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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Listening to the radio broadcast, smoking a cigar, drinking Brooklyn Lager, cleaning out the garage.
  2. 21 - Bills 18 - them Media starts taking Bills seriously. Bills lose next three games.
  3. Didn't Chuck Schumer write and sponsor that law? Chuck Schumer.
  4. Best: Allman Bros. at Chautauqua amphitheater in 1989. Hands down the best. We were right up front for the whole show. Just walked up to the front and stayed there. What a night. Honorable mention: Sun Ra and his Arkestra at the Tralf. Went there not knowing what to expect on the word of a buddy. Dude was right. That show was good. Worst: Dinosaur Jr. -- I don't even remember where it was. I think it was also in 1989. In fact, I almost forgot that I saw them. Now I'm sad I remembered.
  5. Hey man...he's got a peace prize. Don't forget his peace prize.
  6. For either candidate's presidency, I wish it becomes a four year civics lesson on the USE of checks and balances, including curtailing the over reliance on Executive Orders. It won't happen, but it needs to.
  7. I'm not privy to that info. However, a quick search shows that you should incinerate Ebola contaminated materials at 850 Celsius. Another quick search shows that jet fuel burns at about 1050 Celsius. The chimera virus might be more robust - so maybe there's something to it. 9/11 happened on a Tuesday and I think that's the day of the week that they normally have the chimera contrails scheduled.
  8. Boy, she went out on a limb there. She might have lost the massive "private prison owner's lobby" with that statement. How courageous.
  9. Hillary Clinton has skated all this way on her shady acts and good timing. It is her history since she wasn't indicted because she happened to be first lady at the time. Trump left a lot of openings untested. He couldn't keep his mouth shut with "that's business" and "wroooong". He was obviously the amateur up there.
  10. She said that she wanted to fund her agenda by taxing the richest people and corporations. Then when she tried blasting Trump on his trickle down plan, she said -- I just don't support top-down economics. What she didn't say was -- unless it is taken from the top and handed down.
  11. Could be a play by Samuel Beckett.
  12. No. Does it smell anything like super elastic bubble plastic?
  13. I don't think aerosolized alien-human chimera virus would have anything to do with the burn temperatures.
  14. Who else would know about this other than Jobu? I'm with Jobu in these matters.
  15. Miller and Mills. They ran a lot to the right side and it worked well because of those two.
  16. Haven't seen the game yet. Did we play our safeties this week?
  17. Stephanopoulos pushes back. Debate moderators are supposed to let the candidates debate each other. Mook's response is that Donald Trump is "special," and "this is a special circumstance, a special debate," and Hillary won't be getting her fair share of the time if she has to use it to correct Donald Trump Ironically, the argument that Trump is "special" is really an argument that Hillary is special: The rules don't apply to her. That fits a template her people should want to take care not to confirm. Ha ha. Did Mook take his pacifier out of his mouth before he said all that?
  18. People won't get what Cuban has to do with the election. Everyone understands why Flowers would be there and whether there was a formal invitation or not by Trump won't be reported that way by the media. Just another way for the Clinton campaign to say that Trump is immature, hates women, and isn't cut out to be president. And, yes, I do think bringing Flowers into the picture is childish when all he has to is go to a debate and answer questions. He is best off letting Clinton shoot herself in the foot, but he can't do that. I'm sure it makes for a whole hell of a lot of extra work for his advisors.
  19. IMO this is the kind of childishness that keeps Clinton's lead secure. This particular move won't go well for Trump in the long run.
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