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Everything posted by snafu

  1. They'd be announcing the blue light specials while we were eating ice cream, haha.
  2. Hey, I just popped in from Off The Wall (you know, the "stupid people's part" of TBD) because I heard you need a pun? I can't say that I know much about what providers charge for Internet service or how policy changes will affect my life in the future. I don't have a strong opinion about it one way or another, so I guess because of my ignorance you can say my opinion is "net neutral" until I find out more. #alwayshappytohelp #lookforwardtoyourassistanceonthismatter
  3. On a jalapeño theme, I miss jalapeño Fritos. I forgot about brights on the floor. That's when a good car was partly determined by the size and location of the ashtray.
  4. I just found a new nickname for my son. He's also in constant motion, even at equilibrium.
  5. To be fair to the writers of the article, they did say that it could be metatsable, so it might retain its properties when brought to less than extreme conditions.
  6. You stop them with the trap. You keep pumping them up, I'm staying on the TrapTrapTrappety Trap train. I hate regular season overtime. I've hated it since 99-00. Hate the shootout even more, and they made the overtime even worse with the 3 on 3. Because of the third point, more teams have incentive to play for the tie in regulation and then go to the gimmick for their second point. The NHL is the only sport that makes winning in the playoffs completely different than winning in the regular season. It annoys me to no end.
  7. This type of thing is exactly why people have Buffalo Bills Syndrome.
  8. They might be better off focusing on getting up to second place in the division. Only 4 teams to deal with.
  9. Exactly. That's my point. If you need to choose three then it must be Risto, McCabe and Bogosian. Plus seven forwards and one goalie.
  10. Have a monthly quiz, or random drawing raffle. The winner's choice of player goes on the banner.
  11. Good points and I wouldn't mind seeing it go that way, but my premise was to take the option of protecting 3 defenseman. In my scenario, the only other options to protect are Risto, McCabe and Gorges. $Kulikov + $Fransen = Shattenkirk
  12. I voted stay, but mainly until Listenbee can show what he's got.
  13. I don't believe their cheating has been the main factor, but which team haven't they owned over the past 15 years?
  14. 01/22/201701/22/17 * Pittsburgh SteelersPit New England PatriotsNE A Gillette Stadium (Foxborough, MA) L 36-17 66,829 10/23/201610/23/16 Pittsburgh SteelersPit New England PatriotsNE H Heinz Field (Pittsburgh, PA) L 27-16 66,009 09/10/201509/10/15 Pittsburgh SteelersPit New England PatriotsNE A Gillette Stadium (Foxborough, MA) L 28-21 66,829 11/03/201311/03/13 Pittsburgh SteelersPit New England PatriotsNE A Gillette Stadium (Foxborough, MA) L 55-31 68,756 10/30/201110/30/11 Pittsburgh SteelersPit New England PatriotsNE H Heinz Field (Pittsburgh, PA) W 25-17 64,424 11/14/201011/14/10 Pittsburgh SteelersPit New England PatriotsNE H Heinz Field (Pittsburgh, PA) L 39-26 64,359 11/30/200811/30/08 Pittsburgh SteelersPit New England PatriotsNE A Gillette Stadium (Foxborough, MA) W 33-10 68,756 12/09/200712/09/07 Pittsburgh SteelersPit New England PatriotsNE A Gillette Stadium (Foxborough, MA) L 34-13 68,756 09/25/200509/25/05 Pittsburgh SteelersPit New England PatriotsNE H Heinz Field (Pittsburgh, PA) L 23-20 64,868 01/23/200501/23/05 * Pittsburgh SteelersPit New England PatriotsNE H Heinz Field (Pittsburgh, PA) L 41-27 65,242 10/31/200410/31/04 Pittsburgh SteelersPit New England PatriotsNE H Heinz Field (Pittsburgh, PA) W 34-20 64,737 Here's the last 11 results between the Steelers and Pats. Average points against = 31.27. 3 wins 8 losses. I'll bet Tomlin has tried a lot of different things.
  15. Agree. It always strikes me as odd that most teams don't adjust their defensive scheme to fit their opponent.
  16. I won't. I like "run and stop the run". I appreciate that my team makes it more difficult on themselves to succeed because it makes the success that much sweeter.
  17. So it's NOT "run and stop the run?" My world is turned upside down.
  18. It is way too early to figure out who's going to be protected, but If I understand it right, it is 7 forwards plus 3 defensemen and 1 goalie OR 8 of any combination and 1 goalie. If it were today, and it were me making this decision, I'd go 7+3+1 and protect Risto, McCabe and Bogosian and pair Bogo with Guhle next year. Then focus on acquiring speed, size and skill on the frontline to upgrade what we've got now, and get a #5 and #6 defenseman who can eat as many minutes as possible (I think this is the way that the NYR and Toronto are presently built). That's one way that Kane can actually be retained for the future. Because it seems that the only way to succeed with 4 defensemen is by outscoring the other team and keeping the pressure on their blueliners. I also think this way the Sabres can use Kuliov/Gionta money on either a #3D or another forward. Moulson/Gorges $$ comes off the books the following year for more upgrades -- and in the next two drafts I think there's an extra second rounder and an extra 3rd rounder to help stock up on future help. There. All fixed.
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