose. At this point, all I’m telling you is that you’re deluded by hate. Here, I’ll make you feel better... There are laws which dictate when the election must be held and when the electors must vote, and most important when a President’s term expires. So here’s a hypothetical that’s just as stupid as yours: Several States use all-mail ballots for the November election. This results in a failure of electors to be appointed in a timely manner but somehow all the congressional races are announced. The Presidentail election falderal continues past January 20 with no winner, at which time the Speaker of the House automatically becomes President. Now we all know that the Speaker does not need to be a member of Congress, so the Democrat majority selects “Joe Biden” to be Speaker of the House, and he becomes President. After that, the House selects Nancy Pelosi to fill the empty Speaker job. I’m sure you’d be okay with that, yes?
  7. Yep. Why ask him about it in the first place? Why get worked up over it? He’s got as much control over this as you do. You want every administration official to retract every stupid or incorrect thing they say? How about elected officials? Do you realize how delusional this is? I believe you only want them to retract statements you disagree with. I’ll act as if it is a big deal once Congress gets serious about it. Wake me then. Perhaps it is you who doesn’t know how the laws work and which branch of the government passes or changes them. Did you act as though it was a big deal when Andrew Cuomo and several other governors issued executive orders delaying primary elections and conducting them with mail ballots for everyone? Don’t break your arm trying to pat yourself on the back. Your first (un-original) hypothetical is just that. Trump’s statement has no actual bearing on that. Nobody wants to get into your panic room with you. All you’re looking for is validation of a myth. And because nobody wants to get into your panic room you call them names.
  8. Big deal, Pompeo was wrong. WTF does anyone care what the Secretary of State says about this issue? Is Pompeo going to send the State Department Troop Election Task Force to polling places to enforce the non existent postponement? No, he’s not. Find another issue to crap your pants about.
  9. No. I’m not wasting my time. You refuse to hear. Too much hate in your heart.
  10. Did she say this today? Holy Moses.
  11. I don’t think you know the issue if you say something like this. It really exposes your ignorance of the problem with selective unmasking.
  12. You have no reservations regarding mail-in voting? It will be a colossal mess. Both sides will see to that. It will be story after story after story of how either D's or R's are cheating the system or suppressing the vote. Most of it will be bullcrap, but some of it won't. It doesn't matter because perception = reality these days. We won't have election results until mid December at the earliest, and the country will live through a nightmare for at least that period of time, probably longer. Maaaaarrrrrkkkk myyyyyyyy wooooorrrrrdddsssss !!!
  13. That's better than Great, yes? I mean, why settle for Great when you can go full Tremendous?
  14. You presume his motive as usual. Aside from that, I wholeheartedly disagree with the notion of postponing the election. I also wholeheartedly disagree with mail in voting which has never been done on such a scale, and there's been no time to put a plan in place.
  15. How will the Board of Elections know that I mailed in my ballot? If I also show up to the polling place on Election Day, will they have crossed my name off the list as already having voted? How will I know that my ballot ballot got to where it was supposed to go? It seems to me that it would be easier, quicker, and more accurate to spend extra money on making polling places safer than spending money on hastily changing every State and Local Board of Elections’ method of conducting an election. Or — another proposal would be to require in-person (and usual absentee) voting, but keep the polls open from Sunday-Tuesday. This is what they should do if they don’t want chaos.
  16. Been to the Algarve twice. I’d retire there. Try Tavira. Nice little place. You need to take the ferry to get to the beach, but it is worth the ride.
  17. This sounds good, too. I'm not inflexible. Yes, this is true, but when cold, they aren't expected to be crisp. The meat tightens up a bit and they don't lose any flavor.
  18. Dunno. They're good! I can't be alone on this one. Definitely not soggy.
  19. Both. No preference whatsoever. Prefer leftover wings straight out of the fridge.
  20. Dick Clark was good on $100,000 Pyramid.
  21. ^^^^ what a great still shot that is. I almost don't want to press play.
  22. Fly to Cleveland and drive to NY?
  23. Look at it from the owners’ point of view. Fans are clamoring for a season, players want to play, owners want their profits. No matter what safety measures the league puts in place, it is highly likely that people will get sick. Then it’s back to fans calling them greedy and players calling them reckless. I’m not discounting the Owners’ desire to make their cash. They want a season for that reason. But they’re in a tough spot. Honestly, if there’s no good plan in place — a plan that includes the players, whatever that may be — then there shouldn’t be any games.
  24. I’m sure there are differences between today and 1930’s Japan, but there certainly are similarities. Japan was already in China for a long time before we said enough and cut oil and froze all Japanese assets in the US. China keeps prodding their borders in an expansionist way. I think those actions the US took against Japan pushed Japan to seek resources elsewhere in Asia and so they branched out in a violent and comprehensive way. China is setting itself up to do the same thing in several areas of the globe. Don’t underestimate the usefulness of the Chinese yellow slave labor to the CCP’ economic machine. And when the shooting starts, don’t underestimate their usefulness as nominally effective cannon fodder. The Australians have been harassed by the Chinese for years, too, for their natural resources. I think there would be a lot of pushback in the South China Sea from several countries who are fed up with the bullying.
  25. What you describe sounds a lot like Tibet in the ‘50s and ‘60s and ‘80s and early this Century. Our response was always to protest the abuses of China vs. the Tibetans. Perhaps international protestation toward China worked to save Tibetans from the Uyghur’s fate. China never had the available “excuse” of dealing with Muslim extremists when dealing with Tibet. China doesn’t really get targeted by militant islamists that anyone ever hears of, but they use that as a very thin justification. Do you mean economically more painful for the CCP to continue their actions? China needs to be called out by any country that has a voice to do so. Is seems trite, but China is always prickly about its international reputation because it needs to be seen as a good trade partner. The CCP wants to have China be seen as the better alternative to US international influence. That reputation/goal is fading fast in light of countries’ reactions to their belt-and-road soverignity grab around the world. As well as in reaction to their treaty breaking in Hong Kong, their push against the disputed border with India, and the South China Sea grab (another broken treaty). Problem with China it that they’re not going to back off the Uyghurs until they are satisfied with the result. They just won’t. They didn’t in Tibet. They didn’t in Hong Kong. When it comes around to Taiwan they probably won’t stop, either. I wouldn’t expect to see a UN coalition anywhere near China since they’ve got veto power (not that the UN is willing to do anything in any event). I’m not sure whether China could be expelled from the WTO or not (and I don’t know what that would mean). There needs to be regional pushback against The CCP’s actions as well as international voices. The 5 Stan countries are only just beginning to organize into a loose regional group to discuss trade and mutual regional problems and solutions. I believe that Kyrgyzstan is refusing to return Uyghurs who fled China in spite of Chinese demands to do so. There must be more of this, if possible. The South China Sea countries have coalesced against China. Any country that provides raw materials and food to China should be in their face about human rights abuses and territory grabs. The CCP must feed and employ over a billion people. Reducing trade in basic staples will pressurize the CCP from within. it is a super tight balancing act because China will lash out militarily if pushed too hard. Their economy can’t be tanked because it would be a repeat of Japan in the late 1930’s. If there are debates, yes, for sure. They should both be hawks about this. And they should do their best to rally allies and foes alike to this problem.
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