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Everything posted by snafu

  1. What do you mean “wow what?” It is a big deal for the validity of Michigan’s results. Certifying is usually a rubber stamp move. Two people — the people who actually look at the ballots and voting rolls — refused to certify. Have you bothered to ask why besides assuming that this is partisan BS? It may be just that, but failing to certify is a big deal and the two officials may actually have a good reason as to why. Do you assume that the liars, the stupid ones, and the pure scum are only of one political party? The threat to democracy isn’t ONLY Trump’s actions, is it ALSO the simple minded dismissal of his claims out of hand. Have you wondered why all the irregularities seem to favor Biden? Whether there’s enough to overcome the result that has been reported is doubtful. But does it not make you wonder whether there’s some credibility behind Trump’s claims? The threat to democracy is the prevention of hearing his claims, the stoppage of an investigation of the claims. I dont really care care who ultimately prevails. I’m not going to protest in the streets. I just prefer to see whether the electoral machine is actually broken and needs to be repaired. Does that make me stupid or evil? The threat to democracy is just as much people like you who throw out binary choices when you denigrate those who aren’t in lockstep with your beliefs. It is a threat when the plan is to win at all costs (and perhaps that includes cheating) just because the President has a personality disorder. Looks like you have a “you problem”.
  2. Oh I was just clearing up your lesson on how our court system works. And I agree that Trump has got an extremely uphill climb.
  3. Funny. Actually, parties who are unsuccessful in lower courts appeal. Why would anyone who wins in a lower court appeal to a higher court.
  4. Thats not deep state bull####. Pelosi created a 25th Amendment task force a couple months ago. I mean, there’s been a lot of deep state bull####, but this isn’t it.
  5. Wait, you sought out and tried to follow an internet stranger to another site so you could mock him? Wow.
  6. What common ground is there, our intertwined economies? It is difficult to actually find common ground if the Chinese Communist government forces companies to give up ownership interests for the purpose of stealing intellectual property. This isn’t only a U.S. gripe, either. Many countries doing business with China have made similar complaints. It is also difficult to find common ground if Chinese technology is used to gather information to funnel to China to they can develop AI applications against their trading partners. What common ground is there, international treaties? It is difficult to actually find common ground if the Chinese Communist party breaks a treaty and lays claim to the South China Sea, upsetting all it’s neighbors in the region. How about when China bullies Australia for that countries’ raw goods and food? What about when China breaks sanctions by trading with NKorea and Iran? Ask Hong Kong people whether China keeps its international word. Ask India about the disputed land that China keeps pressing into. What common ground is there, human rights? Muslims in concentration camps. Tibetans forced off their land in the hundreds of thousands this year alone. We complain here about bias in the media, but the Chinese Communists have complete control over the media and internet. The only way in China to get news that isn’t filtered and approved is by owning a secret vpn. Political dissidents are imprisoned and their organs harvested. Maybe Henry Kissinger can make a list of common ground that we can start with, and hand it over to Joe.
  7. Okay. Honest question: What's your point? Is your point that the media is a capitalist enterprise? That's obvious. Is your point that people don't like the media? That's true, too. Doesn't matter left or right. Only 40% of the public "trusts" that the media are fair reporters. And in fact, the trend is to believe a liberal bias. Here are poll results from April, 2020. https://news.gallup.com/poll/1663/media-use-evaluation.aspx
  8. You’re probably right. Good thing we didn’t play 5 years ago. If you went as far back as 25 years, the **Patriots would’ve been at the top of the list.
  9. Jim Schwartz. Jaguars Falcons
  10. NyQuil It does what it says it will do.
  11. No bueno.
  12. Was he trying to read a teleprompter at normal adult speed? That's where he has trouble. He actually stumbles less when he's speaking on his own.
  13. Having trouble with your cognition?
  14. Yeah... What an improvement!
  15. What he said... What you hear...when you don't care to listen. So anyone you disagree with is lowered to inbred goober status, not worth listening to. Not a bigoted take at all. The tolerant left shows its true self again.
  16. Yeah, and look at how a thread on a social media platform has transformed into Trump bashing. Unless the original intent of this thread was a veiled slam at Trump.
  17. Agreed. Plus, people simply feel more comfortable being fed information that fits their worldview. The concept of self-challenging someone’s beliefs is gone.
  18. So laugh about it. That’s a nice look. Trump will be gone in 2 months. People are so obsessed with trump hating that there’s no coming back? Seems like a defeated take.
  19. Pure Russian speculation (where have we heard that before). Seems that people are drunk with stupidity at the news that Trump is on his way out. And yet nothing on the fact that a Google basically built China’s AI machine which has been and will be used against people around the world if the ChiComms get their way. I doubt Google was exempt from the Chinese rule that they own part of a foreign company and have access to their proprietary information. But hey, let’s slam Parler and its users because we like monopolies on information (FB, Twitter). Really, what are people so scared of, a different opinion? Give me a ***** break.
  20. Just further indication of the split in this country. There’s nearly no more crossing the divide. It’s like a damn Dr. Seuss book at this point. I’m not on Facebook, Twitter or Parler, by the way. Just getting that info out there before someone launches a misinformed insult.
  21. I see your Parler, and raise you a Google. Just sayin. https://www.theverge.com/2017/12/13/16771134/google-ai-lab-china-research-center https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/09/china-ai-surveillance/614197/
  22. Whatabout the president-elect. Don't criticize him, or question his doings you fief!
  23. Oh, I was thinking more like a do-nothing figurehead job to make her feel important. She can rub elbows with the global elite, like she likes to do, and -- extra bonus -- she can commute from her house.
  24. Might be 12 years of both. You never know.
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