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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Thanks. From your link (this differs how?): A decisive public health response that ensures the wide availability of free testing; the elimination of all cost barriers to preventive care and treatment for COVID-19; the development of a vaccine; and the full deployment and operation of necessary supplies, personnel, and facilities. A decisive economic response that starts with emergency paid leave for all those affected by the outbreak and gives all necessary help to workers, families, and small businesses that are hit hard by this crisis. Make no mistake: this will require an immediate set of ambitious and progressive economic measures, and further decisive action to address the larger macro-economic shock from this outbreak. Biden believes we must spend whatever it takes, without delay, to meet public health needs and deal with the mounting economic consequences. The federal government must act swiftly and aggressively to help protect and support our families, small businesses, first responders and caregivers essential to help us face this challenge, those who are most vulnerable to health and economic impacts, and our broader communities – not to blame others or bail out corporations.
  2. I'd like to know what he WILL do. So far, all I've heard was Biden say that he can't mandate mask wearing, but he can tell governors to tell people to wear masks.
  3. I get your point but your example is awful -- whether I agree with your point at all. Jim Crow repressions were codified and implemented by more government intervention, not less. To me, more government intervention is going to step on someone's toes. Your example points that out nicely. Freedom is freedom, and you don't really have to agree with the freedom being sought.
  4. We are about to finally leave Afghanistan. I doubt Biden will make the troops stay there.
  5. I don't want to count chickens before they hatch, but what policies and programs do you think President Biden will keep that Trump started in his 4 years?
  6. Hey look at that, you and the Trump Justice Department have common ground. This is your chance to build on it. Something tells me you won't/can't. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-monopolist-google-violating-antitrust-laws
  7. Did the FBI issue a subpoena for your laptop, like the Hunter Biden laptop? You know, a subpoena for a criminal investigation. That kind.
  8. Honestly, I don't know. Perhaps some people would be swayed to either vote or not vote because of what they perceive to be a foregone conclusion based upon polling numbers. JMO.
  9. I’m not a QAnon guy, but I thought QAnon was an idea. Or am I getting that mixed up?
  10. There’s a hopeful thought! Do they take polls in States where voting has already begun? Seems like there’s something wrong about that.
  11. Where’s his quote? What was the forum? The audience?
  12. I have half a mind to run with this shaky story for 4 whole years, no matter what the special investigator that Biden appoints tells me.
  13. If the 3rd parties who reported had realized that the activity cut both ways (antagonizing/reacting/never letting anything “go”) then either they should have honestly reported or they could have PMd the involved parties.
  14. The CIA info was important as an exoneration of Page’s status. When a fisa warrant is made out, they must include information that may exonerate the need for the warrant. That’s part of the process. Changing “was” to “wasn’t” is the opposite of exculpatory. The DOJ was trying to convince the Court that Page’s warrant was necessary because he was alleged to have been working against the interests of the US government. They eavesdropped on his communications for 9 months and when it looked like he was clean, they lied to the Court to keep the bogus warrant alive. As for Clinesmith, I don’t think he was acting as a rogue.
  15. I disagree with your premise. There are people posting from all different perspectives. The difference between how they're treated is how they approach a dialogue. I admit that there are some flamethrowers, but the flames die down quickly if they're not fed. Simple -- act like an adult. If someone annoys you, ignore them by either ignoring their posts, or putting them on "ignore".
  16. I think you just need to revisit the reasons why you allowed PPP to exist in the first place. I’d bet those reasons still hold true. I’d also wager that the extra free time resulting from working at home and the lack of a regular sports calendar has contributed to a lot more activity on PPP (in addition to this being a Presidential election year).
  17. Clinesmith was a small part of the larger picture. Comey and the FBI knew that the only driving force (the Steele dossier) behind their investigation was a load of junk well before Trump was elected — perhaps even before Crossfire Hurricane was opened. Even so, they kept the investigation open after Trump was installed, they leaked false info to the press about the dead end results, and Mueller’s team kept it going well beyond that. Even so, you’re okay with a DOJ attorney falsifying info to obtain/continue a warrant that was based on completely unverified information from a political hit-job dossier? That’s what Clinesmith did. The FBI can’t dislike an object of an investigation to go on a fishing expedition for crimes they hope to someday find. They’re supposed to investigate matters that actually happened and find the wrongdoers. If they come up with nothing, then the investigation ends. One way is biased, no matter who the subject is. The other way is acceptable. Come on, man!
  18. In the immortal words of a former dear colleague of mine: “we live in hope and die in despair”. No, he was not a Bills fan. Brooklyn Dodgers.
  19. I get that. I also think this boil will lance itself once the election is over.
  20. Right, but only the “owner” of the club is a true mod. I was elaborating on my point with @SDS that making PPP into a club won’t fix the issues that apparently exist now.
  21. See, to me this is important. If someone can act civil on the mail board or anywhere else on the site, but they turn into a hater or a troll here in PPP, then it isn’t this sub forum that’s set up wrong, it is the user.
  22. Many are not, as you've become aware. It is for people to sift through that on their own, or be mature enough to stop jumping into the muck. There IS discussion. There used to be much more of it. You're the boss, but I think I'd wait until after the election is finalized. This sub-forum may self-correct.
  23. I see. Then there would be as many clubs are there are PPP topics in order for moderation to really work.
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