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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Well you can discuss that in the next go-round. http://consequenceofsound.net/2016/08/kanye-west-fully-intends-to-run-for-president-in-2020-im-going-to-try-to-do-it/
  2. It is in the box between the Rose Law Firm records and the Ark of the Covenant.
  3. Did I just read the last 16 posts right? Holy cripe, that sucks. I cant frikkin believe it!
  4. Ironic. I like to say "great minds think like me".
  5. Finally you say something I can agree with.
  6. I disagree with a lot of this. --It is my opinion that Trump isn't a fascist, he's an extreme narcissist blowhard with a microphone. It isn't a "fact" that he is a fascist. --It is my opinion that Trump isn't a nativist, rather he is inarfully saying that he wants to put the interests of US citizens first. It isn't a "fact" that he's a nativist. --Trump may be a nationalist. That's kind of important for a US President. --The truth is, you don't know what Trump will do. You do know what Hillary will do. --You obviously have a different view than I do of what "conservatism" is. --It is my opinion that Hillary Clinton will solidify her socialist dreams in one term, or maybe two. Electing her will put a foot on the accelerator toward socialism. It will also lead us to a boots-on-the ground war in the middle east. --You'd rather elect Hillary with the knowledge that our populace will ride out a completely failed health care system and more terrorist attacks, and another deep recession over stopping her now and have the government try to instill conservatism (your definition or mine) four years earlier? That's your plan? I think we can agree that the choice between candidates is repugnant. We don't seem to agree on much else.
  7. Normally, you'd be right, but Trump hasn't ever been the face of the Republican Party, and they still hate him and won't work with him. The campaign four years from now will be that Trump was a one-off political freak of nature. As far as bi-partisan opposition, the Republicans will probably ask for Dems to walk back their progressive/liberal agenda in order to get bi-partisan support against Trump. That's a win in my book. And I get it, that means the Republicans can try to have it both ways, and if they were smart then this is the way they play things. And, to me, "conservatism" means having the idiots in Washington re-read and memorize the Constitution and live by it.
  8. Why is it okay that the present administration can blatantly manipulate an investigation to get Hillary out of hot water? Why is it okay for her bimbodicker husband to meet privately with the AG? Why is it appalling that Trump would "politicize" the DOJ and investigate Hillary if he becomes President? WTF.
  9. I think YPA is important, and I'm not talking about boosting the average up by throwing four or five bombs per game. Intermediate throws gives the running game more room. With the way the offense is presently run, that's key.
  10. Overrated is the only thing I would argue with there. This is the "all you can eat" part of the schedule where the Bills need to belly up to the bar, and they're doing that. Keep winning against everyone and the Bills can't be considered overrated.
  11. One reason to vote for Trump. Checks and balances back in line. ...looking for a silver lining.
  12. This is where I've been for awhile now. The only fear with Trump is that since the cat's been out of the bag for awhile now he might continue to abuse Executive Orders as a tool (I just presume that Hillary will do it). No. In fact it may be the only thing that pushes Congress to actually act like adults.
  13. Or just get on the field extra early and occupy all of it. Let them warm up on their sideline.
  14. This begs the question: how would anyone be able to identify whether mighty taco refried beans made them sick? I mean, they may have been serving contaminated beans for thirty straight years based on normal bodily reactions.
  15. I'm not sure how under-manned NE defense was, but in general this seems fair.
  16. All I can say is too bad they're not mimes. Mimes would all be dead by now and this stupidity would be over.
  17. Don't forget about being born in the US. That can sometimes become an issue.
  18. If they go 5-2 then they will have won 5 in a row going into the rematch with the *pats. I would be great, but 5 in a row is tough for any team to accomplish.
  19. Well, once it became clear that he takes more votes from Hillary than Trump, this was inevitable. Too bad none of her opponents can clearly articulate this and everything else in her sad record of public service in pursuing their respective campaigns. Too bad the media is bought and sold. Too bad we are citizens at this time in our great country's history. Effin sad.
  20. I'd avoid the Holiday Inn Express in Maspeth. There's nothing there. No subways, and the owner has recently been heavily protested for trying to turn it ino a homeless shelter: http://pix11.com/2016/09/09/plans-for-holiday-inn-homeless-shelter-in-maspeth-queens-scrapped/ I stayed at the Skyline Hotel in Hells Kitchen last February. Nothing too fancy, rooftop pool. Clean. 10th Avenue and 49th, so we walked to a show on Broadway. Rates were reasonable. And they have parking.
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