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Everything posted by snafu

  1. You said it right -- love him or hate him. Trump drove almost every single vote. There was no Biden enthusiasm as much as there was Trump hate. There are a lot of "ain't black" citizens under the new Biden Administration. A lot of "ain't brown" Latino citizens, too. "This is not about President Trump. He will face the judgment of voters. But he shows the need to create a process for future presidents," Pelosi said. https://www.forbes.com/sites/elanagross/2020/10/09/pelosi-announces-bill-to-create-25th-amendment-commission-to-ok-a-presidents-capacity-to-serve/?sh=3474e63d7208
  2. Honestly, I don’t know. Im just waiting until the dust settles.
  3. It may not be that difficult. The Supreme Court put out one decision prior to the election. — Wisconsin wasn’t allowed to count ballots received after election day — They declined to hear the same issue for PA, but it is still an open case in front of SC. So so if the Court comes back and says that PA can’t count late ballots then that changes things. I’m not sure what the GA, NC, NV, AZ rules are regarding counting ballots received after Election Day. But the point is that Trump wouldn’t have to change votes.
  4. Maybe you’re right, but your position is not the widely held one. Biden himself called his sponsored laws mistakes. And his running mate slammed him over the head with the issue in the Democrat debates. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/kamala-harris-disputes-joe-biden-s-claims-about-1994-crime-n1006106 And if reporting is accurate, Biden didn’t get as much support from African Americans as prior Democrat Presidential candidates. The crime bill had some influence.
  5. Top 3: 1. Ruffles 2. Doritos 3. Cape Cod Potato Chips Honorable mention (because I can't find them anymore): --Jalapeno Fritos
  6. Biden lost by 655,000 votes. Maybe next time - except Trump won't be the candidate, so flipping the state will be that much more difficult.
  7. Unknown. It is very odd. Must be a demographic shift. Calis who moved out (for whatever reason)?
  8. I was on both maps last night. As of now, they both have about the same numbers because the numbers aren't moving much. ABC was definitely much more conservative in calling races than any other site I visited. I didn't spend one second on television last night, and I am glad for it. I read a book and I checked in to the returns online only.
  9. ABC Site took Arizona off "Biden". I hear you, when it is said and done, Wisconsin will stay blue, but this year can't compare to 2016, just based on logistics of early and mail-in votes. 20,000 is a lot to overcome.
  10. Who called it? I don't see it on AP. What's next? Biden President after some legal B.S. moves from Republicans.
  11. Those polls were off by quite a bit. Biden +11 in Wisconsin? He's leading by 20,000 votes and the state hasn't been called. Florida? Pennsylvania Biden +7? Were they rolling dice to get their numbers?
  12. Not me. Que Sera Sera, bro. I dislike Biden, but you won't catch me acting like you have for the past 4 years wtrt Trump (you know, the hate in your heart problem you have). If Biden wins, which looks likely, the world isn't going to end, it is just going to suck a lot more.
  13. G’nite. Jeebus, not that, please! Nobody needs days of uncertainty.
  14. It will keep CNN on the air. If Biden wins, I can see them going to a test pattern.
  15. @Kemp any answers here. Third time I’m asking.
  16. This makes me want to hate you.
  17. No matter what the outcome, this is worst case scenario. Maximum countrywide embarrassment from both sides. And that's the best we could hope for.
  18. I truthfully can't figure out or make any sort of clear prediction about the outcome of this election (and four years ago, I was wrong anyhow). And yet the reporting and all the polls seem to be going in Biden's favor, so I can perhaps see why you'd make such a definitive statement. If the unlikely result happens, and Trump actually wins, will Biden go quietly? Will people who voted for Biden accept the results? Will there be claims of a "stolen" election again? Kemp ^^^^ no responses? You'd rather sling s**t at others? Don't want to address any actual real questions?
  19. Unless Trump wins again (I give him 50/50). Then what?
  20. https://www.270towin.com/maps/oVj0E Trump 292 Biden 246 Really just a hunch. The way I see it, Trump may win even without carrying PA.
  21. Do you want the government to be funded by the widest range of citizens? It is an economics issue.
  22. No s**t. Just make sure they're paid on the books. And tax remittances, too.
  23. No prediction from me. I will be just as surprised either way.
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