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Everything posted by snafu

  1. He repeatedly would post the exact thing 15-20 times in a thread, and most times it was off the topic of the thread and meant to derail. He couldn’t coherently respond to others. You say he “hit the mark too well” — but all he did was post as insult. There was never an attempt to discuss anything. I don’t believe there are “bots” on this board, but he is the closest thing to one. There are others who insult, etc. It isn’t odd that he was singled out. He doesn’t come here to melt snowflakes, he wants to melt the forum.
  2. Dude, the proprietor if the site was dragged down into the crawl space of the basement of this place because he was told that a sewer pipe busted down there. He shined a flashlight on the problem and part of the repair job was to suspend your buddy. Obviously, you’re the only one who thinks BillStime was funny as hell.
  3. When I first heard this, I was surprised. Then I thought back to the early ‘90s NYC and this would not have really gotten much notice. Just a day in the life back then.
  4. Stick around. I’d say that to anyone who’s already threatened to leave (or left already).
  5. Thanks, now can you help me set the clock on my video tape player?
  6. Can we get an eyeroll emoji?
  7. Cripe sakes, I take a weekend road trip up to WNY to visit my 81y.o. mom for the first time since Covid hit, and PPP turns into a snowmelt. This thread is a diva-fest, holy Moses. The PPP sub-forum can be really excellent at times, but those times have unfortunately diminished to too few. It’s a shame. Buncha marshmallows. And with that said, I’ll continue to come around here and hope that the discourse improves. There’s too much baiting and too many people take the bait.
  8. Don't need to go to war with them. Just need to wait them out. They've got a billion more citizens than us. These are people that need to be fed and employed with not enough of their own resources to accomplish it. They're not making any friends who matter. They're going to get squeezed by their own bad decisions soon enough.
  9. Not good when "deep state" and "#resist" cross over. There's a bad look and smell that comes off that combo. Like when whistleblowers and their "coup has begin" lawyers conspire with House Committee Chairmen.
  10. It is also easier for party bosses to keep the ball rolling with incumbents than to fluff up new blood. Incumbency is a big problem and has been for years. Another thing to look at is to get rid of plum committe chair appointments just because of seniority. Government should shrink down to a nub, though that’s a pipe dream. I am torn on, but leaning more toward more multi-party participation to decentralize power, too.
  11. But Antifa is just an”idea”. An idea that a lot of people share and then they get together the express their “idea” by taking over parts of cities, burning property and nearly sacking a federal courthouse. When is an “idea” a “movement” with acts performed by a “group”?
  12. I call Trump “Schwartzenegger’s nanny”.
  13. In ‘16 he had to do that because he was an outsider. Last night he gave away the fact that he’s the incumbent President. He gave away talking up his achievements and dumping on Biden’s notion of how his administration will look. Trump did some of that, but not nearly enough.
  14. He should speak to his plans. You disagree?
  15. I edited my post while you were typing. But in any event, voters are supposed to buy the Pelosi-esque “we have to elect him so we know what he will do” tactic? That’s b.s. Presidents shouldn’t hide.
  16. Not this year (though we got zero info last night). Biden isn’t giving access or information. Even Wallace has lamented the fact that Biden doesn’t do the interviews which are common for candidates. He rarely takes questions from the press. And when you’re a candidate who starts off as a self-proclaimed “moderate”, then buddies up with Sanders people are going to want to know exactly what you stand for. Biden said he’s the party now but he didn’t say what his policies actually are.
  17. They should lower the cone of silence over each of these guys while the other one is talking.
  18. Cool. I didn't say that at all. I'm not sure what you read. Is English not your first language? Do you put these posts through some language interpreter?
  19. Thread title of the year. Gotta admit, Clinton made some tasty chicken salad out of chicken s**t. It was a pretty quick pivot from losing DNC emails to tying it to Trump.
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