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Everything posted by snafu

  1. I'll be the one to say it. They should have kept Ola and lined him up in the slot. They need size at receiver, and he could probably block downfield pretty well.
  2. No. Johnson + Stein + McMullan don't = dog crap. Dog crap gets the vote there.
  3. Assange cant afford the unlimited data package?
  4. I don't think so. Red Zone is an NFL product and you need to subscribe to it. I think it has been around long enough for the damage it does to the networks to be boiled into the numbers. Here is an article I found on it from 3 years ago. http://www.forbes.com/sites/tomvanriper/2013/09/09/is-red-zone-hurting-nfls-network-ratings/#3c9446b32f6e
  5. Agree. But also, if fewer people are playing then fewer people care about games that don't involve their particular team, no? If any of the lower viewership is due to reduced fantasy participation, then it is probably in the League's benefit to have the companies do well. Otherwise the next T.V. deals won't be as lucrative, etc., etc. .
  6. I wonder whether (or how much) this relates to the NFL's lower television ratings so far this season?
  7. I saw some of it replayed this morning. He began by telling jokes (which worked) and ended by just reading the words on the paper (which flopped).
  8. Yowza. Donald went slash and burn at The Alfred Smith dinner. It started off well but went sideways in an uncomfortable way. Edit: forget it. Hillary doubled down.
  9. So is that why they call it a blow hole?
  10. She's a commie. She's getting there like a fascist would do because she can't have an all out revolution but once she gets there it will be oligarchy/communism.
  11. My local diner can "bite back" at times, but not this time.
  12. It took 40 years of Cleveland Indians road trips to Toronto for someone to get worked up?
  13. Well, I'll be. That Hillary is a hypocrite! Unfortunately, none of this makes a bit of difference. As soon as the media went fully into the bag (whenever that was) it became an inexorable march toward an authoritarian communist system. I'm hoping to be dead by the time that completely cements itself.
  14. Wait, I'm confused. Hillary is the real p***y grabber in this election?
  15. I get the sense that Pittsburgh is a completely different team at home vs. on the road. They stunk in Philly and they stunk in Miami.
  16. Bennett is doing a good Aaron Hernandez impersonation (except for the murder and jail time), and Gronk is Gronk. The last time Brady had two good tight ends they were nearly unstoppable. That said, I think the Steelers can beat them and I like the Bills chances, too. If the *Pats come out of the next two games 2-0 or 1-1 then the AFC is toast.
  17. Maybe they should brink back Sam Rutigliano to work with Stockton.
  18. I'll take a passionless JAG who scores a touchdown in each game he plays.
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