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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Never been there but I'm sure I've got a good sense of it here in NYC. Come meet our mayor, he's a helluva fellow. I'm not a big gov't, big tax guy. But (looking at it from that point of view) if there's a choice between having the city be a business partner vs. taxing a business, it is better just to tax. Municipalities aren't good at running a business. They are good at taxing businesses.
  2. I tend to agree but it probably would get out of hand in a bad way. And you can't say that one kind of taunting is acceptable but another is offensive. That's why they have the rule. It takes out objectivity. It isn't like baseball -- where the players kind of police themselves, or hockey -- where fighting is built into the sport.
  3. I agree. I also think the City should tax the industry if they want a share of the revenue, and it benefits them, too. If their only involvement is tax revenue, then they don't have to incur any liability of the individual businesses. Oakland shouldn't try to re-invent a wheel that already rolls just fine.
  4. Is this different than taxing the hell out of it, like with gasoline and tobacco?
  5. Mike Williams got fined for wearing red socks. There's a lot stupid about who gets fined for what. Maybe the league will start fining coaches for kicking off to to one yard line to avoid touchbacks to the 25. Just as stupid, but at least that's justifiable for player safety than fining for socks and taunting.
  6. She's a big drinker and didn't take out the "not drinking car" very often. Kept it in the garage most of the time.
  7. As a deterrent from taunting the next time.
  8. Maybe I get around that by making a SNAFU Charitable Fund and running all of my income and expenses through there? In fact, you can contribute, too. I'll take care of you. I've got influence.
  9. "Of course I was driving, officer. I was too drunk to walk."
  10. Maybe some day. Probably not tonight.
  11. You also need coaches who can make sure that their players execute the plays better, whether they are simple plays or complex plays. Could be the most basic sandlot play ever but if the players don't block or throw or catch then that's a problem.
  12. I just want to get this straight -- not being from Syracuse. What you're saying is that if I were smart like a Syracuse resident then I would be a fair weather fan? And if I want to be smart like a Syracuse resident, then I should also be a fair weather fan?
  13. Thread merge: --update: clownfish found on ocean floor... https://www.animalmascots.com/show_image.php?im=/img/01/f0095.jpg&size=300
  14. When people sight clowns, the clown debunkers come out. It's inevitable. The truth is out there.
  15. Yes. You should know that two soul-sucking games into the season.
  16. He's doing the ole rope-a-dope. Throw a lazy punch, curl up into a ball, make her respond, tire her out. And this on top of regular news cycle events that she needs to deal with. She doesn't seem likely to make it. You're going to see a spring pop out of her neck and steam coming from her ears.
  17. Makes me wonder: (1) was Roman slow getting play in when he was at SF? (2) how long has the Anthony Lynn thing been brewing and has he been able to prep himself to take over?
  18. Tyrod hasn't shown any in-game consistency. He plays pretty crappy for long periods and then has a series or two where he plays well or hits a long pass. He's been like that for 18 games. Hasn't improved (yet) and hasn't regressed (yet).
  19. I'm not going to Rodak / Sammy video. I'll take your word on what was said. Thanks for taking the bullet. I doubt it will continue to get worse.
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