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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Tomato, tomato. He was told that once he takes off with his bride to the U.S., he'd not longer have the use of the Crown's trappings and authority (for lack of a better way of putting it, and whatever that may be). At least that's the way I understood it. He persisted. Now he doesn't speak for or represent the Crown in any official capacity.
  2. He renounced his royal status, moved to LA and applied for a green card.
  3. The first piece of advice may be bad if it isn’t Biden’s normal style. Not a good idea to make a 77 year old try something new. The second piece of advice is also bad. Why give Trump the ability to explain a bad quote? Save those for commercials. Did you not watch the Dem primary debates? To hear Joe’s version, he was integral to everything. Whether that’s true or not, it is the story he goes to. Everything out of his mouth is based strictly on his 47 year record — and especially his VP work.
  4. Where is the picture of her? All I see is some dude.
  5. The number of lies told by conservatives was not my point. Either you knew that and ignored it or you’re not too bright.
  6. Rams play a 1:00 east coast game this week, and again next week. Traveling cross country two week in a row ain’t easy.
  7. Why limit yourself? You’re only concerned with lies told by conservatives?
  8. I re-read your other post. I see your point. Where I would disagree is that you’re talking about the process more than the availability of the next Presidential term’s opportunity. That’s a nuance that most voters for the Presidential election won’t care about. Also, Biden is running on integrity as opposed to Trump’s character. What you’re saying is a 180” shift.
  9. Thomas’ matter wasn’t an assault. Kavanaugh’s matter wasn’t considered credible by the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee — until it looked like he was going to be voted in with no problem. And even after a show pony tacked-on hearing, it wasn’t credible. Are you saying it is okay to delve deep into sketchy personal history only when the balance of the Court is in jeopardy? As for Biden’s campaign, if they weren’t beating that drum before Ginsburg passed away then they were missing a golden opportunity and that’s their failing. It is clear that the next President will get one or two more appointments in the next term.
  10. The way things are today, I agree. That said, I can’t think of anyone nominated by Clinton or Obama who’s personal life became the issue — other than the pot smoker, I think from UCLA (I honestly don’t remember his name off hand).
  11. Capco, nice discussion. I do think Kavanaugh would have gotten 60 votes if the Senate would have adhered to a review of his judicial record and his statements about being a Supe. That’s not what came about. He was smeared in a personal and really questionable way.
  12. I disagree. If I were a liberal-leaning independent who was maybe not going to vote, now I’m definitely going to vote. Voters like these will not be canceled out by conservatives who will vote in any circumstance.
  13. If that’s the case, then get on with the replacement. I don’t think that’s the case, however. I doubt Trump thinks he’s toast.
  14. If I’m The President, I am 100% hating the timing of this. I think Trump is in a no win situation regarding his re-election. I think ANY President in this situation would be in a tough spot. He’s not going to gain any votes by pushing a conservative. He will lose votes by pushing a moderate (like Merrick Garland), or a replacement liberal. This could be as bad as any October surprise, IMO. He’s better off waiting. Having a Supreme Court ****—show in the last 45 days is only going to get angry protest votes to the polls. Those voters are not pulling the lever for Trump. That said, if I had to bet, I think he’s going to push forward with a replacement. He may win another seat on the Court and lose his lob in the White House because of it.
  15. I get it, but when I found out my jaw still dropped.
  16. We do, but it isn’t used often. Usually to check the weather before getting ready for work.
  17. Is it safe to assume that she would catch you well before the 1 yard line?
  18. She’s going to make you and the dog re-create that play, and guess who’s gonna be Leon?
  19. Awful and surprising news, even knowing that she was ill. Rest In Peace Justice Ginsburg.
  20. We have 2 cats, and then brought the dog into the house (Clara is her name). The cats treat the dog like a 4th class citizen. Clara's gotten a lot of smacks across her nose for trying to sniff cat butt. She never stops trying.
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