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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Thanks for posting that link. So I didn’t hear “good”. You can stick to your ears but (a) the moderator said she’s got to move on (b) There was a quick exchange (c) Biden made his point about the kids (d) Trump turned his attention to the moderator — not to Joe — and said “go ahead”, as in let’s get on with what you were waiting for.
  2. I missed “good”. And nobody ever accused him of being able to communicate coherently.
  3. All I can think is that a kid can’t find his parent in a foreign country. On the other hand, a parent with the most base sense of responsibility can more easily locate their kid in US custody. There are plenty of immigrant outreach groups and religious organizations that can and do assist legal and illegal immigrants. There’s also something strange to me about the fact that some kids and parents get separated while others don’t. Wouldn’t that mean there’s some question about whether these are actual families? I just don’t know. And when thousands of people flood the border in caravans, that certainly has the result of overwhelming the system. This isn’t black and white at all.
  4. Honestly, where are the parents? Theyre adults. They know where their kids are. I dont know why the parents and kids were separated, but obviously not ALL kids were separated from their parents, so perhaps there were reasons in these cases. I honestly don’t know. I don’t think you know, either.
  5. He said they’re working on it. Granted he didn’t give detail. Im saying that it would be a helluva lot easier if parents came forward — even if they came forward through an intermediary. Don’t you agree with that? Could it be that these kids didn’t come with parents?
  6. Would you go look for your kid? Why can’t the government find the parents? Honest questions.
  7. This is how he should have acted in the first debate.
  8. So back to Afghanistan? No more tariffs? Tax cuts repealed across the board?
  9. I’ve asked this general question before. Maybe you can answer it. If Trump is such an incompetent idiot why do you want him in charge of Covid? He’s not a doctor, he’s not a scientist. He bloviates and you think that the people in charge of Covid response do what he says? What policies will Biden keep that are from Trump’s administration?
  10. Ummmm, people are dying at a lower rate. That’s better, right?
  11. I’ve been over this ground already (and I’ve never been called an idiot by you yet 🤓 so shaddapp). Odd how the two states that do it my way are underweight. The two senate seats will still help the underweight states in my world. Those two go to the statewide winner.
  12. No, I was being snarky. But I do think the EC could be modified to be like Maine and Nebraska. Votes in NY and CA and TX would mean more.
  13. Yet it’s got 2 Senators, like NY. They should abolish the Senate.
  14. I’m saying that 47 years in Washington doesn’t make him qualified. It just means he’s been in D.C. for a helluva long time, and if he were actually qualified, any number of his prior attempts to become President would have succeeded before 2020. He was thoroughly and repeatedly rejected by his own party when he ran for President. Even this time around, his enthusiasm polling numbers are super low. The only reason he’s got a chance this year is Trump.
  15. I didn’t vote for Trump. I’m also on record on this very board saying that I don’t plan to vote for Trump this year either. Dont make assumptions.
  16. Wait, there are sanctions on Russia? Why would Putin want that? What about enforcing NATO member countries commitments to pay their pledged percentages of their GDP? We can foot that whole NATO bill again, right? Those countries hate us for making them keep their word. Need to get back into their good graces again.
  17. Delaware has a total population in 2019 of 973,764. There are 632,000 registered voters. 300,000 are registered Democrats (47.46%) 181,700 are registered Republican (28.75%) I mean, pretty much any monkey with a "D" in front of its name could be Senator from Delaware. And as for Delaware being representative of any meaningful part of the rest of the country, I don't think so. Biden was the water-carrier for the party in the Senate for decades. Doesn't make him qualified to be President.
  18. Yeah, I made a point about this a while ago. If the candidate won't commit to discussing key agenda policies until after the election, telling reporters that people don't deserve to know his position (i.e., court packing) then how does he have a mandate to govern? I was told to go look at his party platform. You know, the one that says he's for the green new deal, until the debate when he said he wasn't for the green new deal. Fracking...not fracking; hey, whatever -- not Trump, amirite!!
  19. NPR says Biden wants more testing and more spending. I haven't heard of anyone with symptoms who hasn't had the opportunity to be tested? What does more testing mean? Sounds no different than Trump, though the NPR article doesn't really mention that testing is going on now. NPR says that Biden wants more PPE. Are there shortages now? I don't think so. Sounds no different than Trump, though you wouldn't know it from the article. NPR says that Biden wants a vaccine. That's being worked on and it doesn't matter what the Federal Government does. NPR does say that Trump wants a vaccine, too, so no difference there. NPR says that Biden wants to study why minorities have been disproportionately affected. Okay. That's one thing -- I think. I don't really know about whether this is already being done or not..
  20. (A) Testing is available widely. (B) And yet, everyone's got PPE, after scrambling at the outset because both the prior administration and the current administration didn't have stockpiles and China bought up everything early on. (D) Have you not seen the TRILLIONS spent to buttress the economy and the TRILLION+ coming? You still haven't answered the question...what will Biden do that's different?
  21. I don't need to. His plan has been what he's done since this thing started. It wasn't good at first and it got better as it went along. This virus IS novel. I wouldn't have expected any politico to have gotten everything right at the outset. What part of his actions (OTHER than being a blowhard who says stupid things -- we all know about that) needs improvement? Looks like Biden is proposing to: (a) provide testing (b) make sure people have PPP (c) help find a vaccine (d) make economic plans to help struggling individuals and economies Sounds pretty much like what Trump has done.
  22. You didn't read that, did you? How does it differ with regard to COVID? Half of that is combating "future" global pandemics. Much of it is platitudes and slamming Trump's personality. I'm asking about policies.
  23. So no more economic enterprise zones? Keep troops in Afghanistan? No more tariffs on China? -- that's historically a Democrat plan. Back to NAFTA?
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