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Everything posted by snafu

  1. So the Pats* can continue to cheat and we have to be THAT MUCH better to overcome it? Can't it just be enough to pass them talent-wise?
  2. I wonder if Biden will end any of his answers with "my time is up" like he did in the Dem debates. Talk about low hanging fruit.
  3. Well they do say you’ve got to let it breathe before drinking it.
  4. As you said, religion is silly. Inconsequential, no? I’d wager that about half of religious people vote Democrat. You don’t seem to be able to talk about her qualifications to be a Supreme Court Justice — based on her actual record as a judge. Do you have any proof that her opinions are spiced with Gospel quotes? How about the Old Testament? For you and non-Democrats, your fear is 100% invention of your mind all the time.
  5. Right... If Obamacare can’t stand up to judicial scrutiny, then let the legislature do its job correct next time. And since her religious devotion is “silly” as you put it, then there’s no need to ever bring it up.
  6. If Catholic is her hardest knock, then she will be lucky.
  7. Last time around, if I remember, it was Kavanaugh or Barrett. I don’t think this is giving up quality vs. an identity-based candidate. She’s probably already been thoroughly investigated for bones under her floorboards the last time she was considered.
  8. I agree. Oh, then I disagree and you are a complete dumbass.
  9. This article says that over 500,000 Tibetans have been relocated by the Chinese since the beginning of 2020. Odd that I couldn’t find that article doing a Google search, innit? https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-china-sharply-expands-mass-labour-program-in-tibet/ A notice posted to the website of Tibet’s regional government website last month said over half a million people were trained as part of the project in the first seven months of 2020 – around 15 per cent of the region’s population. Of this total, almost 50,000 have been transferred into jobs within Tibet, and several thousand have been sent to other parts of China. Many end up in low paid work, including textile manufacturing, construction and agriculture.
  10. Yes, some time ago, I suggested legalizing everything and capitalizing on the profits from the market (like states do now with pot). Saves law enforcement dollars and makes money for treatment. I got a lot of replies telling me that’s a bad idea. The war on drugs may be our longest and probably most costly war.
  11. He's got better career stats than Joe Namath. Song: Soul Finger by the Bar-Kays.
  12. The soon to be re-named "James B. Comey International Space Station".
  13. Yes, I agree. Your statement was "Sullivan has his hands full now". I believe that the public at large wouldn't have seen any of these disclosures if Flynn's case closed months ago. Aren't these disclosures all coming out of Powell's office because the evidence disclosures are part of an ongoing order in Flynn's case? In a big way, this is a blessing to people who want to see behind the curtain. It is also a way to undercut those who want to downplay bad acts of the Russia investigators (or hold them up as impeccable). Eventually, there will be too much yarn to ignore. Thank you Judge Sullivan!
  14. All these disclosures would never have seen the light of day if Sullivan had acted on the Government's motion to dismiss the charge when it happened. The question I have is whether Barr/Flynn's prosecution team knew all these things before they filed the request to dismiss? I'm sure they knew some of it. I'm not sure they knew all of it. The Barnett interview was done on September 17th?
  15. Yes, yes team sport. You must have been muttering it to yourself while you were typing things completely different from this. And before you go try to find what you posted, it doesn’t matter. Again — Harry is not a foreign official. Russian troll farms were allegedly set up by the Russian military (official acts of a foreign government). Russian troll farms had no impact on the 2016 election. Harry (again NOT sanctioned by his government) said something in favor of Biden. Harry will not have an impact on the 2020 election.
  16. Derp. Your first post on this subject was ‘hey leftists, whaddya think about Harry’. One of your posts to me was about caring only when it fits my narrative. Then I explain to you that this is nothing like the 2016 Steele/Clinton involvement and you let that slide on by. You’re playing team sports. Youre telling me I’m on a team just because I disagreed with you. Nice. My “take” is (a) Harry’s got no actual, official voice, (b) nobody from the Biden campaign has solicited his involvement, (c) nobody gives a ***** what Harry thinks — except you. You can’t refute that and I’m a moron. Gotcha.
  17. This is utter hogwash. Thank's for reading deep into my motivation for posting what I did. I'm neither a moron, nor am I dishonest. I compared his OFFICIAL, GOVERNMENT OPINION to a cab driver, yes. That's all he's got. Being famous doesn't make him a state-sanctioned mouthpiece. If you think Prince Harry is anything more than a "teen beat" mimbo who married an upjump American two bit actress, then I don't know what to say to you. He's got as much influence on voters as the nefarious Russian troll farm. I'd like to know how many voters are swayed by Harry, Duke of Sussex' endorsement of Joe Biden. Are we talking about the typical Trump-voting hair salon demographic who will now turn to Biden because they perused a rag-mag in the waiting area showing Harry shilling for the D candidate? Get back to your original point "foreign interference". It WAS an issue in 2016 because the Clinton Campaign solicited the help of a foreign national to assist her campaign. Do you have any proof that Biden's campaign has hired moron Harry to "campaign" for him? If not, then this is NOT foreign interference -- it is one guy's opinion. It has nothing to do with my "preferences", of which you know nothing. This is truly a WGAS moment in campaigning annals. Give me a ****ing break.
  18. He can't speak for the Queen. He's got no authority to do so. Your initial point referred to "foreign interference". In this case there is no official act, nor is there any official authority to act. The guy might as well be a cab driver in London with a Biden bumper sticker.
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