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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Thank God it isn't a knave planet! Don't want the solar system sullied like that.
  2. Picking out furniture for your dacha, I see. Don't count your Orloffs before they hatch. You did that 4 years ago. Look how that turned out.
  3. If the will of the majority isn't supported by laws, then the will of the majority can get stuffed. Keep the gualg gruel clean. That's all I ask.
  4. Sooooo be like Trump? I realize that forgiven debt is considered income, if it is reported as such. Many mortgage lenders chose not to do so during the 2008/2009 recession. Bro, that's where the Authoritarian regime kicks into high gear!
  5. You make it dischargeable in bankruptcy. Otherwise, people will give in to the moral dilemma of defaulting on purpose just to get forgiveness or a modification they might not otherwise deserve. People did that in 2008/09 with their mortgages.
  6. The defendants/sellers filed a motion to dismiss the case. Looks like they canceled the contract within the 3 business days. I’m not sure if this link will work: https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/DocumentList?docketId=g/iLhEW89j4FlWR75Ca3ag==&display=all&courtType=Erie County Supreme Court&resultsPageNum=1
  7. I don’t disagree with a lot of this. The whole system is a mess. I still don’t think that student debt should be forgiven.
  8. You said it best: Tre should just walk away from this. There are other houses out there to buy. I’d wager that’s exactly the plaintiff’s motivation. The plaintiff has no attorney fees to pay.
  9. It says a lot that they didn’t attach the contract to the complaint. Not only that, they didn’t file a motion for an injunction, just the complaint. This is a pressure move by buyer #1.
  10. 1. I believe that the US Student Debt is held by private institutions and may be subsidized by the Federal Government. If so, foregoing that debt is not solely the Federal Government's decision to make. And doing so would cripple a Trillion Dollar industry. Not only that, what about the students who paid their debt. Do we just tell them "sorry suckers"? What about fannie and freddy mortgages? Those are oppressive, too. Why stop at student debt? Why not, instead, focus on the institutions and the fact that tuition and room and board have risen astronomically. Who looks at the books of the private institutions that are supposed to be "non-profit", yet have incredible unspent endowments. 2. A quick search shows that 56% of US workers have a retirement plan. I'd say that a significant number of the remaining 44% are invested in the market in some other way, like SEPP's etc. The market being a fatcat-only playground is a fallacy. Perhaps the rich make more money, but that's because they have more money to invest. You can't downplay the effect of the market on the general, non-rich population. 3. You said "red hot" economy. You said Trump instituted his tax cut and deregulation plan during a red hot economy. I just went back and looked at your post. Like I said earlier, the tax cuts and sugar boost allowed Trump to institute his tariffs (also a source of tax revenue paid for by US citizens). There's more to it than just cut taxes and make people happy. Even so, it didn't hurt the GDP. It added $250Billion in deficit (which nobody likes), but it also brought corporations back to the US and likely increased the job base. 4. Infrastructure was most certainly on Trump's agenda with Congress. He and Congress rolled out a $2trillion plan. It didn't go anywhere, but you can't say it was never on the agenda.
  11. Dude, stop. You wouldn't like the job he does. You're better off that he's watching soap operas all day in the Oval Office.
  12. If he's done nothing, then why do you complain so much?
  13. Are you confusing wages with "take home pay"? The tax cuts were sold to give the average American $x more in take home pay. That means lower taxes result in more paycheck. That's not wages. And your INCOME and Jeff Bezos' INCOME averaged is not $80 billion. If you made nothing, his annual income isn't $160 Billion. I just looked and his base salary is $81,000 or so. So, back to your original point, more evidence that Trump's tax cuts and deregulation are just as good, if not better, than Obama's "red hot" economy. And my 401K, and probably yours, and probably everybody's pension, etc. Higher stock prices help more working stiffs' retirements than you give any credit for. I agree about infrastructure spending. That was the plan before 2020 hit, with all the distractions and other massive spending which derailed the plan. Infrastructure spending is probably one of the only "common ground" issues left. As for student debt forgiveness, that's a big problem for any business who holds the notes and the securities that back those notes. Wanna see 2008 repeat itself? On top of that, mandating student debt forgiveness is government taking, pure and simple, and it can't be justified so that it would withstand legal challenges.
  14. I’m certainly no economic expert. I just want to point out that you say Trump took over a red hot economy from Obama, and you called his tax cuts and deregulation a failure. But then you compare the GDP’s of the two and they are the same. So Obama’s economy was not red hot, or Trump’s actions were not failures. I’d add (without checking) that wages grew under Trump, and pre-Covid unemployment was very low. Those two factors must do something to add to tax revenue lost when taxes were cut, no? Also, I think the tariffs had a lot to do with putting the brakes on Trump’s economy. To me, it appears that he may have thought that the drag on GDP that the tariffs cause are worth the price to pay in the long run. Then again, I’m just speculating — I could easily be wrong. Finally, I think the administration and Congress were gearing up for a stimulus bill and then impeachment, then Covid, then the election pushed that aside. 2020 turns out to be the year that nothing got done.
  15. A lot of contracts are executed through the Broker, and the terms of the contract provide for a five day "attorney review" period, during which time the contract may be canceled. Perhaps that's the case here. Not so cut and dry if this is true.
  16. I hate when people bring him up in trade talks. To me, he’s a guy who makes his line mates better.
  17. He was impeached. He didn’t really dodge that. He’s on the verge of losing re-election. Not really dodging that, either. Sometimes, the political price is plenty. Let’s analogize him to a paper lunch bag full of vomit. Most other presidents are ziplock bags full of the same thing. It’s all vomit at the end of the day. One is more outwardly disgusting but still contained.
  18. Is it okay for the next president to be a champion of unfettered corruption? Trump corruption bad. Biden corruption acceptable?
  19. Come on. Half-truths are okay now? Maybe Biden shouldn't sell himself pure as driven snow before he outright lies and half-truths. As for fracking in particular, he called last to transition away from the oil industry.That's much more in line with banning fracking everywhere. As for kids in cages, Biden said his administration never did that. The lie was "cages" not separating kids from parents.
  20. You’re good with all Biden’s big lies last night, yes? super predator can keep your health plan fracking kid cages Does nobody do fact checking anymore?
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