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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Not really looking down the road, are they? Are they banking on having no other vacancies come up for three more years?
  2. Bro, as long as someone else is the hive.
  3. Yes, I do. It's like approaching a beehive with a stick.
  4. Don't be so self-important.
  5. Is that going into the next Bot version?
  6. Q2 rebuttal: That's incorrect gibberish, Tim. You need to focus. The Electoral College is for Presidential elections only, not for Congress, which controls spending and has their own system of representation. Presumably, if the House and Senate are populated with individuals who actually represent their constituency, what you argue as a reason to continue the EC is even more irrelevant. My point in bringing up the King -- aside from that being one of my favorite movie scenes -- was (a) that's what our founders were rebelling against, but (b) they didn't remove themselves from believing that the peasants couldn't think properly enough for themselves, and © slaves and women didn't count. Times change. I don't see buggys and powdered wigs up and down the street. Women vote and there's no more slavery. People are educated nationwide and they're not ignorant peasants who need some patriarchic overlords making their decisions for them. We aren't baby birds with our open beaks in the air, we're frikkin humans. If you want to keep the EC in place, then why don't you run an election where the EC isn't just a popular vote rubber stamp. I'll save that for the third quarter.
  7. Q1 -- rebuttal Nice definition. I didn't really read it too much because your avatar reminded me of the other side of "Enlightenment" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DZ-lhV1Ftk
  8. Is that the start of Quarter 1?
  9. Let me go check the thread and then trample you.
  10. It is difficult to get the perfect balance between logic and commonsense.
  11. The bigger issue is how the smoke and fire come to light. That's where the indictments should come from. You realize that Comey and Rogers were covering their asses at that hearing, right? Leaks come from one (or both) of their agencies. Unmasking US citizens and revealing their identities are failures on their part. They should be investigating their own underlings if they were interested in justice. Usually, it is the coverup, not the crime. In this case, it is the investigation, not the crime.
  12. You don't think there's been a thorough background check on Gorsuch? Honestly? You're going with Schumer on this one? As for your second "point" how much arm twisting did Obama do to get Garland appointed in those 322 days? Answer: none. He figured Hillary was a shoo-in and would take care of business after she was coronated.
  13. --Dirty Harry --Blazing Saddles --Goodfellas --Glengarry Glen Ross --Big Trouble in Little China ...and many more.
  14. Penguins come in rested, they're 7-2-1 in their last 10, and they won't mail it in like the Red Wings did last night. Sabres are coming home after a four game road trip, which usually sets up a lackluster performance. The only mitigating factor is that they have a lot of kids (with speculative talent) in the lineup. Good luck, I hope you win.
  15. Does she have to like guys, too? That could be tough.
  16. This is one of the few teams I've noticed that the Sabres have an overall losing record against.
  17. I might have some thoughts but why would you make me wait until after day 2 of the draft to tell you? That's a very short period of time within which to work.
  18. Nothing a good volcano can't fix.
  19. In a brilliant effort to reduce food consumption for the population all people will now be required to eat meals with this one large chopstick.
  20. Champagne is on my list of top five beverages.
  21. Technically, neither of you labeled their posts "3rd Quarter". So what is there to vote on?
  22. Chug Guinness? That's like speed eating.
  23. Tony Hunter's name always comes to my mind first when this subject comes up, but there are so many more even worse than him. Reuben Gant, Perry Tuttle, Maybin, Losman...holy crap.
  24. I don't think anyone should give ownership a pass, like the OP does. I like the summary, and it highlights my thought. -- Whaley and the scouting department have had a hard time keeping up with coaching and scheme changes. -- there have been three head coaches since the Pegulas took over. I'm making a presumption that there was more to the Marrone story than just saying he wanted to move to greener pastures. If so, then that's an ownership problem too. But in any event, their poor choice of Marrone's replacement is squarely on ownership. -- the fact that the team has talent is not so relevant because of the first two statements. There is currently a mishmosh of talent which doesn't fit any one scheme. This is directly related to the coaching turnover and the resulting scramble to change personnel to fit new schemes. I don't think anyone can say that the Pegulas aren't trying. I think it is safe to say that they haven't mastered when to be hands-off and when to get involved. Some owners never get it right. I hope that's not the case with the Bills.
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