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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Do any of these people have Pneumonia? They've been flying around with Hillary on her plane.
  2. Back from whence it came.
  3. If I were Forrester, I'd be one bitter sonofabitch to this day. Back to Hillary -- I'd hate to have been that driver who kept her waiting at the curb. I'm sure he or she got an earful once they dumped her lifeless body into the back seat and piled in with her.
  4. Out of all her handlers and assistants and (I'm assuming) doctors who are looking after a 68 year old Presidential candidate around the clock, how is she allowed to become dehydrated? I could throw in an "I blame Whaley" but I'm serious. I don't let my kids get dehydrated, or anyone else I'm looking after, when they're healthy let alone AFTER they've been diagnosed with pneumonia.
  5. Hey Vlad, any tips on how I can get 82% of the vote and extend my term?
  6. Am I missing something here? Is this some mirror-image video?
  7. And according to the op Arizona should tank now because that's what good organizations do. They've got Seattle in their division. I'm not with you on this one - usually I agree with you. What are we tanking for? The #1 pick that we will trade for more picks? I'd rather see the Bills go out and play hard and disciplined football, and that starts with a decent gameplan from the coaches. That wasn't evident yesterday, I get it. Nobody figures that the Bills are going to win the division. Sights were mainly set at a wild card, and even then everything had to break right. Why wouldn't anyone be calling for a tank before the first game with those expectations?
  8. Are the ravens any good?
  9. I wasn't watching today. I listened to all of it on the radio. I'm not sure if I'm qualified to call this an overreaction but I'm gonna do it anyway.
  10. Meh, we've been in very deep holes before.
  11. Beat me to it. A win Thursday goes a long way.
  12. Yeah, the way our offense played, we should lose 3-0 on Thursday.
  13. All the Trump campaign needs to do from here on out is make sure that Hillary has to respond to something (anything) three or four times a week and force her appear in public as much as possible. Like rope-a-dope. She won't stand up to the strain if any of her health concerns are legit. And if she can stand up to it, she will expose herself as the worst campaigner ever to run (except for Trump).
  14. If I were the Uber and a Ravens fan, I would have taken my sweet time getting them there. Maybe a couple wrong turns.
  15. He came into office with a foreign policy of outreach and conciliation as a counterbalance to Bush's previous two terms. He got a peace prize for talking about it. Then all his BS went in a swirl down the toilet and every bad-acting foreign nation has run roughshod over him and our country. It will take years for someone else to unravel his mess. And it comes down to (A) continue his policies with his former Secretary of State, (B) a real estate guy, © someone who could no care less about foreign policy - except to open up the borders and make free trade agreements with everyone.
  16. No excuses for Johnson but the two corrections at the bottom of the article undermine the ridicule a slight bit.
  17. You're not really selling them with that name.
  18. Oatmeal raisin come closest to breaking the rule. If I were emperor of someplace, I'd make it a law.
  19. Sliced tomato is delicious. Just not in a sandwich. I'll give you another one: there should never be any raisins in baked goods. Never.
  20. I like tomatoes everywhere except when sliced and put in a sandwich. Can't explain it. Don't have to. Brussels sprouts are nasty, too. And capers should not be put into food dishes.
  21. Thai food. Just not my palate.
  22. Sure, arm them as long as you have a Just Cause at the end of it all.
  23. I was listening to a guy call a Carolina Panthers game last year on the radio. He was excellent. I have no idea what his name is. Local for me is Bob Papa. He's good and not too much of a homer. I don't think that's the play by play guy's job.
  24. Whether the defense can stop the run and make long 3rd-and situations. The secondary will hopefully do it's part. That, and whether this team can stop with the penalties -- they're killers on both sides of the ball.
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