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Everything posted by snafu

  1. As far as I know, the FISA application must include any mitigating facts. It is the DOJ's job to do that because there's nobody representing the FISA subject's interest. The DOJ gets their info from the FBI in this case. The FBI had the CIA's email before the first FISA application. A lot of people knew everything right from the get-go. Then what makes it even worse is that Clinesmith was working for Weissman on Mueller's team at the time that he didn't just withhold the CIA email, but actually took the extra step to falsify it. My only questions are whether Clinesmith helped prepare the first thee applications, and if so, (1) why didn't he submit the CIA email for the first three; and (B) why did he bother to submit the altered CIA email for the fourth application.
  2. So how the hell can Clinesmtih plead guilty to the charge if he also claims that he didn't "knowingly believe the statement was false"? If I were the Judge I don't know if I'd accept Clinesmith's plea. Seems like he didn't admit to the elements of the crime.
  3. If I remember right, the system was put in mainly to cut back on “I agree” or “that was funny” or “you’re not making any sense” posts that people would have to make just to get their message across. For that, the reaction option works great. The board isn’t nearly so jammed up anymore because of it. If people found an alternative way to use the feature for their entertainment, then that’s the way it goes. For the original intent, it it working fine, IMO.
  4. If you can't be 6' apart, then wear a mask. If someone doesn't want to risk infection, then they can watch from the comfort of their couch.
  5. Calm down, old timer. Your stuff wasn't good back then, either.
  6. I'm going to "virtually" watch it until Biden appears.
  7. They tried to keep running their offense against the Pats, whose defense was smacking us around even before Barkley ever went into the game. I do understand your point. I think our crappy backup is a toss up at this point is just as good/bad as another crappy backup, just in different ways. I’m hoping that a good, solid running game would alleviate Barkley’s arm issues, and I think we may have that.
  8. The teams that don’t have their starter are not considered ready to compete. Any team that wants to win a championship needs to be good everywhere. Do you factor in that Barkley (with his flaws) is in his third season with this OC and personnel, whereas any other backup (with their flaws) would need the entire offense to be dumbed down in order to learn the plays and players? Maybe that’s a leveling element which helps overcome Barkley’s greater amount of flaws.
  9. When’s Comey’s next contemplative tweet of our majestic national parks?
  10. Not Nellie. Did you ever read her congressional hearing transcript released by Doug Collins back when? She wasn't giving up anything.
  11. The way around that is to show clips of Joe last July in the Dem debates, then in March in his last one vs. Bernie, then compare those to the most recent. Biden could be fine for all we know, but if he bumbles around vs. Trump, then no supporter is going to be able to ignore the deterioration.
  12. Here's the difference this year: all those people you mentioned could actually hold a conversation for 90 straight minutes, whether they won or lost the debate or the election. With Biden, nobody is sure. Seems to be an extremely important (low) hurdle to cross over. Trump has been labeled an imbecile for four years. Imagine if Biden can't come across as smarter than the imbecile.
  13. They have an effect. Look at Bloomberg in the primaries -- that was the highest-rated debate and he puked on himself, never to be heard from again. Romney beat the crap out of Obama in their first debate, then he backed off and lost a lot of support by being soft. I have a feeling this time around that people honestly want to see whether Biden has slipped so much from his last debate in March. That's the murmurings -- he's got to prove doubters wrong, IMO. It really isn't just political theater.
  14. They might be, but I think Biden sinks or swims on the debate stage. Also, Biden’s VP selection was touted by the media as very important because even they don’t think he’s going to last through his term.
  15. When were those polls — before or after the Harris announcement?
  16. Did you intend to come across as being so rude and demeaning?
  17. Even if he were an abject failure at transforming his inheritance into something, he was employing people and contributing to the economy the same way any small or large business does. Thank goodness people don’t just sock away their inheritances in low interest savings accounts.
  18. The graph for Texas is not really proportionately correct. From 0 to 1.25x is one measure and then from 1.25x to 1.6x is almost twice that measure. They could have just reported the number “peak 1.6x higher” — which they did to the left. They didn’t really need to draw a distorted graph to make their point. I’m not really bent out of shape about it, but that’s not “just data”, and I can see how some people might get a bit cheesed off.
  19. The President is required by law to be a Christian. The Speaker of Parliament is required by law to be a Shia Muslim The Prime Minister is required by law to be a Sunni Muslim. <<<<<<<<< That's the one who resigned and took the cabinet with him. None of it matters anyhow, The leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon (Nasrallah, a Shiite) really runs the show.
  20. It's a trap? Seriously, though. This is "wow" news.
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