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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Hmmmm. When you show up, he disappears!
  2. Yep. I just went back and read that thread. His idea was received about as well as could be expected.
  3. You're mistaking Ranger fans with Maple Leaf fans. Ranger fans are much more laid back, and the Ranger-based media inNYC is actually pretty forgiving.
  4. Building an army of pigmen, perhaps? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42zKhHgWb9s I heard about this recently: http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/05/18/478212837/in-search-for-cures-scientists-create-embryos-that-are-both-animal-and-human
  5. Are you spending too much time in PPP?
  6. Yeez -- they have to play on the field together at the same time in order to play effectively as a team. You can't treat them like individual pieces. And if you tell me that's what practice is for, then check out when most of the injuries have occurred so far this offseason.
  7. How many grabs would he be good for if our quarterbacks are throwing to him?
  8. Couldn't hurt. Play it like they were following the lead of the 32 year old guy who's been to the Olympics before. I think they're being charged with falsifying a report, not anything else that happened. Throw him under every bus in Rio.
  9. If I were advising them, I would tell them to say exactly that. Lochte is the only one who's not in the country -- blame him for everything.
  10. Can you guess which dumpster in this photo is on fire?
  11. Same laws of physics, only in baseball it is a factor and when flinging yourself over a finish line it isn't (until after you're over the line). In baseball, a player has to slide to get to first. Friction slows him down. That's why players are instructed to run through the bag. Also because a lot of times they jam their hands on the bag and get injured.
  12. It was sarcasm. You're overreacting. Did you expect things to go perfectly? Most of your list is completely irrelevant. Do you think the Bills are the only team with issues and setbacks?
  13. Yeah! So done with this team. Come back and get me after you sign up for the Jets Board.
  14. Obviously made a fortune in royalties from "Can't Stop the Music." http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080492/
  15. So the Bush supporters' bottom line is: if you can't beat Trump, join him in supporting Hillary?
  16. Not his properties presently, but I doubt the GE pension trust scouts out the project and procures it and starts the development of it. I know several people who do what Trump does, on a much smaller scale. They are the feet on the ground who find a development site and design it and get it started and completed. If at any point along the way, they syndicate it or find investors to join them then that's what they do. Some projects are completed and kept in the developer's portfolio. Some are sold off. Sometimes the developer likes the finished product and keeps a stake. And, yes, I know someone who puts his brand name on every project. He's built a track record and the name attracts new investors so he can keep the ball rolling.
  17. In an effort to get this thread back on track... http://www.inquisitr.com/3257463/mystery-8-5-mile-ufo-found-on-google-earth-in-pacific-ocean-off-mexico-pyramid-structure-could-also-be-a-secret-alien-base-ufo-hunter-says-video/
  18. When his hip started acting up I think he checked out. If I recall, Rex had to persuade him in November to not retire. My comment didn't have anything to do with locker room troubles.
  19. Thank goodness. So when that happens we can go back to burning all the trees and coal we can get our hands on again? Maybe we can go back to burning our trash too. Such a simpler life.
  20. It was a crappy pun.
  21. Duh, submarine!
  22. It only begins with cows. Then they'll get into your homes by moving on to dogs, then the next step is humans. It's just a matter of time! I'm probably in the top 1%. They're gonna go after me first.
  23. Holy crap, why did that make me laugh so much?
  24. If they've given the thing a nickname, wouldn't it then be an identified object? And what's with the thread title anyway? How would anyone know if the object can fly if it is on an ocean floor? It's been bothering me for 59 pages.
  25. We live in hope and die in despair.
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