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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Should just have one and make a everyone sit R-D-R-D... That should make for some lively conversation.
  2. Don't forget that they'll probably couple that with increased subsidies to dairy farmers to make up for the sharp drop in demand. Oh, and higher healthcare costs to deal with the effects of all those kids who have to switch to cheaper, sugar-filled juice and soda.
  3. Wow, 120 gallons seems like a lot of tank for what you're describing. I'm not sure about tankless. If you don't use a lot of water then just go get a 40 or 50 gallon new heater. You can probably go through 2 or 3 of those for the price of a tankless.
  4. So tax the crap out of one and give a break to the other?
  5. My idea was to have Apprentice: Cabinet. I'm not sure which network would have picked it up, though.
  6. You may not like Lou's NJ style, but he built and sustained winners. You can say that Marty Brodeur was a big part of that, but those Jersey teams only gave up about 15-20 shots per night. Lamoriello's style was so good that the League had to legalize two-line passes to deal with the trap. Fast forward to Toronto, and the rules changes favoring more open play, and Lou is building a competitive team in less than two years. How much of a Dinosaur is he?
  7. Could you imagine if Trump got a buzz cut tomorrow? The big "aha!" moment. There would be tanks in the streets to make sure he never makes it to Washington.
  8. The only thing I will add to your post is that I've always found Kane's shot to be weak -- like he's holding a cardboard stick. So if he's not going to go into the dirty areas and he takes shots from outside, his shot isn't good enough to consistently be effective. So if he's a distraction off the ice, and not really effective on the ice, then yes, if I were Lou Lamoriello, I would kick him to the curb. If that means take little in a trade, then so be it.
  9. Very very little to show for all those draft picks and that extra cap space.
  10. Actually, we both have good memories: 2002 http://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/01/nyregion/mayor-s-response-breaks-with-the-past.html 2011 http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704657104576142173272460648
  11. I think Kane would be in a short-term doghouse with Lou -- if Lou were here. There isn't enough talent to kick him to the curb. I'm getting more and more concerned that it is becoming clear that they may not be good enough to win with their best 2 players.
  12. I remember when Bloomberg did this when he first became mayor of NYC (I think he took his plane to Bermuda for a weekend or something like that). It was a big "how dare you" moment for the press. He told them to eff off. Then they got over it.
  13. No matter what neighborhood you're from, at a very minimum, you will be exposed to other races, religions and cultures down there. Up close and personal. Granted, it isn't a social mixer, but you can definitely see a lot of out of town people experience some level of something that they don't get at home. Do it every day and see if your tolerance level doesn't change (for the better or for the worse).
  14. Wasn't that the Times' role? http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/us/elections/to-our-readers-from-the-publisher-and-executive-editor.html?_r=0 Sultzburger can take his zero-credibility newspaper and roll it tightly and push it into his rear.
  15. I heard Bernie talking to a BBC reporter this morning. He said two really stupid things (probably figuring the BBC reporter doesn't know any better. (1) he reminded everyone that Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote (2) he wants to focus on changing the Democratic leadership. Someone should remind him that he's not a Democrat and remind him that they crapped all over him in the primaries.
  16. I literally mentioned this scene to a co-worker today.
  17. Works well in small settings. Not across an entire population -- that's a utopian myth. There's no way to deal with conflict or scarcity of resources in an anarchic society. Most any clash between "classes" of people (or gender, or ethnicity or races) comes down to someone trying to protect what they've got by excluding others from attaining it. Then the other group pipes up about being held back. That's human nature and anarchy isn't going to fix it. People can debate whether authority should be proactive or not, but there will never be any successful true anarchy.
  18. Get ready for the lawyer tv commercials asking to call an 800 number if you or someone you know were affected by the Bethlehem Steel fire.
  19. Anarchists want a lack of authority -- resulting in disorder. I didn't say anything about chaos. I find it ironic that there must be someone who tries to organize a bunch of anarchists into a group and then they go out as an organized group to sow disorder. And you don't need to be an anarchist to believe that people can voluntarily join or drop their participation in a group. That's not a special anarchist trait.
  20. Death comes when it will. I'm presuming that no elderly liberal Justice will retire now that their candidate lost. Voting on who may die in the next four or eight years isn't my bag. I have always been happy to be surprised when someone dies. But feel free to proceed. I can see how this is of interest.
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