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Everything posted by snafu

  1. I wonder if Trump should just cede most of his time to Biden, so Biden can elaborate on his answers.
  2. DeBlasio always wanted everyone back in school (at least when this Covid thing started). This is more of a 'they're jerking him around" thing. Then again, the School Board had 6 months to get a plan in place. Then again, we are talking about 1.1 MILLION students. That would rank it as the 9th largest city in the US. (Shudders as he types, defending the mayor like that.)
  3. Nobody around here claims that children should starve.
  4. Yes (at least in NYC). (1) Lunar New Year (2) St. Patrick's Day parade (until the last minute when the Mayor had to be talked out of it).
  5. Wow. I don't even believe the "stay safe" part. He's Canadian.
  6. I don’t recall one pass that Darnold threw in the first half where his feet were set. That was mostly due to the fact that there was no pocket to throw from. He doesn’t appear to have the ability to move away from trouble before throwing (or at least he doesn’t seem to think to do that). There were a lot of throws he made while taking a slight hop and it most definitely affected his accuracy.
  7. Yes, because there’s no natural intelligence there. 😎
  8. So my normal routine of resorting to fart noises is better than name calling? Who knew? Thanks!!!
  9. Herridge's reports would be MUCH more effective if they didn't come in a string of tweets.
  10. A, even with the 2 fumbles and missing Knox and Brown wide open in the end zone. He carried us because we had no running game to speak of.
  11. Those policies should be universal, not party-affiliated. Though I’d tweak one or two. Multilateral diplomacy is nice, but not always necessary while we are still economy #1. Sometimes sanctions and embargoes are the only alternative to force of arms — and they eventually work — though in the long-term, we use them for regime change (which is what our Iran policy is). I was thinking 5G when I read this. Couldn’t let Huaewi get ahead of our rollout. The fact that Huawei uses their technology as info-gathering tools for the ChiComs to better develop their AI capabilities was a great pretext. The world world is always a dangerous place and the Iran deal allowed that country to flex their influence in the region almost immediately. Getting out of that agreement was the right thing to do. I believe that Trump’s treatment of Iran is one of his only neocon policies. All his actions show that he’s pressurizing the Ayatollahs and hoping that they’re deposed from within. I’m not a big fan of forcing regime change, but ask the average Yemeni, or Syrian, or Lebanese citizen what he or she really thinks of Iranian interference in their respective countries. I’ve got nothing to offer on this subject whatsoever. Venezuela is yet another country tightly tied to Iran’s influence. The Russians and Chinese are influential there, too. Venezuela is also a menace to its neighbors, and the only coup attempt I know of was some half-ass privateer looking for glory. I don’t know that the administration was involved. Soleimani’s killing wasn’t going to spark a world war. Iran is in a bad position. There will be blowback some day from an Iranian sponsored terrorist attack is more likely. Have you read the three page memorandum of agreement between us and the Taliban? We’ve given them everything and we are pulling up stakes. Sooner than later. I see see these deals as isolating the Palestinians into finally agreeing to a 2state solution. The more Arab nations that sign on now, the more likely they will need to get on board. This is a helpful part of getting the “plan of the century” put in place. You’re right that the Israelis need to do their part. So far, their words say that they will. If the Israelis don’t go along, then you’re right about financial and diplomatic pressure. To me, the Palestinians need to get on board first. I’m not up on what our efforts are vis a vis pressurizing SA. At least on the face of it, we are reducing our troop presence in the region. That can’t be a bad thing.
  12. I did mention a few things in the OP... — I don’t know why Lichtman made his prediction in July. — This year is a bit odd with a novel virus and the reaction to it. However, Lichtman has apparently gone back and historically applied this to all past elections. So I don’t know why I’d think this year should be different. The country has held elections in weird times before. — The economy was humming in February. My answer to #6 was based on that. — The main reaction to the pandemic was to create an artificial depression. Included in that was a government-backed incentive to *not* work by paying people a lump sum and $600/week. My answer to #5 was based on this. — I am afraid of all the government money that was pumped into the economy, but as you say, we will find out more in January, which is after the November election. — More than half the county hates Trump passionately. Only about a quarter find him appealing. There’s no other answer to #12 than “false” — I don’t mind anyone taking issue with my answers. Keep in mind that even if you flip #6 and #12, you’re still at five “false”. Note: I’m not really calling the election. I think it will be way too close to call unless the debates make the picture clear. I just thought this Lichtman analysis was interesting stuff for conversation.
  13. Next article from the Atlantic to be titled : “End All Peace Now”.
  14. Put the Nobel Prize aside for a moment. Why does someone who notices that peace is accelerating in the mid-east get labeled a “Trump cultist”? How many Presidents have failed in that region and for how long? How many have removed soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan — not placed them there? Are people supposed to condemn this things because of the Orange Man? The Arab-Israel agreements are the first in decades. Both Israel-Egypt and Israel-Jordan peace agreements were born out of hostile conflict. These are true “warm” peace agreements. That’s awful because Orange Man? I couldn’t care less about the Nobel Prize. And the reverse question is: why is everything accomplished by this administration worthy of scorn and ridicule, even if it is a good thing? Looks to me like there is a “Hate Everything Trump Does Cult”. Here’s a third very important question: When Biden wins, do you think he should put troops back in Afghanistan and put troops back in Iraq and work to unravel the UAE/Bahrain/Israel peace agreements; as well as the Serbia/Kosovo agreement?
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