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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Be nice if they get a third down stop earlier in the drive.
  2. Our Defense needs a 3 and out. Offense scored so fast.
  3. I was in the middle of typing how crappy Roman call pass plays. Not much to it, just let the real fast guy run down the sideline! Revis didn't have a chance.
  4. Were there a lot of bad jokes like: "is that a banana seat or are you just happy to see me"?
  5. I saw that one word, too, and I though it was pretty outrageous. It made me actually click on the link to see why CNN would editorialize like that. The beginning of the article says that it is an opinion piece and CNN doesn't express any views, etc.
  6. Thank you for posting this. All I want to see is a win. It could be ugly or beautifully executed. They can work on your list now or later or never. Just win Thursday and I will begin to have hope.
  7. Do any of these people have Pneumonia? They've been flying around with Hillary on her plane.
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