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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Airlines should literally do away with overhead compartments and make everyone check everything that can't fit under the seat in front of you (coats, purses, backpacks).
  2. "After a 90-day forced march through Germany, he was liberated by British soldiers in May 1945" You got that right.
  3. Scientology recruiting tool.
  4. Parents -- bring your kids to the new Dairy Queen Fire Truck Playground.
  5. They don't want to tell her. She probably has spinach in her teeth, too.
  6. Pics or it didn't happen.
  7. Not if you want to stare at the chick's nipples at the end of the table.
  8. How is this different from Shea/Citifield and its proximity to LaGuardia - which I think is about half the distance that the proposed L.A. stadium will be from LAX?
  9. I Thrive When I'm Alone (And So Does Everyone Else)
  10. I'd be so pissed if I were a Cincy fan. 55 & 24 ruined their chances with utter stupidity.
  11. It is only because of who made the tackle on whom. They hate Burefict and love Ben.
  12. Dear diary, Off to see "The Revenant" on IMAX. St.D
  13. I think his beef is that Schefter comments that Marrone is a top 3-4 head coaching candidate. Other than sharing a connection to their agent, does Schefter report that any front office football decision maker is saying this? If not, then it is a fair criticism.
  14. Every team prefers two stud CB's, but I think Rex's scheme only requires one. At least, that's how it was in his early Jets coaching days. I'd wait and see how Darby does next year and make a decision on how much $$ to throw at Gilmore. That said, I love Gilmore and want to see him stay here at the right price.
  15. Or "my wife is dragging me down".
  16. ...playing the Mularkey card... No.
  17. Not only that, did you notice how wide open Marshall was on Fitz's second pick?
  18. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://buffalosportshallfame.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/rick_azar-150x150.jpg&imgrefurl=http://buffalosportshallfame.com/member/rick-azar/&h=150&w=150&tbnid=y6QSo2xPfrrK8M:&docid=osoBPRlqUn_p4M&hl=en&ei=5i6LVtP7PIOwmQH0pLSYCg&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0ahUKEwjThrGj1JHKAhUDWCYKHXQSDaMQMwgoKAwwDA
  19. One more year of Manny so his eventual replacement (whoever that may be) can see what it takes to play in Rex's system. By the end of the season it appeared as though he was one of the only guys who got it well enough to be consistently effective. Rex likes to hold on to these type of guys even if it means that the mental aspect plays a greater part than the physical aspect.
  20. The answer was no in October and it is still no.
  21. What a waste of beer. They should have knocked him to the ground and kicked the flames out. They should demote him to Jet fan status.
  22. Gillislee should get a lot of credit for being asked to run into that Jet defense all day. He was needed and he came through.
  23. Yep. Being in NYC I get to listen to all the moaning all off season. It will be a nice silver lining for the Bills disappointment.
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