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Everything posted by snafu

  1. The President is required by law to be a Christian. The Speaker of Parliament is required by law to be a Shia Muslim The Prime Minister is required by law to be a Sunni Muslim. <<<<<<<<< That's the one who resigned and took the cabinet with him. None of it matters anyhow, The leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon (Nasrallah, a Shiite) really runs the show.
  2. It's a trap? Seriously, though. This is "wow" news.
  3. Bloated City Government services being cut back!?!? The horror!!!!! Maybe his wife can find the $850million dollars she squandered / can't / won't account for with the NYC mental health program she ran.
  4. They’ll blame Trump. And when it isn’t Trump’s fault, they’ll go back to blaming George W. Bush. Everything was his fault before Trump came along. It was remarkable back then. And according to a past President, nobody gets credit, either. So everyone else is to blame and everyone else gets credit, too ? If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
  5. Trump has accomplished more than I thought. Some good, some bad. But he could have done a lot more if he wasn't so much himself. He allows the left to attack his actions and words. They don't need to focus on platform or policy.
  6. Wrote in my wife’s name last time. I’ll write her name in again this time. That way I don’t feel like I am throwing away my vote. I think she’d do a great job. No, she’s not watching me type this.
  7. Biden does need the progressives. Without them he's toast.
  8. (1) the progressives won't fall in line for Harris. (2)the Lincoln Project people are never-trumpers, who existed before the 2016 election. Counting them out as supporters of trump is no loss whatsoever. (3) biden should have chosen a progressive (Warren). Seems as though he figures he needs to stop bleeding African Americans more than lose the Bernie wing. But then he picked an ex AG from a state he doesn't need who ran a ***** primary vs. a former cop from a state in play who doesn't have the baggage that Harris brings (Demings). (4) all that said, he's still got a shot to beat Trump, and he just chose someone to be his successor that his own party clearly rejected. Bringing her back is like making Dems puke in their mouth and smile while doing it.
  9. Boy, what an opportunity secession would be. Pull all federal resources out of those three states and mass troops on the Idaho, Nevada and Arizona borders. Pull a bunch of navy ships up to the coastline and besiege them until they capitulate to becoming our slave states with no voting rights whatsoever. Take over as much California farms and food production as the federal government can in the process.
  10. Simple,, the blue states would build a wall.
  11. I go with severely distorted cylinder earther.
  12. @Kemp says that anyone who doesn’t criticize every Trump utterance is a Trump supporter. There is no middle ground or nuance. Further — and more important — @Kemp calls anyone who doesn’t agree with his views on Trump either stupid or evil. There is no middle ground or nuance. It is a completely fascist way of looking at the world and treating others. If he were in power, people who disagreed with him would be destined for re-education camps (for the stupid ones) or in jail (for the evil ones).
  13. Mods, feel free to merge this with another open Covid-19 thread. This is news a lot of people have been waiting for. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/cuomo-expected-to-reveal-ny-schools-decision-but-says-its-ultimately-not-up-to-him/2556237/
  14. Are they going to pump in crowd noise? When Brady starts chucking the ball into the dirt to avoid getting hit, will they press the “frustrated crowd loudly murmurs and yells at the QB” button? New England fans were used to seeing that. I wonder if TB fans will appreciate it.
  15. Oh...look at that. If Trump starts polling consistently over 45% then Biden is going to have to come out of his hole and actually campaign.
  16. AG's job is to protect the citizens of its State from fraud. Whether they like it or not.
  17. Nobody here is ignoring the fact that some states conduct elections this way. The issue is with the states that have never done it like Oregon, and are not geared up for it in such a short window of time.
  18. Whoever was storing that stuff was selfish, or stupid or bad actors. If Lebanon wasn't a failed state, they'd probably enforce regulations that are or were once in place to prevent such a dangerous situation. That would have taken care of selfish and stupid.
  19. The risk of harm is accentuated when the system is changes and people find holes to exploit. I'm not against 100% participation in the system. I get the proposed benefits. I think there's a simpler and equally effective way of doing this. You and I will disagree about the level of potential harm. We shall see what's to come.
  20. Does it matter who performs the fraud? I can't say if it is establishment, or individuals who act on their own. The establishment and their supporters will try to capitalize on it by either supporting it with a wink or condemning it when they can. Why add to the potential for this?
  21. My point is that there's enough cheating out there (practiced by supporters of both parties) for each party to throw ***** at each other. The system worked before this year -- voter fraud is vary very low. Now in a span of 6 months States are going to magically force each and every one of their normally creaky Election Offices make a drastic switch in how they do things. And to top it off, we need to rely on a typically unreliable delivery agency. Nobody loved the post office. Now they've been raised up as the greatest agency ever -- even better than Amtrak. That's a recipe for complete disaster. Mistakes and errors aside, the proposed plan allows unscrupulous people to take advantage of flaws. If you like chaos, you're going to love November. I'm not 100% against a different way of voting during this time of the virus, but what's being hastily proposed is bad. Since the 2000 election, states needed years to switch to reliable electronic voting. Changing things to be more complicated isn't always the answer. Make it easier to vote in person. Spend the money for more polling places. Let people vote over a few days. If you like chaos, you're going to love November. This adds to the potential for chaos. That's my main point. A winner will win and a loser will lose. You can bet that neither side will go quietly.
  22. You’re right. Mail-for-all is set up to be abused by anyone, regardless of party affiliation. I’m sure that I will get three ballots in my mail this year for people who are dead or don’t exist (my father in law, the prior owner of this house who hasn’t lived here for 20 years and the mail that comes to a fictitious name comprised of the first names of my mother in law and father in law). I won’t be casting more than my own vote, but I can see where someone else wouldn’t be honest. You’re also missing much of the original post, which has nothing to do with fairness, but describes the likely problems that overwhelming both the board of elections and the post office will inevitably pose. These are not two shining star agencies.
  23. They should make it all Bruce Smith. Every seat.
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