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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Adolphus Washington strip sack, Jerry Hughes runs the fumble into the endonze, 23 yards. If your contest is limited to offensive touchdowns only, then Tyrod, 17 yard touchdown pass to Glass Goodwin.
  2. She should have put herself on the Tom Brady plan. Use a phone, smash a phone.
  3. That happened already starting in the first clinton administration. We all lived through it and haven't really recovered yet.
  4. Not only that, you have to replace the things every year because they only have a 1 year shelf life. Makes me wonder if that's legit, but who wants to take the chance? At the very least the company can offer a rebate for turning in expired epi-pens so they can recycle them. Might bring the cost down, too.
  5. All this seems pretty much true. The thing about it is that it won't affect Hillary's numbers. Either (1) it will get a "ho hum, we already knew this about her" response, or (2) it is too esoteric for most voters, or (3) it won't move her diehard supporters away from her. There are probably a dozen more reasons.
  6. Millenials suck... I'm going over to the pet peeves thread.
  7. Isn't this one of those issues that should have been fixed before Affordable Care got shoved down everyone's throats?
  8. "it is what it is" should almost always be followed by "but it's not what it should be".
  9. Strange, I've never heard that one. You get that often enough that it bothers you?
  10. I hate when people ask "you follow?" midway through a sentence. No, I don't follow because I'm a low moron. Could you please try to dumb it down as much as possible for me.
  11. Sorry in advance. I use just sayin'. Love it. I'm going to continue to use it. ...though I'm not liking "sorry in advance" so I'll stop using that one. I also just remembered that I hate "it's not fair". If you aren't ready to immediately articulate what's not fair any why, then don't bring it up.
  12. Good Lord! Looks like she took a moment to step out of her pottery class so she could yell at the party-goers next door to keep it down.
  13. Yep. I just went back and read that thread. His idea was received about as well as could be expected.
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